Mirror's Edge

What does Sup Forums think of Mirror's Edge? The first game, not Catalyst.

Personally, I love it. It's got it's flaws, of course, but so does every game.

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I used to play it a LOT on the 360, I don't really know why I kept coming back to it but there was just something about it.

I know the feeling. My first experience with it was on my brother's PS3 when the demo first released. Later, I got it on Steam, and now I got it free on my Xbox One, because I have Live Gold. Just finished my fifth or sixth playthrough about two days ago.

There IS something about it. It's not like it plays any differently the second, third, or fourth time, it's a pretty linear game, but something just makes you come back to it.

I love it too. I think the music and aesthetic are the reasons why I can replay this game without getting bored.

I also enjoyed catalyst

Oh, I enjoyed Catalyst too, I was just saying in my original post that I wanted to discuss the original. I'm currently replaying Catalyst, actually.

First one got me bored quickly after finishing it. How is Catalyst? Never played it but it looks nice.

>play Mirror's Edge demo
>do the cool free running part
>encounter enemies
>try to run past them
>some follow and shoot me
>never play it again

God I was an anxious fuck. I also quit Oblivion 3 steps into the first dungeon I entered after the prison because I was scared.
I was 17

I dont know how to describe this but did anyone else have a sort of weird...feeling the first time they played this game?

I dont know to describe it really.

I think that feeling is called, 'having fun', something that is very rare in games today

A sense of awe and wonderment? Yeah, I had that.

Got the same thing the first time I watched Oban Star-Racers.

I loved it. I know everyone hates the gunplay but it was one of the best bits for me.
Plays best without solomo and runner vision on hard though, fuck knows why they locked higher difficulties

So the thing about Catalyst is, that it's actually a separate canon. You won't find Merc or Celeste or anyone familiar. Faith is younger, and it's a completely different city. I'd go into more details, but I don't want to spoil it.

That being said, it's also an AMAZING game. It's also completely open-world. You can choose when to do objectives, you can just wander around if you like, and you can do little side missions for "scrip" to spend on upgrades.

Oh, and you get a wrist-mounted grappling hook a little ways in.

Combat is different too, it's strictly melee now, as they've changed guns to be coded to biometrics, so you can't fire weapons you find.

But definitely worth getting in my opinion.

Wasted hours on this game listening to Breaking Benjamin and a Drake Bell album.

Best summer ever.

Motion sickness.

Interesting story about that, actually. The designers originally had no HUD in the game, trying to give a more immersive feel to the game, but playtesters were getting motion sickness. So the developers put a single dot in the center of the screen as a reference point, and that helped to solve the problem.

My short attention span made me not enjoy it that much as a lot of people seem to do. Then again I did initially play without using weapons because of that one achievement, and I fumbled a lot trying to parkour which led to additional frustration.

First played it on a friend's PS3 right after it launched, wasn't a huge fan but it seemed pretty interesting so I kept it in my mind. Picked it up a few years later on the 360 and fell in love, every few months I'd spend a day or so just running through it a bunch and screwing around. Like you said it's got its faults for sure but something about it just resonated with me.

vaults* and that's the part that resonated with me as well

Post yfw you fell off a building for the first time


I put it in my 3x3 for those threads. Not even 100% why, it's not like I've played it more than 2 or 3 times, and I haven't 100% all the time trials or anything like that. It's just so unique, and I seem to remember it coming out during a time when I was getting kind of bored of the kind of games that were coming out. I'm curious about Catalyst, but I'm worried it won't be worth the money the same way the first was, so I'm waiting for price drops.

I replay it every year during the summer. It's short, fun, uncomplicated, and it's really nice to look at and listen to. I'd call it comfy, if its whole aesthetic didn't kind of go against that.

I should pick up Catalyst sometime.

its a fun game

I also like Cloudbuilt, but Mirror's Edge has me come back to it more

passable for one playthrough

Disregard this retard. It's shit. The open-world is little more than a few railroaded paths to the same areas and there's very little diversity in getting from point A to point B. This completely ruins all of the side missions which are of course just excuses for more running like delivery and races which isn't bad but since the open-world design is so restrictive, you'll pretty much be running through the same places in the same way constantly.

Half of the upgrades you get are for abilities which were already available in the first game and the rest of it are just useless combat upgrades such as deal 2x more damage to a certain enemy type. The fact that there are a ton of collectibles and side missions available to unlock these is also useless because you can unlock like 70% of them just by playing the main missions.

The wrist-mounted grappling hook adds fucking nothing to the game play and even obfuscates a lot of paths. Not only that, it was clearly a shortcut for lazy level design. The final level has you climbing a tower and you use the grappling hook to climb ten fucking stories at a time because the level design is that lazy. Imagine playing the game without runner's vision, the mechanic that highlights objects as red to show you where to go. Yeah, when I'm running through a level, I'd totally think to just shoot my grappling hook at a pixel thousands of feet away. That's only the most extreme example of the uninituitive level design that the game has. Speaking of the runner's vision, they even made an upgraded version of it that literally points you to where to go instead of just highlighting objects because they just love handholding and being lazy.

Catalyst has already dropped to below 30 (in price, not fps), and was around 15 during some Christmas ssales

On top of that if you want to be cheaper about it you can join their monthly program and just play it for 5 bucks and whatever other EA games are at that time.
Then just unsub

You obviously weren't paying attention when they told you about the Runner's Vision. It highlights A path, not THE path. There are plenty of other paths. And just because you're to mentally deficient to see that there are plenty of other ways to get from point A to point B doesn't mean they're "railroaded paths". I'll concede that the various side missions do get a bit repetitive, but they're just meant to be distractions and ways to get extra scrip to level Faith up. The main story itself is well-written and fun to play. The final level you've grossly oversimplified, ,the grappling hook gets you from one floor to the next every so often, not ten stories up, and the rest is spend jumping and wall-running.

When I was referring to the railroading, I was referring specifically to how each building is connected to each other in the game and not how the paths are constructed for races and delivery missions. Most if not all of the ways you were to get from one building to another was only through using the one bridge they included for that one purpose. Good luck trying to just pick a direction and run in it because sooner or later you're just going to hit another cliff. And I have not simplified anything. While ten stories was indeed an exaggeration, seven stories isn't. See: youtu.be/CZf27rH6WZU?t=987.

I cannot criticize the story in full because I could not be bothered to get all of the useless collectibles but I found the story to be simply average. Nothing stood out as "well-written."