Name one (1) IP in this thread, and wipe it from the annals of history

Name one (1) IP in this thread, and wipe it from the annals of history.

Alternatively, ruin it however you want.

i'm not a hacker

It's a game, you fucktard.


Darkest Dungeon, but any character that hits 0 hp dies instantly

kingdom hearts
literally the most autistic franchise

Uncharted series is now pixel art style

Legend of heroes.

Boy's Club

Arkanoid. Fuck Arkanoid, and all of its goddamn bullshit. Piece of shit.

I know Breakout was first and it can stay but Arkanoid needs to cease existing.

I'm picking Grand Theft Auto out of spite.

Agreed, fuck Arkanoid

World of Warcraft

Single player only, Switch exclusive

Can i pick a company instead? I choose Blizzard

I am also mad. That game was so much fun. Might go play it now, actually. Still have my original copy from 2003.

Fire Emblem

Final Fantasy

alternatively give it good combat


Have fun.

dota 1. consequently, dota2, lol, and the shitfiesta of moba's will not happen.

>Name one (1) IP in this thread, and wipe it from the annals of history


this is a good answer too

came here to post this. Final Fantasy should not be combined with Disney. I like both milk and cola, but mixing them together is just a bad idea.

you're either a casual shitter or somebody who's sad about starcraft 2 dying due to blizzard being incompetent shits. either way leave the internet, bitch.

Mass Effect. Yes, I'm still salty about the ending.

half life

hook line aaaand sinker ;)


oh, wait...

decent choice

>Alternatively, ruin it however you want.

Okay, so hear me out. Let's take Paper Mario and remove levels, badges, partners, the over world, interesting NPCs, and any semblance of a good story.

Now here's the fun part. Replace the 10/10 battle system with card based attacks, where you can't even pick the enemy you want to attack, and bosses can't be defeated unless you somehow have the one specific card that OHKOs them.

oh it hurts Sup Forums

Did that actually happen?

Video games were a mistake

The Elder Scrolls.
As much as I love Morrowind, it's not worth it.

Mario from super Mario bros. Wipe every single game featuring this character.

Ruin it with microtransactions
Oh wait

I'd remove Warcraft from history so Blizzard never gets popular, and mobas would never exist.

They took literally EVERY THING that people liked about the Paper Mario games and completely destroyed it. And Nintendo is absolutely happy with what is essentially New Paper Mario and there are absolutely no plans to go back to a more classic rpg style because the Mario and Luigi games supposedly fill that niche. Even those games are starting to just follow the same repetitive formula over and over.
And Nintendo keeps defending their decision to remove any npc that isn't an entirely generic fucking Toad.

>pong was the first video game
I hope this is bait.

Good choice.

Probably the best choice.

Ruin the legend of Zelda series...oh wait breath of the wild is coming out.

The Witcher or The Elder Scrolls

Not sure which is worse.

>Probably the best choice.
that would remove Brood War from existence too and rob me of hours of enjoyment of watching autistic Koreans have a go at each other

DotA if the original mod counts.
League if it doesn't .


just do Warcraft 3, it would spare us World of Warcraft as well


Resident Evil.
