any games about fighting absolutely everyone on the planet again and again and again and again and coming out on top?
Any games about fighting absolutely everyone on the planet again and again and again and again and coming out on top?
liberals btfo
Payday 2. You murder the population of the earth 7 times over to make money. Still satisfying to finish a heist and hear the sweet sound of the car driving away.
Sage for Sup Forumsbait though
>and coming out on top
Gotta stop listening to those alternative facts, bro.
How does a president get such a bad approval rating so fast?
more like all Americans btfo
but if you're using the word facts doesn't that mean they're true?
rigged polls
mainstream media all against him
butthurt libcucks
Hatred sounds like the edgy game you want.
he's using the word ironically
Must be alternative facts then.
i dunno man
>1.8% chance to win
>"My policy is similar to what President Obama did in 2011 when he banned visas for refugees from Iraq for six months. The seven countries named in the Executive Order are the same countries previously identified by the Obama administration as sources of terror."
the absolute god
so, Sup Forums, why havent you lit yourself on fire yet to protest drumpf
it's a leftie meme
The media doesn't like him. People will blindly side with the media without even considering to question it's motives.
Most people who hate Trump couldn't give you a reason as to why. They might say something like "h-he's racist!!!!" but they would have zero proof of that being true. And a lot of them blatantly make shit up and then end up believing the dumb shit they themselves made up. It's bonkers.
He kept good on all the promises his followers were secretly hoping he'd abandon after the election
>Be rust belt out of jobber
>want jobs
>don't want literal discrimination.
The people who talked to the regular people who voted for him heard the same thing over and over again
>Oh he can't be serious about xx horrible thing he said its just campaign rhetoric, he'll bring back the jobs though
And then he started doing all the shit he said he would and people turned on him.
The Call of Duty series.
This faggot already turned the country upside down by dpong something tgat doesn't affect Americans directly, wgat will happen whe he does something that DO affect americans (for example: force everyone to have their social and internet info chcked)?
by polling the same people who gave hillary a 98% chance to win?
you really think during his first two weeks--while immediately tackling his campaign promises--his base would drop him like a stinky bag of shit?
of course you don't, but the media wants you to.
No real evidence of him being racist. They have a point with him being sexist though.
Not even american, but I've always said the very concept of polls was retarded in almost every situation that it can be used. Even if the ""independent"" institute is honest, the very fact that you only get the answers from those who actually want to bother with it is a huge change already. Also, just because something is anonymous doesn't mean people won't lie about it in order to avoid being judged (ie the internet, Sup Forums)
>Barely wins with the widest gap between electoral and individual votes in US history
You have a very flexible definition of "coming out on top".
>"...grab them by the pussy"
>being sexist
>Not sexist
Ho boi
His voters are idiots who thought he was playing 4D chess when he was actually being sincere.
this is what narrsasits do in school office every where
they spread rumors about you and they make people hate you
How does a president get such fast increased approval ratings that currently is higher than Obama's was for 7 years?
>people attempted or went through with suicide due to Trump being elected
>Not 1 (one) has picked up a weapon to try and kill him
This is whats wrong with the world, people would rather run away and let everyone else deal with the problems then do something about it by any means
if you lay in the sand...
I don't get it. The article you linked says his disapproval rating is worse than Obama's.
Seriously, you americans were infamous for killing/trying to kill your presidents a lot in the last, but not anymore, what happened?
>Has the support of the Klan and Stormfront idiots
>Constantly uses right wing and fascist rhetoric
>Most of his advisors are white supremacists
A Brit tried that.
His VP is also insurance.
What's his name? I forgot.
No, if it's the left saying it, it's fake news
If it's the right saying it, it's alternative facts
Mike "The Electric Fence" Pence
I-I'm sorry, Mr. President!
and braindead conservatives will side with him in equal measure just to "trigger libcucks". Which is equally pathetic.
This is First Past The Post voting system's main flaw: someone whom 49.9% of the population hates can still win.
A good voting system would elect consensus candidates (even if they are not favoured by absolute majorities), i.e. people that nobody really hates even if nobody really loves them either. Such a politician can do their fucking job rationally without having to pander to crazy marginals.
more like Mike "Sexually on the Fence" Pence
l m a o
It is if you only check the last few months and the first year Obama was president.
I can already tell you what essentially happened with the ratings these last 6 months
It's retarded, even more retarded is the fact that the travel ban list is based from a list made during the Obama administration, the fact that Obama and his administration had a 6 month ban on Iraq for exactly the same reason as Trump does now (Risk of terrorism) andpeople blindly gobbling up anything that the cuck media tells them.
I am not going to deny that Right media is biased, it definitely is, but I still see more people on the right being accepting of being wrong or mistaken than I do on the left, and I fucking consider myself to be left.
Left as a whole needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt.
The problem with musou games is that you never FEEL like having bested armies because they're so mind-numbingly, brain-deadedly, insultingly easy.
but that isn't FPTP, you mong.
Just looked it up on twitter, the account was suspended, it was fake. People really believe everything these days.
Do they? I don't think saying "grab 'em by the pussy" is inherently sexist. The context was that women like sleeping with successful men, which is true. Women saying men are easy to seduce would not be sexist, either. At the end of the day it's just banter between friends.
Saying you hate women, or outright think they are inferior, would be sexist. But I don't believe there's any record of him saying anything like that.
I swear Americlaps get too mad at the other side because they have different political views
>letting major population centers dominate decision making
>wanting retarded yes men career politician candidates
It is in practice: you vote for one candidate, and the candidate that gets the most votes wins. If people could vote on substitute candidates incase their primary candidate is Shillary Klingon, it could have all been different.
How does the account being suspended make it fake?
>I fucking consider myself to be left.
Why though
Hey there, libtard.
They literally elected a wall street and Russian goon that's selling out his country at an amazing speed. I'd be angry too but then I remembered that I have heathcare, welfare and diversity in Sweden. Screw them.
>I fucking consider myself to be left.
Why though?
>Trump didn't come out on top
Yeah it's not like he's the 45th president of the United States or anything
>ctrl + f 'Tropico'
>phrase not found
I'm disappointment.
Even yes-man candidates are better than marginal-pandering populists. But that's beside the point.
If roughly 50% hate Hillary and 50% hate Trump, it's a lose/lose in terms of ACCEPTANCE, no matter who won. But if people are allowed to vote for a substitute candidate in case their primary candidate loses, everyone may have voted for someone like Jeb Bush as their secondary choice, and he would have come out on top. Even more importantly, neither Shillary nor Trump would, because of that possibility, even try to pander to their insane-o marginals.
Sup Forums is leaking again I see
>Affiliating yourself with political parties
You faggots are literally killing this country.
>letting retarded hicks dominate decision making
Inb4 "But omg nigger fug ur sister and U u haram lolo" etc. psychological projectors.
Reminder that the other candidate got 200k for speaking 30 minutes at Goldman Sachs.
Reminder that the other candidate funded her campaign with Wall St. banking cash.
Reminder that your social democrat utopia is being eroded by the very same "diversity" you hold oh so dear.
Because he hurts muh feelings and shit
>I remembered that I have heathcare, welfare and diversity in Sweden. Screw them.
You also have hordes of snackbars raping your women
why is Sup Forums always right? I want them to stop being so right all the time
It was a forceful act, and that's enough to be sexist. It's whatever women think though, and clearly there were upset women all around the country the day after his inauguration.
Should we build a wall around Canada too?
Love how everyone ignored me pointing out how genuine autism is bred from stormweenie bullshit in equal measure to liberal retardation via the same exact mechanism as Sup Forums contrarianism.
>But muh god emporer chosen by based kek.
Like clockwork.
She actaully changed her mind again before she was suspended
>claiming Trump is the "Wall Street" candidate
It's not that they'd rather run away. They're just really fucking stupid.
>the fact that Obama and his administration had a 6 month ban on Iraq for exactly the same reason as Trump does now (Risk of terrorism) andpeople blindly gobbling up anything that the cuck media tells them.
This is incorrect.
Obama halted refugee processing from Iraq fo six months.
Trump banned any citizen from the countries even if they have green cards etc.
Never forget
Trump is a terrorist
Putin is the devil
Neofascism is destroying western society
Nationalism is cancer
>doing literally everything he said he would do
>le populists
Care to explain your retarded logic to me?
While America has hordes of niggers shooting everyone up
both are pretty bad t b h
>talking shit about any other country
Bait, but well done.
I am hoping you're right but is there any proof of it being fake.
I prefer some of the ideas that is typically considered left, that's all. I never hated the right nor do I think they're wrong, it's generally about priorities and shit usually. I never supported the "Open borders" bullshit though and I think the direction the left has taken is retarded; you have to be delusional if you think that any culture can mesh together with another without problems.
I keep telling people that you should start small and then build up to see what works best, not fucking let people flood in. There's no point of immigration if you can't integrate immigrants and illegal immigrants should be kicked out for obvious reasons. If you want to support immigrants, you should work towards improving the immigration process and making it smoother, that's what I think at least.
But no, it's all "OPEN THE BOARDERS, think of all the poor minorities ):" which is selfish thinking. People are always going to get hurt and sometimes the best solution leads to suffering. Same with helping people too, what helps, actually helps, someone might be something that hurts them at first.
Stay deluded stormweenie
I hope you've doomed us so I can laugh at you as we burn.
I see you user.
Republic is based on consensus. I'm a dumb hick farmer but I don't go around telling people that San Fran leftist clique should be stripped of voting rights. They have their opinions and I have mine. The system we currently have prevents said San Fran clique from oppressing me.
And Germany is now the leader of the free world
>I expected you to point out that Sweden's rape rates have been rising with its influx of unchecked immigration from muslim countries, therefore I win even though you're statistically correct!
>wall street can't afford to buy two candidates
i guess they never teach you how to count to a trillion in burgerclap schools
This is actually what upsets me the most. His cabinet is literally full of lobbyists.
Are countries like Sweden and Germany fucked forever? Is there no going back? They can't possibly send them all back can they?
Good thing I'm an Ausfag and instead of either of those I just have to deal with becoming a new territory of China - at least they don't intend to kill or rape me
>Damage controlling this hard
Og dette er hvorfor Norge og Finland må bygge en mur mot Sverige
Forbanna svenske cucks
I'm not even him. It's just hilarious how you're such a moutbreathing memester people can Joestar the fuck out of you. Fucking hilarious.