5/5 of the top newest releases on Metacritic are Sony exclusives (Also available on PC)

>5/5 of the top newest releases on Metacritic are Sony exclusives (Also available on PC)
>PS4 Pro selling a fuckton of units
Where did it all go oh so right Sup Forumsros?

>New and Notable: [Movies]

>all under 90

Nice bait OP.

>Also available on PC
>PS4Pro sales we don't have any numbers on
>3/5 of the recent games released were 100% PS4 exclusive.

Just deal with it OP.

>Movies tab selected

The ps4 sold like shit (50 million is terrible)

On metacritic 85 is basically the cut off for being not shit (type in games if you don't believe me)

>PS4 Pro selling a fuckton of units
lol, also
>movie tab

>>PS4 Pro selling a fuckton of units
230K units sold in all of December is a fuckton?


Like fucking pottery

>85 is a cut off
You are a fag who can't think for himself.

Isn't that? I mean only hardcore gamers will buy the pro. It was designed for hardcore gamers.

As a general guideline that's accurate. Most good games are 85+

>PS4 pro is selling a fuckton of units

Last I checked Sony wasn't disclosing PS4 pro sales, just overall PS4 sales. Has this changed?

rolf nice

This is clearly a joke thread, but the sad fact is that there are people who really think this.

As if a company's good fortune provides any real benefit to the consumer when they refuse to fold their profit back into improving their product.

>PS3 game
>Vita port
>Steam multiplayer
>PS2 remaster
>84 and under
The only game worth a shit is the new RE

>Also available on PC
vive never ever

Don't forget your (Also available on Xbox One) for Resident Evil 7, user.

and under
Not to mention it's a 3DS port and a 2 hour bonus campaign with worst protag.
I don't think they added anything new to DDD outside of a few Dream eaters.

>The ps4 sold like shit (50 million is terrible)


Can't wait for next month when horizon zero dawn gets a 90+ rating and suddenly all reviews above 85 are paid reviews.

>On metacritic 85 is basically the cut off for being not shit (type in games if you don't believe me)
There are several games that are just too obscure to get a high enough rating, but are actually great.
And then there is mainstream garbage that gets a way too high average rating, eventhough they're the very definition of cancer or a cheap cashgrab.

ITT: cuckhurt pcshits



That's good. It means they are actual games. Modern journalists only give movies a score above 90.