Why is this the best Zelda game, Sup Forums? I can't quite wrap my head around it

Why is this the best Zelda game, Sup Forums? I can't quite wrap my head around it.

Contrarians usually prefer MM because it's 'weird', even though WW fits that description more.

It's the one nobody played.

>released at end of N64 lifecycle
>required memory expansion pack

>3DS version

End thyself

>tfw too dumb and proud to finish MM

Half of the time I just can't figure out what to do, and yet I'm too autistic to use a guide or the in-game stones in the 3DS version


What's wrong with the 3DS version? I downloaded it off of freeshop because I'm too lazy to dig up my Wii or GameCube and boot up the Master Collection or whatever it's called. My only issue so far is how slow the camera is.

It's really just One Long Side Quest: The Zelda Experience.

However, it did have some nice boss fights. Probably the only think I like about the game, well that and the way Link jumps from platform to platform.

as a zelda game its too weird to be the best zelda.

as dlc for OoT its the best part of the game.

But unlike WW it made good use of its gimmicks and was a good game.

It's not. Not at all. It's actually one of the worst.

Ruined UI.
Ruined swimming.

>What's wrong with the 3DS version?

Nothing. It's the superior version and I say that as someone who got the original N64 game the day it was released. People on Sup Forums just like to be contrarian.

Don't worry, it's the best version.

>Clock Town is fun as fuck to explore.
>Getting to each dungeon requires a large variety of steps.
>Mask effects are incredibly varied, fun, and a good number of them are useful throughout the majority of the game
>game has a dark side which makes the story more complex
>Stone Temple
>variety of instruments to play
>even more replayability than previous Zelda games what with the fairies, etc.
>Kafei quest

It's a good game but far from the best in the series.

>4 dungeons
>best zelda

I think it's the best games ever. It's the only "art" game that doesn't sacrifice gameplay for the sake of the themes and the message.

But it's only one game? Unless you count the mini-games as well.

Dungeons have always been the worst part of a Zelda game.

Take OoT for example, only the first 3 dungeons, Forest and Spirit Temples are fun.

I can't bring myself to finish it. The first half feels so damn good, then it just completely falls apart for me around the time I reach the zoras and great bay temple. Knowing Majora is a pathetic boss doesn't help either. I don't want to tarnish the experience I've had.

>WW fits that description more.
Not really


Just get the 3DS versions. They are awesome and you can get them for cheap.

They're in like 240p

Absolutely nothing, its the superior version

Yes, and?

The 3DS is shit, I want it on the Switch.

>The 3DS is shit

The 3DS is the best system this generation, bro.

but stone tower is the best

Go back to redit.

The only thing I'd say is wrong with it is swimming controls, no fucking clue why they changed that.

The rest is fine and they made a ton of qol changed like how the bomber's notebook function in a way that players would be able to keep track of shit.