Do they play video games?

Do they play video games?

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only the dankest videogame

Why do people pretend Obama was a good president?

apology for poor english

when were you when donald persidend?

i was sat at home sleeps thru night when mom ring

‘don is presd’


oyyyy vey

GTA San Andreas and GTA Vice City

Because he was.

same reason they pretend black women put a man on the moon and Egyptians were black.

How so?


Because it was their guy
And their guy can never do anything wrong
But if the other guy does the same thing suddenly is bad
Obama bombed muslims for years, no one said anything
Obama banned iraquis from entering the US, nobody said anything

Its literally console wars but with political parties, is ok when my color does it etc

How is he not? Without going Sup Forums infowars and pretending the country didn't exist before him.

>Obama Mentions "The Witcher" During Trip to Poland
>US president Barack Obama says CD Projekt Red's creative output is a "great example" of how Poland contributes to the global economy.

>"The last time I was here, Donald (Polish prime minister) gave me a gift, the video game developed here in Poland that's won fans the world over, The Witcher," Obama said during the event, as translated by CD Projekt Red's PR agency. "I confess, I'm not very good at video games, but I've been told that it is a great example of Poland's place in the new global economy. And it's a tribute to the talents and work ethic of the Polish people as well as the wise stewardship of Polish leaders like prime minister Tusk."

I remember when I saw that gif I literally looked up the game, installed did exactly what the gif shows laughed then uninstalled it
It was worth it

He put America in a worse state

I'd be surprised Trump had any qualities that could make him seem even marginally human. Then we might be able to actually empathize with the bloviating orange idiot.

Sad to say, the only game he's playing is politics, and as we've seen this week alone, it has serious consequences on many peoples lives

Fuck him.

Did the person who made that picture just completely ignore the 2008 recession. Any president would have racked up some debt trying to minimize that.

Or are that many people so underage where the don't remember the financial state of 08.

>take out a loan to pay your debt
>leftists think this is a good idea


Fuck you shitskin

>Obama didn't control wages, what busisnesses charge, who goes into what field, and how many nice things we give people for free

I love mad salty libs

> I have no idea how anything works, so I'm just going to Sup Forums this shit.

What are you babbling about

>make a deliberate attack on keynesian economics
>lol that guy has no idea what he's saying

We are taking our country back
You bet your fucking ass there are going to be consequences.

Yes sure thing thing mate, because running a country and your personal finances use the same methods. Show me one example of a country that pulled itself out of a substantial recession without spending money.

Tolerance and acceptance indeed.

When someone asks "How was Obama a good president?", replying with the opposite question is not an answer. Qualify your statement

>Buzz word buzz word buzz word

>le blame bush

How he is when the state of affair for an average citizen didn't change or became actually worse, statistically speaking? Sure, you can concentrate on petty breakthroughs in LGBT rights or decrease in military budget that was required and needed or required healthcare that doesn't really benefit most of the people that weren't on healthcare to begin with. But purchasing power is worse, the F35 is still a giant money wasting machine that defends itself by "it's creating joobz!" that don't actually benefit the overall economy, but continues to tax everyone, the disparity between upper and middle classes continues to grow while lower classes don't see any increase in wages despite the economic growth. How is that better.

It's pretty sad when Hollywood, major companies, massive demonstrations, foreign leaders, etc are warning you of the inadequacy and unethical policies of Trump and you're still doing it for the luls.

The world is not Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

>falseflagging this hard

No one implied Bush was at fault idiot. The recession had more to do with (((Wall Street))) than anything else.

It's sad to see celebrities heeling to their masters like the little cucks they are. The only thing more depressing is common people thinking that these losers speak for them.

This isn't your echo chamber, tard.

And in 8 years obama sucked a huge cock and made this country worse in almost every conceivable way.

Biggest shitpile on the planet.

lol getting desperate. MAGA, stupid libtard

Because he wasn't a stupid bigot

But he actually was... Race relations are at 20 year lows and that monkey didn't do shit to help.

This the Muslim ban is against international law

>I got shown to be an idiot so I'm just going to deflect and change the conversation

Wow. We must be dealing with a real winner here.

>bunch of libtards who pretend to be good people for their image are mad because le good mudslims cant travel to USA


>Obama is good because he is better than some future president that wasnt even in politics when Obama was elected

Because they were only alive to see bush and clinton

What are you gonna do about it? Call the cops?

Keep your "victory". It may be the only one you get.

Bush fought 2 wars, Obama fought 5.
Really makes you think.

>Thought Sup Forums would stay in their shithole after Trump won
>They're spamming more than ever

What game

Why do the president of the USA still use the same old desk?

>hi American-taxpayer funded police? Yes, i'd like to report a "crime"
>yes, on non-citizens
>yes i understand they do not have the rights of citizens
>reeeeee this is america!

Bush started two wars that spilled over and left Obama to clean up.


>from Brazil
>have a cousin living in NY
>she has a good job and stuff, eventually sends money and gifts (tax-free) to her family here, in Brazil
>she posts "if you don't deserve living in the US, don't come here"
>mfw she voted for Trump

Shit's missing a few trillion
Is this from like 2012?

Just stop posting, you are sounding more butthurt with every post.

As a vet, fuck you.

In his campaign of 2008 he said he would stop the wars. I was just joining then and was like "Cool, now I don't have to deploy."

Yeah, he fucking lied about that, then again in 2009 he said he was withdrawing troops.

Except he didn't, so I deployed in 2010.

He didn't clean up shit. He kept the wars going in full-swing and actually increased the amount of troops in afghanistan with a surge in 2010.

Obama probably would being younger and nerdier he probably at least hung out an arcade a couple of times. Trump I can't really see it, but if he did you just know he'd be the guy to give you the shit controller.

>literally straight off of /r/the_Donald
Let's forget that there was major economic crisis in 2008 caused by deregulations put in place by previous governments.

Keep laying into me. You are victorious! You should run for president.

True, but Obama continued his bullshit neocon policies. The Arab spring was his biggest disaster, especially the decision to bomb Libya back to the stone age.

So are you saying that people should move to any country that they aren't going to support? If you don't want to integrate and get a job and you'd rather take handouts and be a piece of shit then yeah, you don't deserve to live in any country.

Do we?

You joined the armed forces on the expectation that you wouldn't have to deploy? LOL. Have you even looked at modern history? We cant go four years without having some conflict. I think the issue is with you believing campaign promises.

I am pretty sure Bush didn't bomb Libya and create the biggest refugee crisis since WW2. But then again what I am saying might be alternative facts to you.

The pendulum never stops swinging. You idiots should have learnt that after this shameful defeat but I guess some people never learn.

I'm not racist but we should really slaughter all inferior races.

Yes but it nicely illustrates the real issue. Debt grows exponentially and what G.W. Bush left behind could not ever have been paid back, particularly not when a global recession happens as part of a global financial crisis. Compound interest alone was too much. G.W. Bush really fucked everything up beyond measure. That's before going into the complicated details of running costs as military spending increased significantly under him.
That's the issue with politics - things done now affect the future. You can't just pretend a new president takes office and everything resets to zero.

sauce please

Not him but you completely ignored his point.

Obama didn't clean up shit, and made it worse in quite a few regards.

Good thing he bombed Libya. If not, the only success story out of the Arab Spring, which is Tunisia would have failed too.

>create the biggest refugee crisis since WW2
How exactly did he create it?

Whites fear criticizing him will make them look racist, and blacks only like him because they think he's one of them.

Oh i agree. We've been getting fucked for years and years. Obama did nothing good. Trump is at least trying, apparently. He may be a setup too though.

Stop trying to pin the blame on one president.

Obama added the most dollar wise to the debt but Bush jr. applied a greater increase percentage wise to the debt.

Technically Roosevelt's the worst offender of them all.

You just can't defend Libya, it went from the second most developed North African country where women could drive and have a western life to an anarchist/islamic hellhole.

>success story
Alternative facts

He did withdraw from Iraq, and do you see how well that went?
Bush came out and celebrated the end of the war in Iraq claiming we had won. When obviously the situation was much worse then they were pretending.
Wars are never an easy mess to clean up, and Obama did fail in his promise, but full withdrawal from Afghanistan could easily cause more problems than fix.

>Hollywood, major companies, massive demonstrations, foreign leaders
Gee, these people sure have my best interests at heart and aren't at all out for themselves

what a fucking dickhead you are.

you joined up, not my fault you're a pussy bitch that didn't want to go to war.

What games let you play as a moe old man?

Video games promote bad lifestyles and are weaponized by liberals to turn children into school shooters for the sake of their police state.

Trump knows and will make them and all other non state approved media illegal and will monitor the country and arrest everyone who doesn't comply.

Shadow President

It was run by a dictator whose family acts like a mob.
The situation in Libya went to shit way before the US intervened.

Tunisia =/= Libya you dumb fuck, nothing alternative about that.

Keep your facist fantasies to yourself

>It's pretty sad when Hollywood, major companies, massive demonstrations, foreign leaders

>The world is not Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

Is this supposed to be ironic? Because all you've done is mention a collective liberal bubble and it's paid puppets.

>It was run by a dictator whose family acts like a mob.
>The situation in Iraq went to shit way before the US intervened.

America unanimously voted them in, libtard cuck.

You're going to either march with us or lose everything. The race war is on and we're winning.

There wasn't a civil uprising in Iraq when the US intervened there were ones in Syria and Libya.
But keep grasping from them straws boy.

Libya was a civilized country, yes with corrupt leadership, but good infrastructure, a functioning education system and it was a stabiliting factor in the region. If the US hadn't intervened it would've stayed that way, now it's a shithole. Stop thinking that we can spread democracy neocon. If Hillary would've won she would be perpetuating the same failed policy in Syria as we speak.

I joined to deploy.

I just thought it was cool that I wouldn't have to so I could focus on getting an education while in garrison in the states.

>Civil uprising gives the government permission to violate sovereignty


Trump tweeted he believes video games lead to real world violence.

because most of the population didn't even hear of TPP, SOPA or all that other shit he pushed. He also passed gay marriage- mainly so people would talk about that and not TPP. He was also technically better than Dubya though not by much.

They do, and should be banned and everyone making them thrown in prison. They destroy lives and take money away from nationalist mediums.

Literally five years ago.