>Note: To utilize the High-Resolution Texture Pack, make sure you have an additional 58 GB of available and that your system meets/exceeds the recommended specs below.
>Intel Core i7-5820K or better
>GTX 1080 8GB
what the FUCK
>Note: To utilize the High-Resolution Texture Pack, make sure you have an additional 58 GB of available and that your system meets/exceeds the recommended specs below.
>Intel Core i7-5820K or better
>GTX 1080 8GB
what the FUCK
high res, low res, the art style will still look meh.
The lighting is fucked, they went cartoony instead of realistic like the previous games.
It's like a sarcastic response to criticism.
>Oh our textures are shit? WELL HOW DO YOU LIKE THIS?
Are they also going to introduce a "HD DIALOGUE TREE"?
>Make sure you have at least 100 GB free, as we brought in over 2,000 new voice actors to say "Help me kill those super mutants" and "Thank you for your help"
>high resolution pack
we all know how the HD texture pack worked for skyrim it was still horribly compressed textures scaled up.
I remember when it was considered insane for FEAR to require 17gb to install, then the insanity that was Max Payne 3's 30gb, then the madness of Titanfall being 50gb for a multiplayer-only game with about 8 maps.
Welcome to the future where texture packs weigh in more heavily than the base game.
none of the fallout games ever went for realism
>Texture pack
>Meanwhile any texture mod in PC requires 2gb at most.
Bethesda not even once
Cool, whens the patch that makes the game good?
>release HD uncompressed textures
>Game runs on toasters
>Suddenly needs a high end i7 and a fucking 1080 to have HD textures
Does Bethesda even try anymore?
Why should they try? People will lap up and praise whatever shit they churn out?
>only 1440p on ps4 power edition
>have i7 4790k
>32GB of RAM
Something tells me Bethesda is full of shit and those "HD" textures will run just fine on my machine
Considering how badly Fallou 4 already ran, the HD textures will only make it run even worse.
>game runs on toasters
Fuck no. Game still runs like shit in the urban areas, un-optimized trash
This shit already runs like 100 blighttowns, I don't even wanna see how it runs with these textures.
Does Bethesda not believe in optimization?
so this is the filesize of MEGATEXTURES
They just believe in incompetence.
>that filesize
>those specs
I guarantee any high-res mod does the job infinitely better, what the fuck.
>Game still runs like shit in the urban areas, un-optimized trash
The problem with FO4 is memory related, it tries to load too much stuff from the drive and also write on the pagefile at the same time. Which is why i think these HD textures will only make things worse, even bigger files to load, not to mention they're likely the native uncompressed textures which means even more processing power will be required, so requiring a mid-high-end i7 and a GTX 1080 is not really surprising.
it's cos they're hd texture packs as mods (e.g. nexus mods, bethesda forums) that're most likely better and don't take up a universe
>Just Cause 2 is 5gb's
>Crysis is 6.5gb's
>both those games look better than FO4 even with the new 58gb textures
I honestly don't get it.
Todd Howard can go fuck himself.
Not to mention that Just Cause 2 is incredibly well optimized.
Does JC2 and Crysis have 10 large secret bunker scattered around fields and towns? Do they have more than 50 enterable buildings, each with their own unique assets and textures?
>I honestly don't get it.
kek I bet you think Stew is heavier than Feathers.
>game runs like dogshit
>better include "HD" textures that will take up more space than the game normally
this shit isn't a mandatory install is it?
If it's like Skyrim, no.
I DEMAND Todd to come into this thread and explain what they are doing.
Silky smooth cinematic 24fps for everyone.
>each with their own unique assets and textures
come on m8 at least try
fucking kek
>it's really just higher res textures but with no compression at all
>Exceed all requirements except the 1080 (I have a 1070 8GB)
I'll download it anyway, I get the feeling that these specs may be exaggerated. At the very least I wouldn't mind seeing just what this looks like. I fucking swear if it's just blown up versions of the vanilla textures like the Skyrim HD texture pack with no increase to actual texture detail. Who am I kidding, of course that's what it will be.
Are they bitmaps?
No, but neither does fallout 4
You enter the different areas, which require loading....so...what's the different ? Only that jc2 and crysis dont have one aside you progress to next chapter/level
I only have a GTX 1070 and a i5-6600, will it run at 1080p?
Probably, I think those specs are a conservative estimate of what it would take to run it on 1440p to avoid people complaining that it stutters on their PC even though they have the recommended specs. It'll probably run fine on lower resolutions with weaker specs.
JC2 is 400sq miles. FO4 is about 40sq miles. Granted, JC2 doesn't have many enter-able buildings, but it's overworld map is considerably larger.
luckily gamebryo lighting is easy to modify and can look fairly decent when modded.
Buy my games first.
>Intel Core i7-5820K or better
>GTX 1080 8GB
I'm calling absolute bullshit on those recommend specs. Like I know they sometimes go high with them, but that's ridiculous that these "hi-rez" textures would require a 1080.
>Only have a GTX 1070
Welp, guess I can't run this at 1440p@60fps.
>Take lowres compressed texture
>Upscale to 20000x20000
>This was a great idea
>repack & upload as """"Texture Pack""""
And the game will still fucking crash to desktop during survival mode when you haven't slept in hours.
Did anyone do a before/after picture/video of this yet to see if it's worth downloading?
Thanks, Todd! You're the best
>new mole rat texture is a 54GB bitmap of Todd's pungent scrotum
who the fuck still has that garbage ass game installed?
>just built my rig
>game requires an i7
What the fuck you cucks told me an i5 running at 4.0 would be fine?
Any time a game says i7 in the reqs, you can just ignore it.
dafuq, they still produce them?
Bethesda's high res textures look like fucking shit. There's better looking lower res textures than any of their official high res textures have been.
Bethesda is easily the most incompetent developer I've ever come across in my nearly 30 years of playing video games.
I'm confused, can someone help me understand
how do they all of a sudden have HD textures now and not before (at least for PC) if they didn't redo them all from the ground up (which I'm sure they didn't)
are they really just the PC ones for the new consoles?
Technology of Upscaling.
literally the only difference between a i5 and i7 is hyperthreading
Fucking this, bethesda just stretched these textures on ms paint and called it a day.
they're both a kilogram
The other official screenshot just looks awful. Extremely blurry/ugly textures not even that far away. The game is so fucking shit because of TAA and FXAA being the only options, and they intentionally gimped FXAA because all options are poorly optimized. Plus TAA blurs everything while moving so it just looks awful to explore in FO4
yeah must be why almost 2 years after release the lighting can hardly be changed at all in f4 apart from bare bones enb.
Is this real? Top kek
It looks the same.
Here's a real answer:
Basically this for each gametexture. Don't expect true HD textures or anything redone. They went easy on this shit.
>the madness of Titanfall being 50gb for a multiplayer-only game with about 8 maps
Mortal Kombat X is also around 50GB. A fucking fightan game.
The fact that they named an AMD card that doesn't even exist, and likely never will since Vega will be 500 series/Fury 2, shows how much thought was put into them.
Todd has access to the new Xbox console so now he can just turn that shit up all the way...............except PS4 Pro you stay on medium-high.
there's one thing good about Xbox using high end hardware....Better graphics for new games released on PC and consoles.
IDK what switch is gonna do.
hay you guys remember megatexture?
Why can't these stupid niggers just optimize their fucking games
dude uncompressed audio files
>>Intel Core i7-5820K or better
>>GTX 1080 8GB
Hahahahahahahahaha jewvidia and kiketel are unreal
optimization what's that
You can ignore it, but you can no longer pretend it doesn't make a difference. Quite a few games now run noticably better on an i7 versus an i5. Watch Dogs 2 is the latest one which really benefits from the extra threads.
Just checking, user. You DID buy Fallout 4, right?
>all those i5 faggots getting BTFO
im laughing so hard right now.
thats what you fucking get when you constantly spew the "i7's are pointless" meme.
>2,000 new voice actors
>including stephen russell, stephen bussell, stephen tussell, stephen mussell
I can already predict it'll either look WORSE or be a 50GB sidegrade at best to modded textures that've already existed for a year, not that you can do much for F4 anyway
>Watch Dogs 2
Great. Now how about an example of a game that people would WANT to play?
Posts that trash, come on. Do it with a game that atleast isn't unoptimised trash, idk like gta 5.
>le opiniones
>I don't like the game so the port is bad!
>I have a toaster so the port is bad!
It's one of the best uses of high end hardware released to date, yet scales down well to weaker setups nicely. You fags will say anything that doesn't run at 4K/144fps on your GTX 460 is "unoptimized".
>bethesda cannot into non-fucked compression
Speak for yourself. It runs on my i5 2320 and 1Gb 560Ti.
It looks like shit, but it runs at 60FPS smoothly.
>Metal Gear Revengeance comes out on PC
>cutscenes weigh about 17 Gb, the game itself is 3-4 Gb
>cutscenes look like were done in-engine, yet are still prerendered, decreasing their quality and bloating the game
Vidya industry is weird
>runs like 100 blight towns
Nice toaster poorfag
So when are they going to release an update for the game that makes it not run like ass?
6 years.
We are three or four BGS games away from them totally abandoning the PC. Their own mod market / mods on consoles was step 1.
fucking bethesda
Lighting is kino. Just install color correction and a flora overhaul of your choice