Resident Evil 7

Did the game have to really copy from Silent Hill 2 starting story line?

Does it not feel cheap to anyone else that they went with the missing spouse, that was supposed to be dead. The dead gf/spouse sends letter/mp4 to protagonist that instigates a search. Essentially the same storyline to SH2

I feel that SH2 handled it a lot better desu, i was less in your face and more subtle.

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i didnt get the girl turning into grandma thing, was she a granny the whole time? had the boat been sunk for that long?

lucas dlc?

I think you're like the only person who made that connection. I didn't think of SH2 at all.

Is this the average IQ and attention span of RE7 fans?

It's all explained in the notes + out loud in the game: Eviline ages rapidly without her daily shots. Yes, that granny is your little mushroom girl. The boat's been out cold for 3 years.

why do people play the game and not read the files? Most were only two lines long and somehow it was still too many words for the dumdums.

Nice bait.

The Evil Dead homages were a bit too much through imo. Cabin in the woods, chainsawed hand, kill your girlfriend, the car you drivelooks like the Classic from the movies, "groovy", that Dead by Dawn post-it, I could go on, it's seriously loaded with them.

Fuck this game.

Resident Evil went downhill after 3.

Once CV came out with it's gay ass "Wesker is back" storyline the game became some kind of soap opera.

There was so much potential as the franchise became a best seller. All you had to do was buy some decent writers... but noooo... we have to devolve until what the series is today.

Does anyone else wish RE would have kept Umbrella around and made some weird political statements regarding our military/healthcare industries.

It's like RE1 the movie kind of understood the tone of what I think the mainstream fan wanted as he matured. Then that series sunk too.

Resident Evil 7 sucks dick and everytime Nathan says "We need to talk" I want to cut off my dick and pretend that I'm no longer a man for playing this cuck fest of a VG.

Not to mention all the other American movie tropes being ripped straight from 'found footage' style movies.

ive been watching a grown man in his basement play to clown and pan flute music, doesnt really read every note.

You really should just play 7 even if you pirate so you stop vomiting up this tripe. Is really is *exactly* like the first 3 games, 1 especially, if you just happened to be playing in 1st person mode. I

Yup. The Ring. Saw. Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

It's a mashup of tropes...

Character inspiration from Breaking Bad?

maybe the color scheme, all i could think sbout was texas chainsaw hugsacure

>cuck fest


ANyone having occasional mouse issues?

Just had to reboot my game and lose MH progress because shift-tabbing into the Steam interface broke my mouse. Couldn't click / pan or anything, just looking at my feet.

Really fucking annoying. Also, when occasionally starting the game up, I have to alt-tab then tab back in or my mouse doesn't work.

And no, I don't have a controller plugged in.

No, it isn't. The first one you get involved in a conspiracy. There's mystery at first, but in the end, it's a pharma company coducting its first real test... The fact Wesker was in on it, cool. But, Wesker became fashionably gay as fuck the more the series progressed with little motivation for why he'd turn or become a cop.


Personal bests?

2h 38m here.

I heard that you can use the Toy Axe to do a shadow puzzle somewhere, but I couldn't find where on my last run.

Your English is great. I understood that.

The intro to the game, with the typical "white girl on a beach missing you" instagram/snapchat video made me instantly want to hurt myself. If that's what men think is "attractive" or sentimental, I am at a loss for words.

Dude it's the same damn thing... The SAME damn thing. Right down to the twist that _____ was in on it.

I just noticed that's not Ethan, but Clancy sitting next to Margaret.

Wonder if they had more plans for him before just having him killed off?

>get snek key
>return to main house
>no hunters

Shit game.

uh sure

Its near the door to the barn where lucas hangs out behind some bushes. you get a faster reload upgrade.

thanks family

they still cant do female faces, the dad and lucas looked fine but jesus christ the female faces had some serious eldrich shit going on

2 runs and I've not found that shadow puzzle. Read it was some where after escaping the test area, but never saw or noticed it.

Personal best is 3hr 11m though. Got hung up on the Mia part because I forgot how to navigate the area like an idiot.

>missed 4 bobbleheads
God dammit.

>missed 3 coins on Normal


Least I have the glasses. I'll just cheese through Easy w/ the glasses / saw tomorrow.

right outside the trailer save room. It's hidden in a bush.

How many rounds of ammo do you get for the mag in total? I only found some from the treasure photo, the barn ,and in the salt mine.

>Got hung up on the Mia part because I forgot how to navigate the area like an idiot.
I don't even bother trying to get the handgun and machine gun in that segment. Also, curing Mia is better for speedrunning since she doesn't get mad that you cured Zoe, and so you don't have to tussle with her at the end of the ship.

Just about to get to the dissection room. About how much left in the game? Am I 1/4 the way through?

Christ, by that reasoning Silent Hill ripped off Mario since you have to rescue a woman dear to the PC.

>you didn't kill your wife
>you aren't in purgatory
>you actually interact with your wife outside of a boss fight
>she's a bioweapons dealer instead of someone on their death bed

Silent Hill 2 was an awesome game, but the damsel in distress is the oldest meme on the planet. How stupid do you have to be to accuse games of copying each other when more than one game does it? The answer, everyone, is as stupid as OP.

Something like that. More like 1/5th or 1/6th.

The overacting in that scene was sickening. Why can't she just talk and not shake her head around autistically


Didnt the girlfriend just send a video telling the guy to not come look for her?
Theres a shitton of movies and games that did that.
Its not a SH2 thing.

>the SH2 is subtle meme

Yeah, it sure was subtle when you fought that giant rape monster in that rape room. Very "subtle" indeed.

Is there any real reason to watch the Mia tape? Because it's causing too many restarts.

on your first playthrough, yeah.

It's not hard you're probably doing something wrong

>Resident Evil VII
>literal events
>Silent Hill 2
>symbolic events

For this alone you're fucking retarded for making that connection in the first place. Over the course of all 3 playthroughs I've done I never once for a single instant thought of Silent Hill 2. Something's wrong with your brain, you might have actual autism.

Where the hell is Marguerite during the green scene?

>SH2 fags think everything is about them

You guys are the reason Silent Hill is dead

Getting her hive pumped

Preparing dinner.

Silent Hill 2 was 15 years ago dude.

Similar plot points can be revisited sometimes.

>Not A Hero
We play as Chris and kill mutated Zoe and Lucas.

Ethan is a clone of Wesker.

Why does Chris look weird at the end

why do they keep remodeling everyone's faces

So.......wesker's son from 6?

You're like at hour 2 out of 10.

No. Jake is not a clone. He is a natural born child squeezed out of a vagoo.

Besides, he's kicking BOW ass in the middle east.

Thats's Andre

Who, according to the list you find in the basement in the beginning, is dead.

But despite everyone on the list having (turned) or (dead) next to their name, Clancy only had (L). Is that supposed to mean "Loser?"

They needed a new face model because the new engine is for making more realistic models and faces.

They got a new VA because otherwise you would have been able to tell it was him over the radio at the salt mine.

That's really not that unique of a concept

>Who, according to the list you find in the basement in the beginning, is dead.
Nigga he's the body you find in the water before that.

that trope is a lot older than Silent Hill 2 user.

Means lucas

"Happy birthday"

Shieeet, I didn't notice that
Thought it was a rando body

>same shirt
>same face and hair

>more realistic models and faces.

How are the unlockables in RE7?

she looks like a trailer park skank in that video.

She's just ugly.

you get a samurai edge for ng+ that's pretty neat. don't think there's much else. it's unfortunately lacking in the usual neato post game unlockables that RE games normally have.

Only unlocked two so far. One is really cool, the other is meh. A free special pistol that's as strong as a magnum under certain conditions and a weeb martial arts scroll that reduces damage when blocking.

It's too short
The scares after a while stops being scary
There are too few types of monsters
Why would anyone ever pick Zoe over Mama Mia?
Last section feels way too dragged out and is, essentially, just an action game
Not really any replayability since everything's so limitied

That's quite literally the plot for this one. The player just doesn't find out until 2/3 through the game.

It's annoying as fuck to watch Sips pretending to get scared every 30 seconds

>tfw you unlock Running Shoes, X-Ray Goggles, Buzz Saw and 2nd Defense Scroll all in one run

Pretty fucking good.
List of them:
>Albert-01 (Samurai Edge replica)
>X-ray Glasses (infinite Psychosim)
>Circular Saw (strong melee weapon)
>Running Shoes (makes Ethan move faster)
>Defense scrolls (decreases damage dealt when blocking)
>Infinite Chainsaw (chainsaw melee weapon that doesn't need to be restarted)

There's quite a few unlocks. Chainsaw, infinite ammo, running shoes, x-ray glasses and 2 defense scrolls.

I thought I'd get the Running Shoes for beating the game under 4 hours, but all I got was the Xray glasses and the saw.

>pirate this just because I can
>test it out on my shitty 5 years old laptop, not even expecting it to run
>somehow get 30 FPS on medium settings(with bloom etc. turned off)
What jap magic is this?

Can I use infinite ammo on my madhouse run? I just want the trophy so I can make fun of my friend that says the game was hard to platinum.

>Why would anyone ever pick Zoe over Mama Mia?
>QT short hair
>Related to papa Jack
>Doesn't try to murder you
Cute bra
>Gives you your hand back
>Throws in a free watch

>Keeps important secrets from you
>Cuts your hand off
>Can't even murder someone right
>Weird teeth


According to the debriefing file as the credits play, people can even be resurrected if the corpse is infected shortly after death, although I don't see how this would translate to being free from the funky fungal force.

You can see her laptop monitor in her eyes.

I didn't even play the game, but from what I've been told about it, is that she ages rapidly being a prototype. But when you're infected you basically see what you want her to see as a sort of hive mind bullshit.

Got in a chainsaw fight with daddy.

Is the game done being scary? I got spooked by grandma when I went back to the safe room, but now the house is just empty, the field was empty, and now I'm in an empty shack full of bugs.

Picking Mia makes no sense. She was a cunt from beginning to end and also part of the damn problem that caused all of this shit and the demise of the Baker family to begin with.

Zoe was important, not only to Ethan but to the world at large. If you choose her, she asks you why you picked her and even Ethan says "Mia is no good to anyone."

If you picked Mia, you a big dummy who thinks with his dick.

Wah wah wah shut the Fuck up

Scariest part is right around the corner. After that, no more scary.

Marguerite is pretty spoop once she starts going all spidery. Jack wasn't really that scary imo, he was way too entertaining to be scary.

you think the designers just use thier gf's as models now? I cant understand why they do this.

If you're gonna homage something, homage something great, and they did.

There's a Trophy for opening the inventory chest no more than 3 times.

There are 3 times in the game when you have to open the chest, so essentially you can never use storage for an entire run through.

Picking Mia is only good if you're speedrunning.

Can I do that one on easy? I could probably infinite ammo my way through easy and just throw away anything that isn't a key.

When you drop items, do they fall to the floor or are they destroyed?

That's a shame. What about returning to the house when I get the snake key? I figured it would be like RE1 and things would ramp up.

>mama mia

>beat game in under 3 hours
>don't get the Running Shoes

I was thinking you need to open the chest 3 times (putting your stuff away for the Birthday, taking it out, then switching back to Ethan after Mia) but I think if you run past the enemies at the docks, and let Jack kill you once you can rearrange your items from the menu and it doesn't count I think

So...maybe you can open it once.

They are destroyed, but some items can't be dropped at all (weapons, keys, etc)

>resident evil 7

People somehow care about a SEVENTH installment in a video game series?

And it's always only the retarded fucking console franchises that reach these absurd numbers. If you don't understand the entire thing is completely fucking creatively bankrupt you're a victim.


if games have different gameplay somewhat why not ride the brand all the way

Case in point. A game only a consolefag can like.

Here's what I did

>Get all Files
>Get all Coins
>Get all Bobbleheads
>Use less than 3 healing items Steroids don't count
>AND beat the game in under 4 hours

I don't know which combination of those unlocks the shoes, but there you go.

This is actually pretty easy to do if you have the game on Easy + Infinite Ammo + 44 Mag

>Last section feels way too dragged out and is, essentially, just an action game

I actually like when horror games do this. It's like you or the player character conquering their fears, which makes these parts memorable. For example, the double pyramid head fight in SH2 and the last chapter of Corpse Party which I recognize is more gore porn than horror, but still where the music changes from spooky to this:

Guess I've got to do Madhouse mode first. I'll get started tonight Even though I just played the game twice in a row.