>video game can be completed 108%
Video game can be completed 108%
Buddhism is straight up the most pessimistic religion/philosophy ever. Karma ruins everything.
I don't get why people follow this stuff.
Karma ruins everything only if you do bad things
Nope. You won't reach nirvana if you only do good things. It skews your karma too much.
Isn't providence more or less like karma?
you are retarded user
>remove all feelings
>remove the fun of life
>remove joy so you can remove sadness
>live alone and quiet
>Ta-dah! ur transcend
It's an evil system desu
That's retarded.
>tadah you transcend into nothingness
Name 10,000 games that do this
Buddhism is basically cosmic suicide, ending one's ability to reincarnate in order to finally find permanent peace.
>I don't get why people follow this stuff.
Nihilism rules the west
buddism is in line with Sup Forums. part of buddism is accepting that chaos is a part of natural order. once you have accepted that chaos is part of life you will gladly welcome it when you sense it coming because you have dealt with it before. You will realize that you live in the matrix but then its upto you afterwards to bring meaning to your life, which can be a chaotic process or an organic one, ultimately youre in control of your life nobody else is
Maybe for the orthodox? I don't know. I at least know many people follow the virtues of karma without being specifically religious.
>Karma ruins everything
No. It teaches everyone to be peaceful and polite to each other. A lot of Christians (like me) have accepted it as The Golden Rule.
You are correct. Nibbana is not attaining everlasting happiness, but attaining everlasting peace, and leaving the endless cycle and countless lifetimes ahead of and before us. To Buddhist monks, this is the most noble thing to aspire to.
To someone not involved with Buddha's teachings, it may seem pessimistic. The deeper down the rabbit hole you go, the more and more you realize that Buddhism is neither pessimistic or optimistic. It transcends these labels. Nothing is pessimistic or optimistic, it just is.
>tfw i ascended just by reading this post
Did you listen to those hipster Steve Jobs Buddhist. I have never meet a good white buddhist in my life, only hipster one. This is an Asia thing tbqh
>game is bugged and stuck at 99%
The only white Buddhist I've ever heard that gets anything was Alan Watts