Why don't you play me anymore?

Why don't you play me anymore?

I do, for emulation and it's actual library

i just finished persona 3 portable a few days ago for the first time
i liked it

PPSSPP exists and my 2 psps have long since had issues, shutdowns etc.

I still do though.

i do.
i was playing some playstation games on it the other day.
currently finishing up Hercs Adventure on it.

if my battery wasn't fucked, i would, especially since i finally refound my psn account and can finally try and play phantasy star portable 1&2 even though the online will be beyond dead at this point

I haven't got around to hacking you. I think I used this thing more for podcasts than for games

>Persona 3 Portable

It's more comfy playing your games on the vita and vita tv, sorry.

P3P is better than FES, deal with it

Persona games are all about atmosphere and story. If you take that away like P3P did, what's even the point? Nobody's playing Persona for the gameplay.

Battery has gone to shit, and SOMEHOW I've managed to lose the battery cover. I played everything I wanted to anyway.

might as well just watch it on youtube if that's how you feel senpai

>watching lets plays

i fucking hate millennials

That doesnt even make sense. That would kill the atmosphere even more than playing P3P

>playing video games with shit gameplay

The same reason I don't play my DS anymore: you're outdated, yet not retro enough to revisit. Any PSP game I want to play is downloadable on Vita.

You broke my heart when mhp3 didnt release in the west

What game are you talking about?

The one user was talking about here

I just played you yesterday, I've got other shit to do.

Persona 3 doesn't have shit gameplay. It's fine. Just not the highlight of the game

Because mine broke.

Emulation really is great.

Playing PSP games with an Xbox One controller is heaven.

The analog nub really prevented me from enjoying the games.

why do you care so much about what other people play?
youre not the one playing it.
are you mad because another user is having fun with a game you dont like?

I think he said he like to emulate other consoles on his psp.

Because I can play all your games elsewhere with better controls/visuals and I own 3 other emulation portables that are better than you at emulation.

I just dug my launch PSP out and put 32gb in it, so I'm playing you again.

Played mine the other day for the first time in ~8 years. There are so many games on that little 16gb card. Forgot how cool and powerful that little PSP was. No idea why the Vita was such a failure.

Cause ive beaten every snes essential already.

I hope by essential you're saying games like Hagane and Ninja Warriors Again instead of those shitty jrpgs.

I want to buy a PSP 3000 first.

Well PSP it's simply a matter that your battery is fucked beyond belief. It takes longer to bloody charge you than you last, and there's also the fact your charge cable only works in a very, very specific position. Were you working properly I'd be using you as my go-to emulation device.

But I do, frequently.

My only problem with you is that I don't know that much PSP games (and I mostly play PS1 games) on you.

I do play you

on my vita

Because I sold you and bought Oblivion for my 360.