When will people admit this is the best Monster Hunter game? Do we have to wait till the XX release...

When will people admit this is the best Monster Hunter game? Do we have to wait till the XX release? Arts and Styles are 100% optional and you're basically complaining about being given +40 new weapons, the variants are so fucking hardcore it blows 4U's entire roster out of the water save maybe the Apex and the new monsters are just fan-fucking-tastic.

IG and CB were also balanced so now you don't need to feel like a scrublord for using one.

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monster hunter games are all bad

The reality is that every MH game is good, because they're all the same. It's just the new ones have the most people online.

New village looks like hot garbage and recycling old ones isn't an excuse. Meanwhile 4U had a bunch of fresh new ones. What gives?

Did you mean to say worst? If so, I agree.

t. didn't play MHFU

Revisiting Pokke was great

Got me a 3DS.
Which MH do I buy? I'll only play single player.

3U. Then all of them.

I've heard stories of shit underwater battles. Should I be worried?

mhfu is unquestionably the best monster hunter game

No. Just leave the SnS at home, grab a Lance/Gunlance and fuck their shit.

Played every single release. If I wanted to visit Pokke I'd play MHFU.If I wanted to visit Kokoto I'd play the original game. This is not an excuse to get lazy with the (only) new village.

>Arts and Styles are 100% optional

100% a lie, you cannot disable them
And the monster AI is retuned to make you use aerial to get mounts more often, or at least adept to roll off attacks because getting hit is almost impossible if you half arse it.

This gives you no feels then?


>you cannot disable them


>Crossover/anniversary type game
>Huge potential for nostalgia
>All they did with the potential was allow you to visit the villages for the previous games

Lame. Super lame. They could've had storylines specific for each village where you hunt the flagship monster for each place. They could've talked about a legendary hunter that appeared out of nowhere and went from rags to badass. So much wasted potential it hurts.

>They could've talked about a legendary hunter that appeared out of nowhere and went from rags to badass

They do exactly this in every single village you visit.

Damn, I suck with those. What about the long sword?

Yeah it's pretty good. After a fade slash you can dodge up/down so you can avoid even the nastiest attacks.

Really the only weapons gimped by underwater are SnS, LBGs, Bows which are already casual mode.

With all the new options they gave for hunters to deal more damage, did they at least tweak the monsters to be a little harder so it feels balanced?

Yes, hyper monsters have HP for days. Arts don't do much damage though, the best one is still basically a very minor sharpness recovery which you can use a lot.

Hunting styles are a lame excuse and a clutch for bad hunters and they also drug out the early game 10 times longer than needed by making you do dumb fetch quests and other bullshit in 4 fucking villages instead of one. 4U>3U>Gen>shit I didn't play

monsters have like half hp and the same movesets as always except theyre now easier to dodge; khezus shock aoe has no range around him, for example.

Did you even play the game? Hyper Khezu's AOE is even bigger and does three times as much damage.

it's only bigger when hes got hyper on his body, besides there being a huge ass tale on it, the aoe is the same as it was on gen 2.

Or how about just stick with one village? Jumping between several is just a waste of time.

Except he's fast now and that tail spin doesn't just harmlessly pass over your head.

Other monsters like Shogun Cenataur are way harder than before, even Terra, and the variants are the worst of them all.

I like Gen a lot.

The min-max meta is pretty gay, but using styles that are fun get stuff done pretty quickly anyway.

Then you have nerds like this who think adept is any better than Evade + 2 (protip: It's not.)

More importantly, I am quite hyped for Toukiden 2, altho by now I think I am the only person on this planet that genuinely liked Kiwami.

Seeing how hard Gen's endgame is, how can they even add a G-rank?