>Pirate game
>Play for 2 hours
Is the only solution to buy the games or am I just pirating shit games?
Pirate game
>pirate game
>put it on external storage and never play it
>go back to playing games on consoles that I bought
what's wrong with me?
What game did you pirate
We won't laugh at you
Mad Max
You give more value to things you had to sacrifice for. If you get something for free then it has no value for you.
yes, you appear to have pirated a "mediocre at best" game
>Pirate WD 2
>Complete only introducing mission
>Uninstall it
>Laugh at who bough that shite
am i one of the lucky ones?
I never played it, so I can't judge you.
Hope you find a game you enjoy soon.
>pirate game
>play through it all and enjoy it
>buy the game later in a sale
>never play it
That's pretty much everything that has come out this gen though.
Should be a banner desu
You lack buyers bias so you see games for what they are - grabs for preorders.
you just described literally half of my steam library
You'll just feel obligated to play if you buy it, the game itself will be just as boring
When games have lots of side shit to do, I never do them when it's pirated. It just feels like it doesn't count.
Games in general have gotten shinier but innovation in the AAA market has been dead for a while and the bulk of games are pretty samey.
imagine if the top most 30% of women in asia looked as good as this. asian countries would then be comparable to european countries in terms of the quality of women.
as it stands though, approximately 1 in 1 billion women look this good in asian countries. Meaning there's only 2 people in china right now that look that good.
If everybody do it your way there are no more new games in future
How should Todd feed his kids without Our money?
Do you even think?
Same except I haven't uninstalled it. Maybe I'll give it another try at some point.
>buy DLC cosmetics
>end up not using them
I got to the open world and drove around a bit then uninstalled.
You're right. It's almost like the market is over saturated~
Not gonna lie, I miss having to "work" for games and I don't neccessarily mean buying them. It's just too easy nowadays, look up a torrent, download it in 15 minutes, install in 5 and there you go.