Do you think they removed this from the Wii U version of Zelda BOTW so it doesn't have an advantage over the Switch...

Do you think they removed this from the Wii U version of Zelda BOTW so it doesn't have an advantage over the Switch version?

Yeah, I bet they also flash "BUY A SWITCH NOW" in bright red letters every 10 minutes and play an alarm sound on the Wii U.

we'll see
they could just stick it in the menu on the switch version

yeah but you can't play switch version in 4k unlike wii u version.

Yeah but having constant access to it is still better than having to pause the game and pull up a menu

Didn't Aonuma state a few months after this presentation that he doesn't like using the gamepad screen for menus and shit?

With that in mind, I think they dropped this feature

is it though? you kinda have to stop playing to look down at the map anyway. it doesn't add anything to gameplay just having it there constantly. you already have a minimap

the footage is from the 2015 VGAs and he made the statement regarding his dislike for the gamepad in summer 2016, so its possible they removed it

the footage is actually from the 2014 VGAs

In a huge game where you can easily get lost, having a constant map in your hand is a pretty big advantage

Are you guys seriously worried that the wii u version might not have a feature on the switch version?


The map doesn't look remotely like that anymore so most likely

It was built for the Wii U originally so of course its dissappointing if the they won't even use the gamepad for a fucking map

not really. it only offers a slight advantage over having to open a menu to access the map

But you can watch where you're going on the map in real time.

Aonuma is a genius. He probably took a page from Hyrule Warriors' "Command" mechanic, which you use by pausing the game. You will be able to command your horses and up to 5 allies across the world at a time.

Screencap this!

you can do that with the minimap in the corner. it's much more convenient than looking down from the screen. if you could access the map with one button like in TP then there would be almost no advantage to the gamepad

Did you play WW HD? It was so convenient to just glance down at your ocean map and see which direction you're headed. A minimap isn't able to tell you anything long distance. Also inventory was great on a second screen. Don't even need to pause the game, just a small swipe to change your gear

>it's much more convenient than looking down from the screen.
Maybe, but I prefer not having a mini map taking up a corner of the screen. It was done great in TPHD and WWHD. Xenoblade X too.

Aonuma openly admitted that BotW was initially designed with the Wii U in mind.

That's why the Sheikah Slate looks like the fucking Wii U pad and it would have been tied into the actual gameplay a lot more. Apparently the pad would have 'spoke' to the player and no doubt a ton of touchscreen play bullshit would have been part of it.

When it became evident that they should also port the game to the Switch, it radically changed how the game was developed. They dropped the touchscreen and other nonsense but kept the slate aesthetic.

To be honsest, it's for the better. A traditional control scheme for a new epic Zelda is what everyone wanted.

They can have traditional gameplay while keeping the map and inventory on the gamepad for convenience. Did you not play WWHD or TPHD?

Tell him to try WWHD with gamepad stuff. The experience is a million times between with items and shit being so quick to swap.

He is literally only saying that to save face on gimping the Wii U version. Even if all the BotW Wii U version had way map and waymarkers, it would save tons of time going in and out of menus to look around, put custom markers or scan the area for shit.

The constant map made sense in Wind Waker because it took a while to sail anywhere. It made sense in Xenoblade X because there was a shitload of stuff to manage on the map, which the touch screen made bearable.

But unless you're weird as fuck, you are essentially paused while checking out a map in Zelda on-foot. They probably noticed how BoTW playtesters (or TPHD players) weren't really running and staring down at the gamepad at the same time, and figured it was a waste of resources.

Yeah I have them both. And i agree having the pad to access your inventory without pausing the game was sweet and a real testament to how great the Wii U pad could be if used correctly.

But what worries me is that as the Wii U continued to be more and more of a failure it seemed like Nintendo were coming up with increasing desperate ways to justify the existence of the Wii U pad, even if it was detrimental to the gameplay - Look at Star Fox for example.

You can bet that BotW on Wii U would have been another clusterfuck.

Didn't they say horses would follow roads automatically? This would totally be helpful while riding one.

>and figured it was a waste of resources.
So the better alternative is to do nothing? That's just lazy.

How long does it take these people to look at a map? A quick 1 second glance is all you really need, why pause the whole game for that?


I'm super fucking glad and relieved that BotW will have a nice, simple, traditional control scheme. It makes me even more excicted for it desu.

No. They removed it because Aonuma fucking hates the Gamepad.

People are much more incompetent than you think unfortunately.

But switch has touch too

They also automatically go around trees or rocks in front of them

If I had to guess, there may be more info than just the drawing of a map on the map menu. There might be sub-menus detailing shrines, or screens that show the number of whatever-the-fucks you've collected. And while testers were digging through that info a bokoblin bombed the shit out of them.

But hey, I'm just guessing.

Yeah but doesn't have dual screens

Not when it's in the dock

>h-he's just saving face!
Gamepadfags on suicide watch. You've been exposed by Aonuma, of all fucking people. It's almost as if Nintendo themselves never tried the thing while designing it.

Oh wait.

Yes. It's already been confirmed that BOTW won't be using the touch screen at all.


Both version are the same except for the graphical differences. Wii U doesn't use the touch screen and Switch doesn't use HD rumble.

Wind Waker already used the gamepad to great effect, retard.

That's actually the most disappointing thing about the Switch. It has all the features of all the systems... except Wii U and DS. Even though it's perfect for that. Why the hell does it have a touch screen anyways? What was so hard about streaming to the dock when you want to play on the whole tablet for second screen gaming. If you're doing it for that the distance doesn't even matter. Like seriously they had no reason to remove dual screen gaming. Like what the fuck is that dead now? I prefer dual screen gaming to fucking Wiimotes. Why keep that tech but remove the dual screens?

I'm done ranting. I'm buying this shit after Arms and FEW comes out anyways. Or if Beyond Destiny comes out on it.

>Star Fox Zero
So you're just pretending to be retarded then, carry on.

BotW will be all the better with traditional controls.

5 years of
>the gamepad is great, its so convenient
>the gameplad sucks, plez buy the Nintendo Switch

nintendorks confirmed worst fanbase

Yet they remove the one feature in the game that would have been perfect for the gamepad
Aonuma is a hack and has always been

enjoy censor.. i mean gimped nintendo "lead platform" games

Xenoblade has the minimap on the corner, but having the map on the gamepad is goat.
It feels wrong when you are playing on the gamepad, because you need to stop in order to see the map.

>tfw TWEWY2 never

Fuck you Kimishima. I bet Iwata would have saved the Dual Screen

The fuck can you possibly censor in a Zelda game? Those games don't even have "damn" in them. It's like Wallace & Gromit tier family friendly FFS.


The fact that they removed gamepad support was a big bummer for me.