Best game

best game.


CS:GO is one of those rare cares where i genuinely think the game is fucking terrible. Not mediocre or very flawed, it's actually just a bad game. Besides the disgusting gambling bullshit, i simply don't understand why people play it. It's genuinely a terrible shooter and i think people who enjoy it are fucking idiots

It has a lot of tension and excitement. One player left alive can wipe the other team, you can never relax.

>Aim at opponents head
>Bullet misses

$300-$500 pistols and a $1200 SMG outclass $2000-$3000 rifles.

Has a lower skill ceiling than CS:S even CZ is a better game.

Valve cucks the community with more cosmetic shit noone wants.

Cheating is rampant and Valve abuses it with timed VAC waves and sales.

Game is only alive because of cucks still falling for the skins meme.

It's certainly the best competitive game out there right now in terms of viewer/playerbase, but it's not nearly ideal.

Moba is a dogshit of a genre. I have never understood the appeal. Luckily there are a few games that try to combine the concept of mobas with FPS and they're pretty enjoyable (Paladins).

>$300-$500 pistols and a $1200 SMG outclass $2000-$3000 rifles.

>shoot gun
>boolet comes at a stupidly weird angle

what did they mean by this?

I really don't see any benefit to it over CS:S

matchmaking was a mistake

>whining about pistols being good
>praising cs: deagle edition

Why is it a terrible shooter, in your opinion?

Aren't you a special fucking snowflake with the taste of a true gayman enthusiast.

The CS esports scene has just broken records and taken a huge shit on any other competetive game with an esports scene.

I guess all the people investing money, time etc into the game are just tasteless cucks.

TL;DR kys


Shitpost: The postening


There are lots of shitty games I don't understand the appeal of (overwatch for example), the reason is simple. There are lots of shitty people in the world.

>Has a lower skill ceiling than CS:S even CZ is a better game.
Stopping reading there

*tips to respect my fellow athiest*

never understood the appeal. even css was better. csgo looks shit plays shit and is shit. people play bc gambling/addiction factor and bc losers think its their ticket out their parents basement. its not. 99.999% aint gonna amount to shit. 100% players retards

What's your point? The Deagle costed $650 in 1.6 and only had 7 shots and 35 reserve and you actually had to aim with it. If you missed the 1st shot you would most likely die or take heavy punishment.

CS:GO you just buy 57 or Tec9 that have stupid amounts of ammo, high accuracy when running and can 1 shot kill enemies with almost no aim required. Just spam m1 in their direction for kills. And with tagging being so shitty in GO you can't even slow them even if you hit them and they will continue spamming A+D while you need to be stationary with a rifle to be accurate. If tagging wasn't so fucking bad then pistols wouldn't be half as problematic as they are now.

I played csgo since beta when I got the invite and waited 4 years for pistols to be nerfed. 2016 they are still op as fuck and cheaters everywhere so I just started cheating till I got a VAC. I never got vacced and just got bored of the shit game.

As much as people like to shit on Overwatch and I agree it has questionable balancing (roadhog). At least it has a functioning game with a dev team that actually care about community feedback and give us regular vlog updates. All Valve do is milk this game to death with cosmetics.

gunplay is shit mate, slav squatting makes it even worse.

>game where you run around the same shitty maps shotting gunes at people

sure sounds like the best game to me

>Running around the same shitty maps

Isn't that every multiplayer FPS ever? Or just every game in general ever?


Pistols and smgs are NOT better than primary rifles. This is a mindset alot of lower skilled players have. A P250 might one shot right up close but an AK can do the same from any distance, 30 times.

Tell that to Astralis who abused the shit out of the UMP in the major.

kek he really thinks CSGO deagle is better than CS1.6. GO deagle is piece of inaccurate shit you can't burst 3 shots into enemies like in 1.6, you can only hope that rng will one shot someone and 99% the time it won't

>Crying about roadhog while there are Genji/Mei/Reinhardt/Dva still in a game


Its cheap around the holidays and just about any toaster can run it at least 720p 60 fps

Were it to go F2P it would probably become more popular than LoL

>It's popular so it's good
How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe that bullshit?
Stay mad valvecuck

Because i'm not a bronze player who still hasn't googled "How to counter x".

Roadhog as no counter apart from defence matrix in his face or a zarya bubble.

ranged heroes counter roadhog

Ranged heroes are useless because of Reinhardts shield blocking everything. If you try to get an off-angle on the shield you will just be sniped by Ana or hooked.

t. contrarian

So is there a good FPS on PC now? I haven't bought a multiplayer shooter since BF3.

t. conformity cuck

BF1 :^)

>In a competitive shooter

Fucking KYS

Bf1 is fun

pay to win cancer game, if you are not playing on 1440p 144hz 1ms rt+il, then you can't compete.

Enjoy spending atleast 2k euro/dollars to play that game competitive, gg no re.

>special fucken snowflake


This is the correct answer. Many people that play CS agree that the game in itself blows, but nothing else out there has the tension and excitement + skill based gameplay of CS barring something like Quake, and Quake's not played on teams. Many, many people would switch to an actually better designed game if it could reach the competitive proportions of Counter Strike.

M4 On wheels. The UMP is a god gun.

>lol look at me im a special snowflake


Posting the better game



Quake III CPMA or Reflex. The only good shooters.

Playing on a laptop with 60 fps. Am global elite. Your point?

Learn to read nigger.

t. gambling addict

I did, pay-to-win means buying something from the dev to specifically give you an advantage over other people.

System specs is something you control under your own volition.

Your entire argument is objectively wrong.

2 dead point n click games lol


i'm on a laptop in rank g, i barely get 60 fps lol

global means literally nothing

Yeah that's what sucks. You have to pick up games from IRC channels or Discord servers to play since you can't really go through server browsers. And if you do go through server browsers you'll probably just join a duel with some guy that's been playing since the 90's and get destroyed. I hope the new Quake will bring some life into the series, but I'm not optimistic.

>what is reaper/s76/genji/dva/reinhard/zarya

wow i'm impressed how dumb you are

>Because i'm not a bronze player who still hasn't googled "How to counter x".

yeah go fuck yourself too, unlike you i don't need to measure your e-penis with worthless ranks

> global means literally nothing
Yet your pug rating does? Lmao

>broken records
*On Twitch

I am pretty sure Worlds shits on CSGO's stream numbers because of Korea and China, which CSGO couldn't possibly make a dent if they tried at this point. China has Crossfire, which already has tournaments and Korea is going into Overwatch.

I honestly don't know why the community hates new additions. Valve takes a million years to add maps/revamp old ones, and they haven't been able to add anything besides the incendiary/molotov that the community didn't have backlash about.

I think Valve/Hidden Path literally will never be able to add a new strong affordable M4/AK tier rifle without the community just saying "no". Or even revamp shotguns so people will use them more often without "muh skill ceiling wahh shotguns"


Your rank is showing when you say any of those heroes are good in a 1v1 against a hog especially with the new hook. Even in a teamfight most will be raped by a hog that lands hooks.

This guy is right, Hog is pretty broken. You can farm him for ult charge or burst him down with your teammates, but those are really only soft counters to him. Doesn't usually stop him from hooking a teammates and insta-killing them. And if it's a good hog, they will always get that insta-kill, dicking your team over.


>Quake not having an insane skill ceiling
>SF4 harder to master than fucking Warcraft or Starcraft
>Hearthstone being popular

Fucking hell dude

Pretty good user. Dota 2 requires the most skill I agree.

>not being popular
What the fuck are you smoking

SF is no doubt harder.