Hi Sup Forums I'm that game you'll start liking in 7 weeks

Hi Sup Forums I'm that game you'll start liking in 7 weeks

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you're probably new because you've never seen never ending ME2 general on Sup Forums

No, it will still be shit but just less shit than Androgyna. Same with how ME2 is shit but better than 3.

What part of the trilogy do you think this is from user?

But, nonetheless, people somehow think ME2 was good, and they probably only think that because of how bad ME3 was.

People will never not be mad about ME3

What the fuck? I saw people saying ME2 was good LONG before ME3 came out.

ME2 is a super dumbed down RPG but it's not a bad game at all.

I think everyone just wanted their virtual pet lesbian space waifus to be happy, nothing more nothing less.
3 rendered the 2 other games unplayable just by existing

Blueberry was such a nice waifu pre-3

Mass Effect 3 was a great game...up until this point. Anderson died alongside any enthusiasm I had for what came next.

Neo-Sup Forumsv/ doesn't like Bioware games anymore.


joke's on you faggot, i'm going to be in rehab

I've always liked you, Mass Effect 2. Read filename
>Realize it's ME3 that OP is referencing.
Nah, I may not have the highest standards but I wont touch that slut.

>you will never build Tali a house on Rannoch
>you will never have a relaxing day at the beach with Garrus
>You will never bro it up with Wrex while you're both standing atop a Reaper's corpse
>you will never have all those little blue children with Liara
>Jack will never get laid

I will never not be mad about this.

>Mass Effect 3 was a great game
No, it wasn't. Maybe if you had really low expectations. It disregarded your choices from ME2 right from the first minute, when all of your ME2 squad fucked off (even though you made them loyal to you) and a brand new generic marine was introduced as your best friend. That is not "great", that is not even "good", it's pure crap storytelling.
Apparently the multiplayer was the only good aspect, but I wouldn't know, because I pirated every EA game after Spore, and I'm fucking glad I did.

>Kai Leng
>no Reaper battle
>final boss is a hallway
>Kai Leng
>Shepard has PTSD over random dead kid
>Kai Leng
>Shepard gets uncharacteristically assblasted after Kai Leng cutscene rekt him on Thessia

3 went to shit long before Anderson.

>3 rendered the 2 other games unplayable just by existing
Pretty much this. Just knowing that whatever you choose has absolutely zero impact in the end is a huge turn-off. Bioware really should stop making sequels to their games, they obviously can't handle it.

>tfw you know Andromeda will be total shit but you will still play it because there is no other Sci-fi ARPG's
Why is it that Mass Effect is the only game that has had this genre pinned down. I can't think of any other Sci-fi RPG's

ME3 was an alright game until the last 10 minutes.

The story was worse than 1's and the grafics, style and dialogue were worse than 2's, but it had the best gameplay in the entire series and it was fun to play.

Feel free to sperg out about it, but it's the truth.

3 goes to shit as soon as Vega McRoidface enters your quarters the moment the game starts.

everyone liked ME2 on launch

everyone hated ME3 on launch

Apart from that horrible sprinting animation, the combat was the best, especially for biotics. However that's the only redeeming part of that shit game, the story, atmosphere, roster, everything was terrible.

Vega should have been scrapped for a Batarian squadmate

Gameplay was fine, but unfortunately there was all this other shit that wasn't the gameplay, which sucked and was unskippable.

I still can't believe they made the prothean squadmate day one DLC.

Or that they made thte only prothean just another big tough soldier man.

This series was literal and figurative trash since the first game.

Don't talk shit about Dick Hardcheese you fucking faggot. He's an ebin meme.

I didn't mind the story as much as other people, honestly. I think it is inferior (to even 2's) but for some reason I couldn't dislike it. The companions were also inferior and Garrus and Tali became parodies of themselves, but even then they were still the same characters as before and I even liked Biff Hardpec, which was surprising to me. It was certainly worse than both games, but not a deal breaker for me.

The ending was some serious shit, however.

I am fine if people like ME2. It wasn't how I wanted the series to evolve but it wasn't bad.
ME3 on the other hand.

Vega was an OK character that was set up to fail by appearing too late in the series and taking the spot of a returning character.

If he replaced Jacob in ME2 he would have been received much more favorably.

I thought Vega was pretty cool. EDI being a squadmate made no sense and the returning human from ME1 was shit too. Should have given us Wrex back.

Nah man, Wrex was the only character that it made sense for him not to join. At least he got some great scenes though.


ME3 in gameplay terms was a direct and huge upgrade from 2, though
How can anything else be the case?

He was the very model of a scientis salarian

Are you kidding?

Only the first ME is worth a shit.
I hated ME2 when it came out and I hate it now.
Didn't even bother with 3.

When you remove about 80% of what made a game good for the sequel something went wrong terribly.
Also I quite liked the combat of the first game, especially biotics and inflitrator.
The made every single class to soldier with a gimmick in 2.
Combat was a massive downgrade.

So can we all agree?:

ME1 > ME2 > ME3

>everyone liked ME2 on launch

Nah sorry, I bought it day 1 and played it for 6 hours, didn't touch it for half a year and had to force myself to finish it.

you mean the outlaws, aliens and cerberus operatives?

Free on origin right now

It had some great atmospheric moments, like when the collectors board Normandy and EDI tells joker he's the only one left on the ship.



thing is
ME is objectively a bad game without much redeemable features

This, if you changed nothing about ME2 except made the combat less glitchy, more refined and responsive version of ME1's then ME2 would have been godly.

See I never got why THIS is the thing that rustled so many people's jimmies.

Yeah it's announcement that there's going to be DLC in the future, so what? How about you focus on the piss poor aspects of virtually everything else in the game.

Why do people prefer ME over ME2? Is this a meme?

Agreed. Only ME story made some sense.
ME2 story was total bullshit pulled out of ass. Let's kill Shepard and then resurrect him and make him do what a every other soldier could do.
What was the fucking point of making new reaper? Why focus on human when you can do this with any race.
Not to mention ME3 bullshit Vega introduction and Reapers suddenly arriving to Milky Way in few years. If they fucking could do that why the fuck they bothered activating the citadel relay? When all they could do is arrive to Milky Way and attack citadel. But NOOOO let's focus on fucking gay Earth. Because SAVE MUH ERF

>What was the fucking point of making new reaper? Why focus on human when you can do this with any race.
That's explained in the game. Half-assed, but it's explained.

>He wasn't on Sup Forums at ME2 launch
>He didn't derail thread with assuming direct control meme
>He didn't troll everyone with I'm commander shepard and this is my favorite thread on the citadel
>He doesn't know that Tali was half of Sup Forums waifu.
>7 years passed since me 2
Fucking hell.

Good times.

Fuck Tali though. Fucking gypsy jew space rat

It's a good, concise summary of the reasons why people are irritated. Mostly the fact that it's an insultingly low effort ending to the game, and it happens directly after people received the ridiculously disappointing ending. It's not so much that it's bad, it's the salt that was rubbed into the wound. If this box had popped up at the end of an amazing game, it would be dumb but not outright insulting.