Jump right before speed boost expires

>jump right before speed boost expires
>slowdown mid-air

>connection error
>lose all momentum and fall straight down into death

It was actually a friction reducer.

>jump forward
>you can 180° mid air and land behind your start point

all hail kyoani

>Dodge in the air
>Transfer momentum into a slide on the ground

It's sad that such good animation has to be wasted on moeshit.

what is moeshit?

>crouching mid air lowers your head instead of lifting your legs

I stopped paying attention to them after Lucky Star ended. Did they do anything decent in the last 10 years?

>Lucky Star was 10 years ago

Anything that has cute girls that he doesn't like.

>do a frontflip
>go backwards

>connection error
>momentum builds up to make my jump 8 times longer than normal

Phantom World is a guilty pleasure.

fucking worms

>jump just right before the speed boost expires
>Still fast
>If you time it just right you can conserve your momentum until you jump too early or too late

this was a masterpiece

What games feature thicc loli thighs?

That still doesn't even work that way you retard. Theres no friction from the ground in the air.


>Jumping at the right time at the right angle causes you to build up speed
>Devs incorporate that as a main mechanic
RIP Tribes



thats basically it I think

literally kills me inside

>jump while running
>lose all momentum

You're right, but there's also air drag to consider if the powerup fades mid air. You wouldn't drop suddenly, but your trajectory would change

moeshit is cancer

Fuck sake Rogal, ever heard of a dictionary.

what's moeshit?

>liking this garbage
shit taste desu

>Rocket jump
>Mouse cursor moved so fast it tabbed out of the game and went back to desktop
>Focus back in
>Somebody already killedyou

its a good anime
funny and cute

>final boss is cute

Yeah well which anime do you think would actually waste the money and resources for that kind of shit nowadays? Not even Dragon Ball Super is doing that because fucking Toei knows they can get away with it

>Jumping while running is faster than running normally

>Fall from a great height
>Double jump just before you hit the ground
>Still take fall damage.

It would have to just reduce air resistance. If there were no friction between the ground and your tires/feet you wouldn't be able to go foeward

>jump while running
>it's a straight vertical jump

>fall from great height
>double jump just before you hit the ground
>you die mid air at the point of the second jump

No game does this.

It was a good manga, too. I was genuinely surprised when it was announced it would get an anime adaptation.

I'm glad to know HiRez killed Tribes so they could work on amazing projects such as Smite

it's not fair

That's Pettanko

Disgaea 5.

>jump in area with massive slowdown
>games speeds you up to compensate

Please don't talk shit about my waifu's game. She's very sensitive.

your waifu is stuck is a cringy ass game

I want to fuck that non-dragon.

>ever heard of a dictionary.

>final boss calls you cute

Found the weeaboo degenerate

Trash like you have killed anime dead, congratulations

amagi brilliant park was pretty good

there has always been cutesy anime dude, I don't have the fucking info picture

someone post it for me

It has all these screencaps from 60s anime that include panty shots, and 60s UGUUU

>jumping is a skill you can level so you jump like a maniac everywhere instead of walking

Who could be cute with a mishapen dingleberry for a tail

>fall from a great height
>activate your levitate ability and float above the ground
>when the spell ends slow fall to the rest of the way to the ground
>splat against it like you've reached terminal velocity and die
Thanks Dragons Dogma

>final boss offers to wash your back

>jump backwards
>keep doing it until you go so fast you can go through walls

>camera tricks and visuals make you look like you're going much faster than what you are really going