Who /casualandproud/ here?
I love playing my games on normal and easy and enjoying them to the fullest. All these losers who pop blood vessels and break their equipment over bulletsponge enemies are so laughable. SAD!
Who /casualandproud/ here?
I love playing my games on normal and easy and enjoying them to the fullest. All these losers who pop blood vessels and break their equipment over bulletsponge enemies are so laughable. SAD!
Galko is for prostitution
Depends on my level of sobriety. I usually have a my tryhard file and my "I'm drunk as shit and I just want to play a game" file.
She's literally wife material, you take that back, faggot
everyone post galko doujins
S2 when?
I think you just like shitposting on this board with anime images.
I usually don't care about difficulty on single player games so I just play on easy/normal, so I only 'invest' time to get good in multiplayer games
b e s t g i r l
I play single player games on easy so i can experience the story better. I don't do multiplayer games they're too hard.
What's her anime about? Is there a self insert character that she falls for? This is important.
jesus christ i just go fired
>What's her anime about?
It's just a slice of life anime about a slutty looking bit titty girl. They're like 5-10 minute shorts.
Why are you posting sexual imagery of teen underage girls?
Please stop posting pictures of my wife.
Playing singleplayer video games on whatever difficulty doesn't really matter, it's trial and error and you'll eventually beat the game no matter how shit you are.
Multiplayer is the only non-casual thing.
>These are the kind of people you're sharing this board with
I always only play normal, I see no point in playing whatever other difficulty the game makes me select.
Anything above that is too stressing, and anything lower makes the game boring because I like some challenge.
i only play hard difficulties when it adds something interesting or similar
or like STALKER does it, where on expert difficulty you die in 2-3 bullets, but so does the enemy
wow just wow just wow
Why not both?
Body made for NTR!
>trial and error
Spoken like a true casual. You don't just get lucky in legitimately hard games, playing like that is how you end up like that one dude who played a Mario maker level 30,000+ times until he got it. Like that you will play like 5 games a year and want to kill yourself.
What's this from?
get out
Spoken like a true Overwatch player.
Where do you think?
>tfw no casual boyfriend to belittle and bully when they're playing games on easy mode until they get off the console in frustration and stretch your boipucci
y live
>she looks like that morals committee officer from that futanari doujin
makes it funnier
I kinda see the resemblance, but she's missing the freckles
Wish I could do that. End up playing everything on very hard instead regardless of how much of a pisstake it is
>mfw finally getting around to Hard Reset
>ITT: Sup Forums tries to convince everyone into thinking they're good at games by beating it on hard mode
Unless of course you're referring to games like dark souls and doom. Other than that, we have no reason to respect you, especially if you don't have proof of your escapades.
i'm a bit disappointed in myself that I instantly knew the character you were talking about
I play on normal during first playthroughs. Hard on subsequent if I enjoy a game enough and want a greater challenge.
I like being casual. I prefer Smash Bros on my 3DS and still play Classic Mode and Smash Run the most as well as love Mario Kart 7 and 8.
sounds like me
You sound like my girlfriend. Me and her play each other in smash for 3rd and Mario Kart 7
If you're bored with life, hard is the way to go with your video games.
I always ALWAYS play on normal
It's what the developer design the game around and that's what the game should be judged on.
Easy/Hard modes are just deratives of normal.
Her breasts are too big
She has a black boyfriend
Hard would be worth playing more if it was actually interesting improvements to the game. New objectives, more refined AI, etc. Most of the time developers take the lazy route and make the enemies take more damage while dishing out more.
That black boyfriend is ME
how many games out there practically require you to start on normal, or else, Way of the Samurai comes to mind
>tries to justify being a casual by calling people who want a challenge and are actually good at games unlike him "sad"
>posts anime too
end your life
What's up, DSP
Why are blonde tits goddess's the absolute best?
>Posting cats
>expects to be taken seriously
>Hating anime
>On an anime website
I play on hard too but you sound pathetic and need to leave this site.
>tfw the only game I had to play on easy was touhou
Neo-Sup Forums, everyone
Same, I like relaxing games but lately I haven't played anything at all. I've just been watching Type Moon shit and Gundam
cuz u basic.
What do you mean, require? I played WotS4 on easy for the first time.
>tfw bf is a tryhard
>can have fun with fighting games because he uses all the fucking combos and special attacks
Going to cuck him yet?
Most gamers in their 20's who own a Playstation 4 are just like you, OP. Don't sweat it. You're just a product of your generation.
I don't care about your topic, post more Galko.
Are you supposed to play all games on hard? Is there a set rule for fun?
Galko-chan is literally built for nipple penetration
Ty user looks amazing
>the board famous for hating women is attracted to little girls
Do not deny the glory of your canon tags:inverted_nipples.
Here's an imitation (you)
Ojou is the best
Does she really have a hairy butthole?
The hair makes it better
Here, this was meant for you. Fucking nu-Sup Forums
>giving them real (you)s when they haven't earned them
>being retarded
I wish I wasn't such a casual sometimes. I played both demos of Nioh and the combat is so fun, but it took me hours to beat that ship boss, and then I couldn't get past that second area. I know that difficulty is the point, I just don't have the patience to get good.
OVA when?
second season when? i hardly ever watch slice of life stuff but i find this pretty enjoyable
It probably wouldn't cost much if it remains a short series, but I don't know if the merchandise has been profitable.
If all the merch looks like this then I hope not.
[hot glue intensifies]
I want to marry Galko and make her a mother.
You are. So. FUCKING. Cool.
posting better girl
Didn't she fuck a guy while wearing Galko's uniform?
rate me Sup Forums
That's hot.
>tfw only one image of Pregnant Galko
>he can't handle the heat
I always play on Normal, unless the game is really easy, then I play on Hard. I'm not a masochist.
Also, post more Galko.
I hang around low rank/elo in a lot of games because I only play online to find people to ERP with.
There hasn't been a game to hold my attention enough for me to play seriously since vanilla TF2.
I'm going to get galko pregnant.
>it's a Galko thread
Video games?
Then why isn't their any doujins with this? Its all vanilla crap. Not even any netorare!
link for that please?
Playing games on easy and normal is like settling for a 5/10. Sure you get to the end goal easier with less obsticals and that's fine. But beating a game on its hardest difficulty is like getting a 10/10 by changing your own body habbits to make yourself better and faster. It's going to be hard to obtain at first, but once you get it, you feel like a fucking man.
I remember in halo 3 it clearly states hwen selecting difficulty that it was meant to be playered on heroic. But generally I agree with you. Hard modes usually boil down to the enemy kills you in less hits. It doesn't actually improve their tactical ability and make you play the game differently.
To be honest I do not enjoy the game as much when its too easy.
Like, I enjoy it in a watching a movie way but if I wanted that I'd just watch a movie.
I am waaaay too competitive so unless there is some challenge its too boring.