In such a politically charged time, when even marvel comics is going full political...

In such a politically charged time, when even marvel comics is going full political, are you happy that Japanese devs are nearly immune to everything, aside from a few lewd censorship because of Europe?

Regardless of your political affiliations, don't you need a place where you can just chill and enjoy yourself?

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you mean because of america

Didn't god eater get censored because of germany?

>don't you need a place where you can just chill and enjoy yourself?
sadly other boards invading Sup Forums refuse to let me have that. i just want to talk about video games

>politically charged
it's all quiet here.

Learning Japanese was the best decision I made in terms of being able to relax, I actively try to avoid current events and politics, being able to just jump into games with cute girls is the meaning of life to me.

Handheld master race, cant wait for switch!

Escapism is bad for you.

We just had a 600 reply thread about trump and hillary on Sup Forums.

>are you happy that Japanese devs are nearly immune to everything

That's not going to last much longer with the Olympics on the horizon.


>no Barron Trump JRPG

Fuck off Marche, not like I can do anything about the political world. If the nukes start flying I'd rather not know.

i think that's parody op

They aren't going to change for a bunch of whiny Euros

At worst they will put some drapes in form of anything loli related while the euroshits are in town

requesting more anime trump

Anime trump is a super cute tsun tsun. Make Anime Great Again!



>Sup Forumsposting

Would you let her deport your anchor babies out of your dick?

My sperm immigrates LEGALLY


So you invite foreign sperm inside you? I can't tell whether you're queer or stupid.

Bro, how did you learn? I'm attempting to self learn with text books and cds, but it's kicking my butt.

>I can't tell whether you're queer or stupid.

>Emigrate means to leave one's country to live in another.

>Immigrate is to come into another country to live permanently.

My sperm are not making a return trip when their visa expires.

Japs love Trump

I see your anime Trump and raise you a loli Stirner.

smug anime is a spook

stop I dont wanna jerk it to anime Hillary

It's not actually them, it's a bunch of japs larping in a bar

>talking about censorship is now Sup Forums posting

They like to laugh at stupid white piggu, and that's trump embodied. He's a laughing stock in Japan.

it wont happen sjw faggot xD

I think we should all get political actually.

Source? I want to jack it to anime Hillary

>she is not orange or at the very least eating cheetos


>why isn't the caricature of the President glenn beck?

Rebooblicans > demoflats

I want to play a game where I can play as Loli Trump!