Where were you when vidya was saved?

Where were you when vidya was saved?

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Someone give me a quick rundown on this hot new meme.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on these guys?

shittest forced meme since JUST

ayy lmao

Rothchilds monkey pls go

The call that saved Nintendo.

How quick we talking here?

why does this person look like a cartoon character?

What were some changes you noticed immediately after swallowing the bogpill?


thanks senpai

is that aerosmith?

how can a crappy guitar hero spinoff save anything?

Holy shit, has there been anyone uglier than them? Why, why are they so obsessed with plastic surgery. At least get it done in Thailand or Korea, holy shit.

change 'in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe' to 'in all points of time and space from The Bog Bang to the end of the universe'

>higher energy and general quality of life
>poop more regularly and I have to wipe less
>hair has a more vibrant color to it and is less brittle
>started seeing the strings on all the puppets of the Rothschilds
>stopped getting those white specks on my fingernails

Are these real people?

Those chins, those cheeks. Wtf are they? How can someone live knowing inside their face, has some plastics or something. Disgusting.

Stop asking questions and take the Bog pill.

They are aliens desperately trying to hide their true nature. The ugliness is just a side effect of them not really grasping how a human is supposed to look.


Honestly though, did they just get into some kind of weird loop where they kept trying to one-up the other?

>paying money to ruin your face and look like a monster

Jesus christ it hurts just looking at them.

>tfw about to take the bogpill
