>closed beta was crazy fun
>now open beta right before release
HOW can Mordhau even TRY to compete?
>closed beta was crazy fun
>now open beta right before release
HOW can Mordhau even TRY to compete?
Other urls found in this thread:
will Lawbringer be in it?
We don't know content yet but we are all betting on every class being in.
Reminder to join the good fight, Deus Vult fags have to be stopped
I mean, I'll still play it.
But I want Best Boy to be there.
cool I need to spend more time with it before working out if it's something I would like to buy.
ey ill actually get to play it this time
im gonna pick the most dickish class and be an absolute fucking piece of shit like i do in all multiplayer games
which class is that, Sup Forums? i dont care if its actually a strong class or not just that its obnoxious to deal with
I only play snowniggers, but weebs are by far the worst faction. I'd rather fight a knightbro any day than gankers with Naruto symbols for crests.
Are u a girl?
Noboshi or Peacemaker, use the edgiest username possible and taunt before and after every fight.
>have to start over a third time
just release it already
Conquerors and peacekeeper are the most obnoxious, nobushi next
god no. girls are gross.
thx sempai
Orochi is about the most Dickish. Because if you have any skill at all with it he's almost uncounterable. And people always get pissed at getting beaten by a super fast annoying weeb.
t. Someone who gets pissed at getting beaten by weebs
Peacekeeper is the dickish class 10/10
You are quick to engage and to escape, good damage, bleeding effect, infinite stamina and you are the quickest character in the game
It was create to annoy people
Or valkyrie if she's not nerf
Fucking hype Lawbringer and sHugoki better be in this one I am sick of Shield central.
Available on ps4?
Definitely Nobushi or peacekeeper.
Mordhau is dead in the water anyway. Marox has been going on about a kickstarter for years now.
just play different classes senpai
>source: zero
Quick Reminder that if you play anything other than Kensei you are a massive noob shitter.
So, is this an ACTUAL open beta or do you need to pre-order it to get in?
Haven't found any sign-up forms, though I didn't look very thoroughly.
but I want to deus vult with my warden
Kensei as of right now is definitely the only respectable weeb.
>Orochi is a fucking anime character
>Nobushi is a long range bleeding cunt
>Kensei is a longer range Warden with a sexy voice
>tfw destroying Orochi mains as Kensei
It's so good you guys, you don't even know.
literal open beta.
just download and play
Hey shills if you want to convince me of anything explain to me the gameplay of this shit. Webms welcome.
They can't, because it's bad.
They're quite literally shills.
Nobody wants to convince you for shit. Don't want to play don't fucking play. You are not a special snowflake, nobody is being paid to convince you of all people.
>playing the most OP class
can't blame ya
Think Soul Calibur meets Dark Souls. That's the only way I can describe it. It's a full three dimensional fighting game.
the most balanced class actually
>enter "for honor gameplay"
>literally THOUSANDS of hours of gameplay now
here this video explains everything:
Just play the open beta.
I was interested in this but
>Always online DRM
Fuck Ubishit, locking the singleplayer campaign behind online is a cunt move
>B-but piracy!
guess I'll have to wait until the 8th to download then
reminder that Mordhau is vaporware
Who gives a shit? You play this for the multi.
Damn those corporate dogs!
>can only be attack from 2 directions
>can't be parried from top
>shoulder bash mix up
>fastest attack in the game
There doesn't seem to be an open beta.
This looks dumb, but matches what he said
>Soul Calibur meets Dark Souls
This implies a ton of potential for what is a very basic lock on rock paper scissor counter game.
Slower-paced than games like Chivalry, most duels require patience, good reactions, and decent mindgames at a higher level. Spacing is also very important, as is environmental awareness, though there can be some cheese through ringout kills. I wish I had webms or could make some of the clips I've taken, but I can link you a video I recorded of me shitting on an Orochi main.
there were a shitload of webms of good duels in the /vg/ threads
i don't have any saved but I'm surprised nobody has posted one here
You lock onto other players and can attack from three directions. icons appear that show what direction your opponent and you are holding your weapon at. there's attacks and guard breaks and some special abilities that each of the characters has.
Shoulder bash mix up is actually an infinite combo for as long as you got stamina, and can't really be dodged if done right.
It's pretty broken BUT for some reason I haven't seen any wardens abusing it.
>Open Beta on the day Nioh releases
>Gonna have to choose
>There doesn't seem to be an open beta.
Did you read the OP?
Also third bullet point
>dodge overheads, parry everything else
wow much difficult
Prove me wrong
>For Honor
>Oh yeah this game looks pretty...
enjoy your microtransactions and copy-pasted objectives
>Did you read the OP?
Wait a second that OP...
Samurai's armor is literally paper.
You can break any fighting game down into rock paper scissors if you're adamant enough.
>Counter attacks such as Warden's Crushing Counter
>Unblockable attacks
There's more than just three mechanics here.
because it can be dodged and wardens have honor
So what is this game?
You are both wrong though. Warden is not the most balanced class or the most OP class. If I had to say one of you is closer to the truth than the other though, then it would have to be him.
Warden is the Ryu/Ragna of For Honor. Low skill floor and a high ceiling.
like every class
warden has the most versatile toolset while having literally no weakness with excellent defense
When people know how the game works tier:
S Tier: Warden
A Tier: Warlord, Nobushi
B Tier: Kensei, Conqueror
C Tier: Orochi, Peacekeeper, Beserker, Raider
Reasons for tier placements:
C tier is easy, they simply dont have any tools to deal with defensive players who actually knows what is going on, no matter how much you feint into guardbreak/light/parries you aint gonna win with anything less than B vs very good players.
Raider might be B, but while he got fast overheads, it is too easy to rest your guard top and anticipate his feint plays which he is forced to.
Peacekeeper got 0 mixups, easily defended against, and like raider gotta rely on feint plays which can easily fail. Orochi is the exact same ,and his displacement while attacking aint fooling any good opponents that waits for the right attack. Berserker is simply bad, relies on opponents having slow reactions to deal with his feints and guard block combos.
B which either relies on wall combo (kenshi) or opponents being caught off guard or knows nothing about the match up (conqueror)
Conqueror is easily the hardest to place tho, and Kensei is easily the most balanced mid-tier in the game. Median of balance
A Because big toolboxes, counters and either fast frame mix-ups or sheer amount of them. Nobushi still struggles to deal damage to great players tho.
S. Warden is easily the best character by far, and anyone who played against good wardens know why.
No real weakness, deadly charge combos that can be mixed with breaks or zone(and make amazing 50/50's with cancel into break or continue the stun), great feint play opportunities, and the thing that makes warden S instead of A above all: 2 super fast frame attacks, most famously warden zone attack as a mix-up surprise attack, cant catch even good players off-guard, especially when feinted, and super hard to parry in a real game
>can't really be dodged if done right.
>because it can be dodged
not if you wall combo someone, that's at least 2 guaranteed strings and if you mix up into guard break you can actually keep it going for longer
My purchase hinges on how bad they nerf valkyrie after they bring her back
The closed beta got me interested in the game, but it doesn't look like there would be enough content to justify £40.
Same problem I had with Steep.
What's up with Warden players trying to promote themselves this hard? Don't see it with any other class.
Warden is an amazing class, it has amazing tools and it's actually better than a lot of the other classes in the game. It also has a few of the fastest moves around.
It is by no means the honest, balanced character.
Wheres the sign up
The game has some fundamental issues, there is no punish for playing defensive, if all you're doing is blocking, then waiting to guardbreak is very easy. There is no incentive to be the attacker when half the characters can get unblockable counterhits or a dodge attack, the rest can still parry. The skill ceiling is pretty low in general.
The game seems like it was designed to be an accessible casual 1v1 fighting game then the devs were told "Woah we need more than this." so they threw in some bandaid multi-combat mechanics to compensate for their lockon targeting.
If they really are doing an open beta I'll try it again, but what would really give me some hope is if they delayed it 2+ months.
The area attack is a guaranteed guardbreak if you just block it
You can get the Deluxe Edition of the game for £32.79 on GMG which is slightly cheaper than the base game. That's where I got it.
I think it's worth it at that price.
>another beta
jesus how many potential customers do they want to lose?
You kidding? People are fucking EXCITED there's another beta.
Something something those daily(or hourly) thread are fucking annoying.
Warden shoulder bash is literally reactable. They just seem good because it's so fresh and new right now that people don't have muscle memory correct. Once the game gets older Warden will inevitably drop, while characters like Nobushi will only get stronger as people learn how to play.
>No punish for playing defensive
Absolute bullshit, guardbreaks plus dodges can easily fuck over a turtling player. Though if you're another heavy character (like a Conqueror mirror match) then yeah, you're in for some shit.
I'll consider it.
Will it still be that price after the open beta?
I was a monster on peacekeeper and a pretty solid raider on closed beta guys, I never got to play lawbringer though, he looks like the most fun. How does he play?
if you feint into the zone attack your opponent won't be able to block it
Guardbreaks are not that hard to break, and what does dodging do if I refuse to attack you?
Guardbreaks are easily tech'd. It's far from being an option against competent players.
This is not fighting games where to tech a throw you can't really react unless you are a fucking robot, therefore predicting is your only option. In this game guardbreaks actually can't be broken until half way into the guardbreak itself, so you have more than enough time to REACT, instead of needing to predict.
So I repeat, guardbreak is not really an option against competent players.
says you
>while characters like Nobushi will only get stronger as people learn how to play.
nobushi has literally 0 moves to open up a character blocking perfectly
both warden and warlord can cancel their bash into an untechable guard break
Characters with dodges that can attack out of it can get around blocks. Dudes like Beserker, Kensei, Peacekeeper, and Orochi can all fuck over a defensive player.
He's all about countering and punishing. Think a character who is all Warden's Crushing Counter. If you parry any attack you get a free high damage unblockable heavy, OR you can charge them with your poleaxe in the same way the Raider picks people up and runs with them.
There were some issues with his attack speed in the second alpha so he suffered a bit, but he's hopefully fixed now.
A lot of people say not enough content for 60 bucks. I think the content is fair enough: single player campaign, 12 maps (each maps with multiple variations) and 12 heros. Free maps down the line and more heros.
That said, I'll wait until it goes on sale, becuase it seems AAA games nowadays go on sale just a few months after release for at least 30% off.
Neat, I missed the last one and it looked kind of fun, but nothing I'd buy without trying.
Valk was too much fun in the beta but if she's nerfed into the ground then there's not point in playing since all the other classes are boring or have already been played to death over the last 5 closed tests.
what does teching mean
You are not doing it properly then. I have dueled against a friend who mains warden multiple times and I've played warden myself.
You can be a retard about it and it can be dodged, sure, but if you do it right it can't be reacted out of it unless you got a shield to guard stance, which will push you back out of retaliation. But I guess you didn't even know that.
enjoy getting wrecked by wardens when the game releases
I know what I'm talking about
lol no, they're only doing an open beta so they can pad the userbase numbers when they push the inevitable emergency press release after launch
>over x players played y minutes in this exciting world, z confirmed kills, etc
I'm gonna main Orochi and you can't stop me.
fun fact: Orochi is the best class in the game right now, if you actually know how to play it you become an unstopable fast piece of shit that can't be hit and deals a shitton of damage super fast.
Or parry->guardbreak->guaranteed heavy
Or parry->guaranteed light attack
>unblockable heavy after parry
I don't know how slow you expect everyone's reaction time to be, but if I'm sitting around defending, a dodge attack is as slow as any other.
>Characters with dodges that can attack out of it can get around blocks
no they can't
blocks work 360 and your character turns automatically due to lock on anyways