How many bingos does the last male protagonist you've played as get?

How many bingos does the last male protagonist you've played as get?


>obvious virtue signaling from self hating whites trying to look progressive
Love it when libshits shoot themselves in the foot.

Anyway none of those apply to me because I don't play shit games with 1 dimensional characters, I make my own.

LITERALLY all of those apply to Guts, except for Gritty Reboot. And yet, Guts is one of the most well-written protagonists in all of modern media and is outstandingly gentle and human in a series where inhumane shit happens all the time. What was the point of this cuck image again?

Lann from World of Final Fantasy. Psychological problems is in yellow because I'm not sure being an idiot really qualifies.

>playing video games with human protagonists

don't really think Glover fits any of these so I went with 007 as depicted in Goldeneye
I'm also not too sure on some of these

Not enough.

5, I think, but no bingo unfortunately.

>B.J. Blazkowicz

Tgat's the majority of videogames.

Not even one.


well that's embarassing

I can only guess these are made for western games, because none of them really apply to eastern protagonists.

>Dragon Quest VIII
Maybe white?

Nice try, queer.

>Duke Nukem
>Serious Sam
>No bingo

I always knew FPS games in the 90s were more progressive

Edward Kenway

Yellow are the debatable ones.

>OoT Link

Literally none.

Guts was made for BLACKING!

>OOT link isn't white

>Mad Max

No protagonist in the world is immune from these kinds of charts. They're intentionally designed to checklist common writing things as if it means anything.

>not Criminal

top kek m8

Isaac from the Binding of Isaac gets 7 I believe. Pretty sure he isn't actually white.

>the protagonist i think of is only one of those squares


>he thinks Lann is actually an idiot
It's obvious he's merely pretending to be retarded to make his sister so frustrated that the only way she can take out her anger is by violently riding his dick while shouting trivia at him.

What supernatural power?


Rance gets 9

Do you seriously have to ask?

How many Bingos would Major Degtyarev have?

>Stardew Valley player
I wonder if packing my house to the brim with smelters and staying up until 1:50am smelting Iridium Bars counts as a psychological problem
Ah what the hell I'll count it anyway


Yes, he has no actual friends. Any that he does have are figments of his imagination.
Kinda pink but artstyle.
>Hardened Veteran
After runs over and over again? You bet.
>Makes a living being violent
Tons of pennies.
>Psychological problems
You don't say?
>Bald/Crew Cut
Bald for the most part, other personalities/characters aside.
>Scowls a lot
Some items make him do that.
>Supernatural powers
He gets these every run, normally.

Red from pokemon has not a single point there.

Link is Blase about Killing imo.

Seems like a robot goin through the motions in game. Characters go on and on about despair, hatred, etc and Link stands there blankly for 95% of it, only to have his fact texture change slight then back to blankly staring.


>makes a living being violent

The bingo was created as a "take that" to how bland and boring male characters are in videogames.

But because it was made by an ideological driven idiot, MOST male characters can't even get ONE Bingo. All it did was reveal how little the person who made the Bingo knew about videogames.

He is not a loner, he has a shit load of pokemons, plus the professor, plus his mom, plus his rival and he has not done a single violent thing in his life


I'd say he has some psychological problems, honestly. Plus the old Doomguy was literally always scowling.

Pokemon is literally cockfighting, so no. He has done violent things. Also he is a loner because aside from his pokemon (who are in his pocket unless he's fighting) he travels alone. I mean honestly, it's murky. They're pets, not people, and not even pets that roam around with him.

He has a dark sense of humour and a crew cut.

Sigurd from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.

Nobody killed doomguys wife/child/family

>makes a living being violent
[Spoiler] >white

Adam Jensen.

Although some of these could change depending on how you play

The guy is gonna reply with the Rabbit. Just letting you know it's coming.

No, it is not cockfighting because there are no rosters in pokemon. Besides, Red never hurst anyone, his pokemon do fight but no one ever gets injured. He does travel alone but he is not a loner at all, since he has friends.


Zidane from FF9. Tried to be pretty liberal and still no bingo


I always saw his default "shifty eyes" face as more of a neutral expression.

You read my mind.

He is not a loner since he has friends, his pokemon and he can and usually do get along with people.

He is white thought.

Well, he's got psychological problems.

They... do get injured? You have to heal injured pokemon, user? Makes a living through violence does not mean he is the one physically assaulting anyone. He makes a living essentially commanding in a fight, gains money when his side wins. That's making a living through violence.


To be poly you have to actually be in a relationship with someone to begin with.

What's in those potion sprays, anyway?

Give up man, he's going to defend his post endlessly with denial and circular logic because he's a pokefag.

Just stop and think of more protagonists.

>No patience for politics

but thats a good things. Political people are shitty

Make a better bingo.

I wouldn't really call nords white as they are based on a real world race that has had its genes tainted to the point not truly being white

Karl Franz

>you know what word goes on this line

Doesn't matter what they are based on, they are white in Skyrim.

>flattens living things and collects coins
Nigga you are missing a lot of points.

>Killing spree
>Blase about killing

>scowls alot
>supernatural powers
still not a win either way

>all those things
>bald/crew cut

none it seems

No he's completely well adjusted



>Not asian

soldier 76 would be like 5 bingos on this chart

>no ayy lmao box
this really is a shit bingo card

>tfw I'm still not Anthony Burch

Guns, Blades, meh.

In fairness, he's only half ayy




I dunno OP...

Guess the protag, Sup Forums!

>military rank
>title instead of name
Technically yes but not really
>killing spree (humans)
>Hardened veteran
Not for most of the game
>Blase about killing
I guess
Absolutely not
>Cold and aloof
Absolutely yes
99% sure
>Dark humour in the face of danger
If puns count
>Huge biceps
lol no
>Anti hero
>Makes a living being violent
>No patience for politics
No choice
>Lots of guns
Not really
Almost all of the time
>Psycological problems
Not really
>Lots of armor
Almost none
>"Gritty Reboot"
>Bald/crew cut
>Scowls a lot
>Supernatural powers
>Killing spree (aliens/others)
>They killed my [loved one], I'll make them pay!

>Dark Humor in the Face of Danger
>Supernatural Powers (arguably, I mean, they aren't exactly "his")
>No Patience for Politics (the entire point of a game, no less)

No bingo for me

in the clear

MC Link is definitely:

MC Link is maybe:
Blasé about killing
No patience for politics
Monster killing spree

So really, only 1 box checked.

Nah, that's reaching.

Close one

I don't know if the chess dimension counts as a supernatural power.

It's almost like people in the military and with tragic pasts make for more interesting stories than beta officer workers who live with their mom.

wasn't talking about the chess dimension


Even white is arguable. He could just be a stylized Asian. Supernatural powers however should probably be partially checked.

Nigga the entire POINT of the chart is reaching and being vague as fuck. Phoenix ticks more than one box according to it.

A hero who is worried about politics is not an anti hero and still succeeds is a obedient to the govt bitch

Black or white or purple doesn't matter they are all slaves to consumerism

No, the point of the chart is ticking a lot of male protag cliche's, but some protags are clearly poorly covered. OP just looked at typical AAA buffmans.