What's your favorite faction in bloodborne? i love the powder kegs just for the neat shit they made

what's your favorite faction in bloodborne? i love the powder kegs just for the neat shit they made
>rifle spear
>whirligig saw
>gatling gun
>boom hammer
>stake driver

also what's your favorite weapon?

>liking a faction because they make over the top items
>not because of their motives, writing quality, characters, or plot


I know I'm actually kind of sad that I saved the thumbnail, and can't find the picture through google images. It's the small things in life that really get you.

The kiddy fiddler choir set ruins the amazing constable's garb. Why are you doing this?

Whirligig is patrician's choice.

Cainhurst was right about literally everything.

Cainhurst nobles were the biggest degenerates in Yharnam. Not even the retards in Yahar'gul can stoop as low as the blood orgies that went on in Cainhurst. They probably played crab cock with blood dergs in the Queen's throne room in their free time.

there was only like 3 builds in bloodborne.

I'm HIJACKING this thread we best game in the series now (with best build variety to boot)

Looks like it's from Sweet Guy. Don't tell Sup Forums I spoonfed you.

Moonlight sword, Ludwig's holy blade, tonitrus, and boom hammer. Went strength/arcane and I seemed to really like the greatswords and elemental blunt weapons apparently. Overall though I'd say the Moonlight sword was my main.

Cainhurst knew of the Chruch's wrongdoings and became their sworn enemies.

The Church literally destroyed Yharnam and is directly responsible for the massive amount of beasthood, death, and plague there.

And Yahar'gul is responsible for the Blood Moon and making the Church's mistakes even worse.

Everyone in BB is retarded except for the people who chose to leave and live far away from the ones who literally brought civilization crashing to the ground.

Bless you

More degenerate than the Choir experimenting on babies or the hunters slaughtering entire towns?

>blood orgies

where does it say that?

Whiriniggers need to get the fuck out of this thread

Electric ball on stick

Archibald's Spark Hunters. Also what even made Paarl different from the Loran Darkbeasts?

thats honestly the most boring weapon
whats with all the electro ball nerds

Powder Keg weapons and the Logarius Wheel because I love blowing up shit and bringing the slam

Nobody was right. The church at least had the claim of seeking medical advancement in the beginning whether it was true or not.

Cainhurst stole the blood from them for what, power, immortality and decadence? In the end everyone guzzled cursed extra-dimensional blood.

>when you realize the Church versus Cainhurst conflict is really just werewolves versus vampires

It's the most broken weapon in the game
>Holding L2 and glitching the boss for half it's health

BASED cainhurst has the best style
chikage is a saber NOT a katana ok

>build in power within mechanic that allowed you to choose the damage multiplier
>nobody used it so PVP was a joke because nobody knew the moveset
The wheel was the best Souls weapon

Cainhurst was right about the Church and its true intentions. It was right to leave Yharnam. It was right to become a sworn enemy of an organization that was destroying civilization.

Everyone drank blood, it makes no difference. Their motivations were a little different, what with the experimenting on babies and murdering entire towns.

The old hunters
The burial blade is /fa/ as fuck and feels so good
Especially sending people flying with that charged r2

Holy moonlight sword because that shit looks cool af

How do evade Ludwig's jump move? It instakills me

whirlgig saw is the coolest weapon, fuck off

beasthunter saif is pretty underrated too

Milky Parasite.

Sure if you're an italian

>Pure skill
>50/25 str/skl
>99 arc
>str/arc wheel/moon sword
>blt no-fun-allowed chicagofag
That's five you dummy

Haven't played BB in a while but iirc you're supposed to roll as soon as the blood stops dripping from the ceiling.

>good on pure str
>godlike on str/arc
>easily usable with bare minimum with flat arc gems
>viable for rapid poison
Hands down the most versatile weapon in the game as far as builds are concerned

>99 arc

Was that worth it though? I thought the benefit was nearly nonexistent (for any stat) past 50.

That being said is it a far fetched idea to just grind your way to 50 in everything when blood echoes become easy to farm?

Forgive me if I'm wrong, rather new to this game.


Hunter tools scale all the way to 99.

I see....so that's for the arcane items (the gloves and slug thing iirc)?

So arcane is the only thing worth grinding past 50 then?

Hunter tools keep scaling all the way to 99
A call beyond deals about 1800 damage at that point, and ex gloves are all the better for pressuring when your opponent knows he's dead if they land and you can get a hit in during the stun

ludwig was the only boss in the game that I couldn't solo

I just finished my first play through an hour ago. I really liked the game but after doing all the chalice dungeons and DLC I feel I got to over leveled so the last three main game bosses where a complete joke.

My favorite weapons were the whirlygig saw, LHB, and Moonlight sword

I love the Amygdala Arm in concept, even if it isn't really that great.

The last three bosses are easy even if you are underleveled.

>LHB and moonlight sword

I liked them too but I found myself using them too damn much because they were just too good in every situation......after I went two straight zones with the LHB and realized this I put it away so I could enjoy the other weapons more.

The Moonlight sword isn't as bad in this regard but I still found myself fighting the urge to just not stop using it when things were too fast to hit with the wheel (love my wheel).

>kos parasite
>mensis cage
>mensis robes
>no lumenwood

fear the wrath of the Fist of Kos

wasn't their motives literally to make cool shit?

What level did you finish the game at?

>Swap my LHB for a Stake Driver
The stamina costs on this thing are so nice

Pretty much
>hear about some fancy-pants gunsword those prissy shitters at Dracula's castle made
>Hell, we can do that
>tape a blunderbuss to a pointy stick
Bless their souls

Sounds like fun, but how viable is the parasite without the rune? Is the damage output decent or frustrating?

You'll only be getting 360-380 with the best flat arc gems, but it is fast and fun for twinking

like around level 150


then OP truly is a Powder Keg in heart and mind

Please tell me you did the chalice dungeons and didn't grind that high just from the main game alone

I misread your original post
Disregard, I suck cocks

Healing Church a best

Jesus Christ.
I finished NG++ at that level.

No shit the bosses were easy. I guess its too late but for the record going into NG+ doesn't reset the Chalice Dungeons so you can wait to do them.

I'm on my first run at 104 with a +9 whirligig, HMS, and wheel with the following build....

Vit: 35
En: 35
Str: 50
Skl: 13
Blt: 6
Arc: 15 (going to get this to 50 next after Vit and En are 50)

Just beat Amygdala (who was a fucking joke) and Ludwig (who was not)....am I doing it wrong? Felt like I spent too much time farming the gargoyles in Cainhurst for chunks.

Church weapons are dope.

Kirkhammer and Loggy wheel da bess.

He's definitely a lot easier even with a crappy NPC summon, just because you get a lot more openings.

Everyone gushes about that boss fight but it's one of my least favorite. I honestly feel like phase 1 is a crapshoot in which you're mostly just trying to stand underneath him and mash. And the reason I feel that way is because that strategy works for me on every character, and other things I try do not work.

Maria on the other hand, I can see the tells and how to do the fight, and it's a good fight, it's just hard because she's fast and I'm old.

you're like 30 levels higher than people are when the beat the entirety of the main game plus dlc

t. Ludwig

If you're only on Ludwig then you're doing it wrong in terms of being op. 104 is way higher than necessary, I think generally people finish the game around 90. If you wasted your chunks then yeah farming is what you'll do but if you're only so far into the game then you should know you'll find enough chunks normally.

I'm not gonna lie. I'm only with Cainhurst because I want to marry Annalise. But Miyazaki won't let me so fuck every single faction they're all filthy and completely mad degenerates. And not in a Sup Forums way but in a they actually are inhuman degenerates way

cainhurst is objectively the LEAST evil, when compared to the church and choir

I really wish the pthumerians were a proper faction with a covenant. The pthunerian queen was aesthetically and mechanically my favourite fight, even if easy. Pthumerian Elder is severely underrated as a boss fight also

I see...fuck.

Am I at least building right? I just started putting points into arcane to use the HMS but I keep hearing the transformed wheel and HMS scale off arcane as well as strength.

How exactly does that scaling factor in numerically? The difference when they're transformed atm isn't that noticeable (aside from the moveset of course)

Pretty sure the blood the cainhurst fags stole from burgerking was queen yharnam's

Will Bloodborne II actually be made? Wouldn't it count among the "souls" franchise that Miyazaki supposedly ended with DS3? I mean I hope not but it's too similar.

If a sequel does arrive, do you wish for it to be a sequel or something completely unrelated storywise to BB1?

What setting would you like and what changes would you make to the story and atmosphere?

I'd like a sequel in the far future like DS2 and 3 but miss me with that "cycle" shit. I'd like to see more areas like Cainhurst and more "vampire" stuff since I think that the game really forgot about it with the whole Lovecraft thing. I mean I really loved the eldritch horror aspect but I felt like I needed so much more of that after visiting Cainhurst. I know vampires are usually gay and boring but I genuinely enjoyed it in BB

I agree. Vampiric stuff and gothic architecture would be super cool

I don't want a sequel
I want a spiritual successor
They do their best work with those

A similar setting (same era and werewolves/eldritch horrors) but a storyline with minimal connections to the 1st would be preferred.

Most of the reason I love the game so much is because of the Victorian era setting, it just works so well.

the best thing about BB was the bait and switch, where everyone thought the game would be about hunting beasts
the first images of ayylmaos completely dominated Sup Forums

you can't recreate that

>First 40% of the game is just werewolves and giant monsters of the same sort
>Kill spider thing
>Mini Cthulus hanging off buildings all over the place now
>The entire fucking nightmare frontier/lecture hall
>The first time I saw a fucking Winter Lantern, like what in the actual fuck?

I was not ready....

My niggas

Mmm I can't really think of a setting that fits the souls gameplay right now

Now you can play as a frenzied person for 40% of the game and kill innocents the entire time

The healing churches weapons category doesn't make sense to me. Like sure you got the big ass weapons for hunting the beasts as per Ludwig's philosophy but then the (relatively) tiny ass beast claws are part of the weapon group. I mean how off the rocker was Izzy to go hmm to defeat the beast we must become the beast. I say this because I'm assuming he/she/it saw Laurence transform into a cleric beast and realized that in the order where members are turning into giant beasts, willingly turning oneself part beast or even tapping into beast power is a bad idea. Or considering Laurence has the beast's embrace rune maybe he was also in on this insanity

Man if we get a BB2 I want at least half of it to be about Pthumeru. So much interesting shit wasted (lorewise) on the chalices

If the church knew what it was doing there would be a whole lot less problems
ty based church

Executioners. They were formed to go after bad people, they went after them, they won (more or less), and when their job is done they martyr themselves, which isn't fully elaborated on but I imagine that the reason they commit sudoku is so they won't become beasts and make everything worse. They're the only ones who are pretty much good and worthy knights in the entire setting, despite how fucked up everything is (and how fucked up they themselves are).

I have to have some respect for the School of Mensis as well. Even if they got fucked in the end, they knew the right path and came so close to their goal.

I'd rather have the same style of gameplay in another setting, like sci-fi or chinese mythology.

The Vileblood's entire schtick was collecting blood dregs from hunters in order to impregnate their queen and birth the child of blood (supposedly attempting to recreate Yharnam and Mergo). They hunt and kill all hunter indiscriminately, including the likes of Eileen and the player. They're cunts who made everything worse.

I just got a PS4 this Christmas. I'm really sad I missed launch day for Bloodborne, both because I was spoiled to hell and back about the ayylmaos and because I missed the threads about it.

Keep rolling forward on the central flat terrain.


Church Pick's tricked form feels amazingly brutal somehow. Smashing the shellfish ladies and tormenting Laurence's second phase were high points, but staggering any boss' head with it is supremely satisfying.

I never fucked with bloodtinge at all until now.
Chikage seems pretty great so far, but I never want to suffer the health penalty for going into unzipped mode.

>I say this because I'm assuming he/she/it saw Laurence transform into a cleric beast
Perhaps not. You find the Beast Claws in the Loran chalice and the item says it was fashioned from darkbeast claws. Beast Roar (also made by her/him/it) was also fashioned from a darkbeast. Darkbeasts originate from Loran.

From this I'd guess that Izzy is either from the same area where Loran once stood (like Henryk) or she/he/it was a chalice delver/hunter, either way likely fairly low on the hierarchy of the church and not privy to all their secrets.

As someone who loves this game I will criticize it.

Why does Hintertomb chalices exist? No good loot.
Too few bloodtinge weapons.
Ludwig and Laurence were too easy.
Defiled hotdog is a crime.

Henryk is not from Loran you memer, he would have to be thousands of years old.

defiled anything is the definition of artificial difficulty.

BLT only scales with unzipped. You can start the trick animation (where you sheath the weapon) and attack directly from it with an iado strike, perform a combo, and then end the combo with an attack that untricks it. Overall the damage is insane and the health you lose from the dot is minimal. Just get in the mindset of tricking it to attack and untricking it at every other point.

Health penalty isn't bad at all, you're supposed to trick in, nuke the fuck out of them and trick out. You'll understand when you get more vit and chalice gems

>too few bloodtinge weapons

What does a new character who plans to use the Bloodletter/Chikage even use until you get a hold of them?

>Defiled hotdog is a crime.
Is it criminal to use the pimp cane against it?

saw spear and rush to cainhurst


I know they fucked up but the aesthetics and lore are cool.

Best weapon is Amygdalan arm

Keeper and Amy were okay. Fire pupper, HMPH, and undead giant in any form is balls.

Hunter shit is good enough to play the whole game without scaling at all