Is there anything that politics won't shit up?
Is there anything that politics won't shit up?
They still make good-ass games every now and then though.
Question: If a developer takes a public stance on a political issue you don't agree with, does that ruin every game you played by them retroactively? Does that make you not want to play their games going forward because it leaves a bad taste in your mouth?
If so, that makes you no better than any SJW who refuses to buy or play games because a developer said something they don't agree with. Learn to separate the art from the artist and enjoy shit while you can, people of all sides now-a-days are such mundane cry babies who are too steeped into a "us vs. them" black and white mentality.
Let me guess OP you voted for Trump and are surprised people aren't as racist as you?
What happened to Insomniac? Was Sony containing all their SJW hipster bullshit?
Grow, child. Grow up.
Welp, looks like I won't be buying anymore of their games.
Can you blame them? A lot of good talent in that company comes from immigrants.
Also Trumps a fucking retard and the worse president the US has ever seen.
No i am not even American. I just hate how everyone is a fucking activist nowadays.
>lets commit demographic suicide
children will be children. people were always entitled to their opinions. people were never entitled to publishing that opinion until social media became a thing.
what a great way to tank your brand.
Who is that little japanese hag? What the fuck? And what is up with the half-meter dyke?
>Friends and family literally being affected by his executive orders
This. I don't support communists.
This. I am so tired of hearing these faggots acting like they're high and mighty by talking about politics. Whether it's a game dev, a journalist, youtuber. These shitheads think that because they have an audience they always feel the need to preach to us. It's starting to get sickening.
>Highly educated people making video games are open minded
Not very suprising
What is Dorito's political stance? This is very important to me since I enjoy their chips sometimes.
there is no such thing as being a friend with a muslim. they are the scum of the earth and will stab you in the back any chance they get.
I don't think this one got enough publicity to hurt them, but just look at what happened to Macy's.
>being close friends with people who explode
fucking this holy shit.
well that's what happens when you put a holocaust denying dictator in charge
>Does that make you not want to play their games going forward because it leaves a bad taste in your mouth?
No, its because I don't want to support people who want to ruin this country.
>If so, that makes you no better than any SJW who refuses to buy or play games because a developer said something they don't agree with.
People who have actual opinions and convictions make decisions with them in mind, shocking I know.
>I don't hate their opinion, I just hate the fact that they have an opinion! Why can't everyone be as stupid and unaware of things as me?
Hello moral highground retard.
The developer provides a service. People want that service and will purchase that service. Anything they do unrelated to that service, people do not want, for they cannot purchase it, and they can find that unrelated thing elsewhere of a superior quality.
You go to a church to be proselytized to. You play a video game to be immersed in another world, away from contemporary issues.
You don't play a video game to be proselytized to. You don't go to church to be immersed in another world, away from contemporary issues.
Also, you must be 18 years or older to view or post here. Kill yourself.
>blocks dislikes & comments
>No, its because I don't want to support people who want to ruin this country.
Why support Trump then?
jesus christ, the pretending-to-be-tumblr trolls from Sup Forums are here now, too?
>people who want to ruin this country.
but user, it's unamerican to detain people without habeus corpus.
Yea this.
I'm not even a Trump supporter, shit, I'm not even white, but all these faggots complaining about politics are annoying.
I'd do the same thing to faggot devs complaining about Obama.
What does Muslim immigration have to do with video games?
Holy fuck did any of these idiots actually read the short easy-to-read document for the ban or are they getting all their info from fucking twitter users
>make the world a better place thought the stories we tell
do they make games or publish books?
Trump wants to fuck his Jewish daughter.
You dumb cunts immediately jump to the 'm-m-muh muslims' argument, when there were Christians denied entry into the US because of Trump's retarded policy.
>Shouting loudly every chance you get means you're well informed and understand how the world works..
I love people who argue like this. "Anyone who has an opinion or strong convictions is a child!"
People make video games. Video games tell stories. Stories take inspiration from real life.
brave of them
We live in a post truth age, MGS2 was right.
Now what if that the developer starts hamfisting their politics and beliefs in their video games?
>you must be 18 years or older to view or post here. Kill yourself.
> Kill yourself.
> 18 years or older
You watched a video with developers, you did not watch a scene from the game. Why claim you were being proselytized by the game?
I think this might be a nice place to rant
>people ask trump about his tax returns and statuses of his business which should be in a blind trust
>trump just calls them "the media" and ignores everything
>ask my friends about why trump is allowed to not follow protocols when becoming a president
>"hurr who cares about tax returns"
>no comment on "blind" trust
>ignores when I point out that the countries that trump banned were never connected to the scary story examples that he keeps peddling(9/11, boston shootout)
>their "discussion" is limited to a bunch of meme words, the usage of cuck somewhere in them, and sharing links of people getting mad about the trump presidency
Trump is the new bane. Good job memeing your country to the ground. I hope you enjoy your oligarchy and support accountability
Remember when they made a video for Obama's same ban? Oh wait.
Tell that to Lincoln.
I don't think you realize what type of world we live in, user.
electionfags needs to gtfo tbqh
>stand here with you boss while he talks or get fired
What a cunt.
>saying nothing every chance you get means you're well informed and understand how the world works...
see how it works?
I don't need to. The Supreme Court did, in his time, faggot. Also, I admire Lincoln for his leadership, but I think the Marshall Acts were tyranny.
>triggered Sup Forumsdditors
>How dare an acting head of state determine immigration policies
>nevermind the fact that the ban is only in effect for less than half of a year and isn't even a blanket ban on all muslim majority countries
BUT i do hate their opinion.
There before. instead of whine and try to change their opinion i just not going to buy their shit anymore
Trump dindu nuffin wrong
That's different. Refusing to play a game with forced political narrative is different than refusing to play a fun game with no political narrative just because the creator of said game had an opinion outside of it.
>video games are supposed to be a form of escapism
>nowadays you can't even escape from mundane, day to day problems anymore as all games are full of political agenda
and people ask me why I don't play games made by western devs anymore
>actual opinions and convictions
More like blind beliefs
Agreed. Cucks lost. Get over it.
They should have chosen to fly in from a better country
That's fine. I won't buy their game.
>People make video games. Video games tell stories. Stories take inspiration from real life.
That is the vaguest most idiotic thing I've ever heard.
I don't give a fuck about your opinion, stick to entertaining me, otherwise you can shove your support up your ass.
Same with Hollywood, I figured that Clint Eastwood talking shit to an empty chair back in 2012 would be the cringiest thing an actor did this decade in relation to politics, then this year happened.
Fuck off, you are a song and dance act, I don't care what you think of the world because your opinion is as irrelevant as mine.
>How dare an acting head of state detain legal citizens without habeus corpus based on their country of origin
>90 day ban
who cares?
You made the initial stupid claim equating silence with being unintelligent fucktard, I was pointing out the absurdity of your stance.
>If so, that makes you no better than any SJW
The difference between me and the average SJW is that I actually know what the fuck I'm talking about.
>I don't give a fuck about your opinion, stick to entertaining me
t. uneducated filthy masses
suuure you were
Opinions are formed socially and tribally. If all your friends tell you something, you believe it because they're your friends.
The people who, unlike you, have a job with bills to pay.
Fuck em. They haven't made a game that interested me since fucking Ratchet Deadlocked in 2005. Out of touch cunts looking to score virtue points. MAGA
For a long time I tried to avoid politics because it just seemed fucking stupid to me, but truth is, you can't avoid it. If you life in a place with a government, politics affect your day to day life, there's no way around it.
So it makes sense to me that pretty much any company, political or not, would take a stance one way or the other. It might seem irrelevant, but it's not.
maybe if drumpf would stop being a racist shitlord?
>most gamers are liberal
>most game developers are liberal
>conservatives are too busy going to church and fucking their sisters to play vidya, which are Satanic tools to teach children evolution
>be surprised vidya has a liberal bias
Japanese games are untouched by politics, Westafag.
>The difference between me and the average SJW is that I actually know what the fuck I'm talking about.
How do you know that, user? How do you know that you're not just in an echo chamber of a different kind?
If you have a Green Card, you're not an alien. If you're a Permanent Resident, you're not an alien. Read a book sometime.
>comments and ratings are disabled
Typical fucking jew.
And this is where you showed your ignorance, kike. These people aren't citizens, kike. Do the world a favor and end your bloodline, kike.
Why shouldn't games be political?
Any blatant political messaging is obnoxious, that's obvious. But what's wrong with games having underlying symbolism or messages? Bioshock was political as fuck, it just wasn't directly political.
If the game is shameless about what it's preaching or beats you on the head with its message then that's shitty, but video games as a medium of self-expression can be politically charged just like any other form of self-expression.
This is hardly a new thing.
>comments and rating disabled
Stopped reading right there
what a cuck
not even white but fuck these guys. All they had to do was keep making great games. But now they've thrown themselves into the ring.
Why can't video games just be left alone?!
>most game developers are liberal
*western game developers
Its no surprise western games are shit.
FFS. I was looking forward to this game.
Now this game is going to have a side quest featuring a Donald Trump lookalike. Spiderman is probably going to be revealed as Miles. Goddamnit.
Only the uneducated filthy masses listen to entertainers when it comes to politics.
I'm sure you had no problem with Obama drone striking US citizens though.
>liking rachet and clank at any point
>MAGAposting unironically
LMAOing at your life
Now anybody who critisises their games can be dismissed as a nazi. Same reason EA pushed their pro gay shit so hard a few years back.
if they have jobs and pay bills and taxes why would they want people to come to steal their jobes and live for free under wellfare that is payed with their taxes?
As a muslim I am not sure what they expecting from us.
I mean, thanks and all, but we don't really like the Liberal Ideology, and I don't have a good feeling of this part of history being the "we owe you" part.
Go go Twitter and check "I voted for you" and see idiotic Trump supporters who are literally going to DIE because he's taking away their health insurance. People have no idea what they are voting for and expecting Americans to have two or more active braincells, well it's just your own fault.
This entire immigration ban is the biggest retarded move done by Trump. He's basically undoing decades of work done by previous presidents who tried to make allies all around the world. He has no clue what he's doing.
No, the US is not invincible. If you were, then why did a group of sand niggers down the two towers in 2001? No amount of nuclear weapons can save you if you have no allies in the world. Not to mention using a nuclear weapon means you might as well bomb yourself with one as the retaliation is going to be nuclear bombs launched back at you.
So yeah, USA is being lead by an absolute retard. Bush 2.0. However I'll give it to Trump that he does shit fast. The reason he's doing shit fast? He doesn't plan on serve the entire term. He's rushing things so he can leave office in probably 1 year.
Anyway enjoy knowing the rest of the first world is remembering why we hate America again.
Point me to the quote where I talked about Obama, faggot
>Friends and family being affected
I'm glad you didn't specify what that means because it's a good indicator that you're full of shit. Let me guess, you have a gay friend who thinks Pence is going to walk down the streets and electrocute anyone with a lisp?
Canada is just across the way if the idea of having a border is such a nightmare to you.
>Comments and likes/dislikes disabled
How brave company. Someone might have different opinion or actually tell them something that doesn't come from Twitter hugbox.
>follow protocol
there's no such thing. a president is not required to release his tax returns
you people REALLY don't understand trump
the world was always post-truth
I don't care that anyone is political the thing that bothers me is if you go against the narrative of the left, which dominates entertainment, then your immediately crucified. The blacklisting of alternative viewpoints is real and until people are able to openly speak their mind freely regardless of their view then I can understand why people get angry whenever celebrities virtue signal.
>As a muslim
People who want everything to be completely removed from politics are probably afraid of hearing anything that disagrees with their badly founded opinions
omg im going to buy forty copies of spiderman and donate to there patreon, so progressive!
All art is political to some extent.
>libtard faggots think letting in terrorists by the boatload is good
Do these retards not realize that being a foreigner and given a free pass to live in America is a privilege and not a birthright?
that's ridiculous af
im not even white man. So you're telling me that im a nazi if I find the remake of Going Commando to be shit?
Is everyone in this country higher than I am? What is even happening rn?
>People make video games. Video games tell stories. Stories take inspiration from real life.
Nice poetry bro. hit me up on lit. we can fuck