What's the first vidya that comes to mind when you see this image?

What's the first vidya that comes to mind when you see this image?


Witcher 3 is the worst game ever created, it is a casualised and commercialised pile of shit designed to appeal to those who have never played a real RPG in their lives.


Mass Effect 3.

I thought it was ok. There were flaws but I had fun.


Cave Story

Deus Ex Human Revolution

Halo 3

>American """"""""""cheese""""""""""
Why do they keep doing this shit?

Meme Run

Me playing GunZ: The Duel and Planetside at 14 and not knowing how to really cook anything so I microwaved a shitload of plastic cheese and tostitos.

I miss those times dearly.

Real life.

guild wars 2

Fallout 4 is the correct answer

I don't know who are bigger faggots. People who call TW3 the best game ever created or the ones who claim it's the worst game ever created.
I don't know, but one thing I do know for sure: both groups must be fucking casuals who have played ~100 games in their lives.

Silicon Valley.

Cooking Mama i guess.

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash.

Metal gear survive

That game was better than the original Deus Ex. Fite me queers.


Beavis and Butthead

so I guess the beavis and butthead game.

jazz jackrabbit

The Witcher 1 and 2 are garbage single player MMOs with the shittiest quests ever

The Bog.

It turned me off of 3 so hard, the game could teleport strippers into my asshole and I'd still be averse to playing it like I am now.

FF7. Kinda looks like Cloud's hair. I don't know how this pic is meant to make anyone think of a particular game

Call of Doody

>can't relate to food analogies

You must be new

Nah I can, I guess it's 'what's the junk food of games' or something, I just think food analogies are rarely good and often overused.

I guess by that logic I'd say Neptunia

I want nachos.

any Neptunia game


Me too

Triangle man
Triangle man hates particle man
Rayman on Dreamcast


I fucking hate cheese. Hate it with a passion. Just the smell makes me nauseous.

ARMS has the worst art design I've ever seen. Shit makes me want to vomit, so that's what comes to mind.

Though needs way more nachos and cheese. Maybe salsa.
