>400.000.000 software/games sold
Sony making gaming great again.
>400.000.000 software/games sold
Sony making gaming great again.
Is this even allowed to be posted here?
that doesn't seem like a lot, i wonder how many games gabe sold
It's too bad they went full Kikerosoft this generation. What went so wrong from the 3/P to 4/Vita?
Can't wait until they create a new handheld.
The Switch fucked all my hopes of it being a successor to the 3DS, and with paid online I can't see myself picking one up outside of outrageous deals.
The keep making press statement on ever tens of millions.
Sony likes flexing it's muscles, time that could be spent on making another game.
You mean over the course of a decade? Probably a lot.
But PS4 selling 400 million over half that is still impressive.
if only for the sake of competition, then again windows tablets will blow the switch away soon.
When they're so far ahead like they are now, they can relax a bit.
If the Xbox did this every time 100 systems sold I could see it being troublesome though
Who plays Sony games? Without third party sony is nothing, I wish nintendo would realized that, but they have their heads too far up their own asses.
How are they actually making gaming great again?
>Under powered console
>No actually new/unique games
I want it for competition but also because if they don't, I'll probably end up ducking out of the gaming hobby or move to PC. The Switch sucks anus so far and I already hacked my 3DS and Vita (with another Vita for new titles) so I'll be set for at least a decade or until they take down the shops.
If a new handheld comes out I'll probably buy it day 1 unless it also has paid online.
>Checked em
Sony's Third Party support is why they're great though.
If Nintendo didn't fuck over third party devs nor censor fucking everything for no reason, Sony wouldn't stand a chance.
Fuck man they really need to shut up about this shit once in a while. I don't think anybody outside the shareholders asked for a running tally on this stuff
Yes I agree 100% I don't know why Xbox scorned japanese third party and why Nintendo hates all third partys that are not SE/Atlus/Capcom.
And only 2 million of those PS4 owners own the "best game on the system" while Fifa and Madden sell over 30 million annually. Sonys back to the nigger filled PS2 days it looks like.
>But PS4 selling 400 million over half that is still impressive.
not really, 400 million isn't a lot of games.
Unfortunately, it is nowadays.
It's a different market user, japan's console market is RIP soon.
As long as the sales of Fifa and Madden give Sony the money for them to throw at more Bloodbornes, I don't really care.
Since the PS4's release Steam has sold 894.2 Million Games.
That's a conservative estimate based on Steam Spy.
Factor in Origin + Uplay....and PC basically has more game sales every single year than Sony has had in the PS4's entire lifetime.
then factor in ps3+ps2+ps1 if you wanna keep moving goalposts
Nioh, horizon, nier, persona 5, they got the games
now this is grasping
Hey retard, those 400 million software sales Sony are jerking themselves off about do include PS3, PS2, PS1, PSP and Vita games sold over the course of the last three years.
Try fucking reading the articles before running your mouth pleb.
If you think quantity is more important than quality then yes
I wonder why MS doesn't have the aggressive Xbox One sales in the rest of the world like they do in the US?
Yet people boast about Splatoon selling 400k units on Pii U.
If you compare sales of games on Pii U with Sony and don't count just games you like you will see why developers will choose Sony this generation. It's the best place to get your games sold and sorry that's literally all that matters.
What did he meme by this?
The fuck are you on about? It's sold over 4 Million, it sold better than most exclusives PS4 Exclusives.
Those 0.5 dollar games really add up huh?
That's only a good thing bro, for both of us.
How did it sell more than there's even consoles out though?
Splatoon sold over 4 million.
>How did it sell more than there's even consoles out though?
Are you pretending to be retarded or is it certifiable?
what the fuck is wrong with you
You people are autist, games selling is great no matter what the platform. Everyone is better off with ps4 selling games.
And yet Bloodborne sold half of what Splatoon did, on a console with 4x the sales of the Wii U.
All the people buying the PS4 are buying it for non-games, like FIFA, or Madden. At best, they bought it for CoD and Battle Field.
It's a normie-machine, not a game console. Just like the Xbox used to be.
this user knows what's up
what a trainwreck of a gen this has been
>I wonder how many games Gabe sold
None, seeing as how with Steam you're just "renting" and don't actually own the game kek
Was it ever clarified if those "400.000.000 software/games sold" are actual games sold off the shelf, or are they padding it out with games included in bundles/games given out free with PS+?
Because this is important.
Your question has been answered every fucking thread, stop being a retard
If that's the case why didn't you post the answer? It'd only be a couple words, I'm sure you could manage it.
3DS has sold under 300 million for some perspective
Sony always wins Baby, you can't beat Sony
This makes me sad as fuck.
Despite it's install base being 1/4 the size of the PS4, the Wii U's has literally shifted more exclusive games than the PS4.
The PS4 selling tons of games isn't good for the developers, it's good for the Publishers and for Sony.
Do you think FROM see any money from the sales of FIFA and COD?
A fuck huge install base is meaningless if all they're buying is multi-plat garbage. Bloodborne has literally sold worse than any single Souls game on PC to date.
If the PS4 was succeeding on the basis of first party exclusives it'd be something to celebrate, but it's succeeding on the basis of being a homogeneous multi-plat normie box and that's what Sony will continue to cater for from here on out.
PS2 sold more than three times as much software.
PS4 has maybe 800-900 games you can actually buy and play, with tons of them being re-releases and ports. 8thegen has shit for games and will be the lowest-selling generation in decades.
How many 3ds Consoles have been sold tho, I imagined the 3ds selling x2 the games of ps4 at least, I guess piracy and the fact that handhelds are mostly a Japan thing makes this happens.
I imagine the switch will kill all thats left of the Japanese home console market, not that it matters much this console gen sucked anyway. I'm hoping the switch will become a standard thing having to buy a single console for home and on the go usage saves a lot of money lol with this and my PC I'm set.
Whenever I see the PCfag's hair like that I keep picturing there's some horrifying hairy spindly spider bastard underneath his hat.
Maybe now they won't have to make a PS5 and can continue software support for PS4 indefinitely.