Post funnies here

the funnies must be video game



Shit thats a pretty brutal match up, I probably would have disconnected right off the bat


It's not that hard to punish though.

>dash up while the fireball launches
>use slide kick to punish pokes
>EX passion peach punishes
>passion press

Mika's got tools. Granted, S2 nerfed them to shit and she's pretty much mid-low tier now, but it's not as impossible as Dhalsim vs. Gief.

I think you're assuming the opponent is retarded.

>brutal matchup

Yeah, for Dhalsim. And this was S1 too. The mika didnt even try to whiff punish or even throw out some buffers. One knockdown it should have been over for sim

Mika beats Sim



He means matching up a rank 2068 vs a 113

It's like a 50/50 probably. There's worse matchups




Eat a dick Ahmed


Woah now, that's a little too hard there buddy

holy fuck i dont think i've been this triggered by a webm this hard

>polygon plays the classics


You know you can hit his limbs every time he misses, right?

And here comes the triggered little white boys.

>white boys
>implying they didn't support drumpf

>These fucks review games professionally

Posting funnies? Ones that make you laugh out loud?

Nigga I ain't reading all that shit

eh you weren't missing much.

if this guy skimped out on the post-modernist experiment that is this pushing of the boundaries of WORDSWORDSWORDS and just put a bunch of lorem ipsum in the middle, I doubt anyone would ever know.


trumpdrones will defend this cuck even with their lives

Why is he making comics when he should be writing books instead?


>serving all genders
reminder, that was a cheap 'look how crazy the future is' gag when this comic was made, and the author is the worst kind of 'all change is progress' progressive.

Because he's good enough to come up with an interesting concept but not good enough to turn it into a decent piece of fiction.

I mean this here is actually a really neat idea for a sci-fi horror story that would have made a great novella or short story. But this shitty "comic" is all we'll get and that's a godamn shame.

Dhalsim player is twenty times better than v faggot

is this monogatari?

Monogatari at least gave you nice things to look at during words.

What an odd show that was.

It was deep


As long as it prints money it will never ever end.


I realize that. But I stopped watching a while ago.

it makes me mad to see that this guy meme'd his way to super gold with a broken character.


This is wonderful. I enjoy this.

Second Season and Kizu are actually pretty good but the individually released ones are mostly low quality cash grabs. I guess Owarimono was pretty good.

>that gifsound that syncs it up perfectly with Pink Floyd
I'd post it if I wasn't having such a hard time getting around the spam filter.

Don't know about the first one, but here's a summary of the second one as best as i can do.

>set in the future
>dude walks into a brothel
>tells this story to one of the hookers working there
>he was a space marine and his regiment/battalion/whatever got sent to guard a newly discovered planet full of oil
>one night every machine on the planet just stops working
>at the same time, the soldiers start getting nightmares so bad it causes them to nearly die of fright in their sleep
>they start taking shit loads of chemicals to stay away for weeks on end, they start tearing themselves apart due to loss of sanity from perpetual sleep deprivation
>one day some top secret military officer crashes a shuttle into the planet
>he tells them that the entire planet is filled with oil because the navy bombed all the wildlife to shit and used a top secret time dilation device to turn it all into fossil fuel
>the machines turning off and the nightmares are due to some sort of ghost/psychic backlash/god's punishment for doing such a shitty thing
>there are only a few survivors, and top secret guy helps them escape
>dude goes home and confesses to a hooker

don't ruin my thread with your faggy anime shit

oh right, we need to talk about trump
no, anime it is


>my thread
kek'd, This isn't reddit

What the fuck is wrong with Japan ? The teeths are one of the least sensitive parts of the body, why would she get so excited like that ?

Fuck this show. It wants to be like Nabokov, lure you in with lurid shit, and then dazzle you with prose and insight. Except it doesn't possess even a tenth of the artistry that Nabokov has. Under the glossy surface, its cheap superficial plebian pap.

Stop being so tsundere

Because it's her brother doing it.

But for real it would be insanely intimate to have someone else brush your teeth.

>he never had someone brush his teeth before
Same shit why you get a different reaction depending on who's touching your dick.

See now, why didn't he just draw the fucking story? That could've at least been visually interesting, if he had talent.

It's a metaphor for sucking dick you idiot.
The MC is a giant pervert and his Sister was asking him to take her to his even more lewd Friend so to prepare her he made his sister suck his dick.

>tfw fucking hate brushing my teeth now because I'm conscious to the fact that i'm just grinding sand-like bristles against my bones

It's like fucking nails on a chalk-board for me every time.

>so to prepare her he made his sister suck his dick

Not him but then why would SHE get excited? A blowjob doesn't stimulate the girl giving it.

More webms or gifs or people getting fucking destroyed?

Have you tried using the soft ones?

She wants to fuck him. In later chapters he often wakes up next to his naked sisters.

>She wants to fuck him

But does he want to fuck her?

>But does he want to fuck her?

but he has a superior waifu, so he doesnt

I was actually super surprised this guy didn't disconnect on me, the round before this one he was super fucking smug thinking he could punish every move I did if he just sat and waited.


what exactly is that character jumping off of.

It isn't the female that sucking dick is stimulating to, user

This is "the large breasts and cat ears make it extra sophisticated" levels of virginity

>expecting logic from a fighting game

Too big for Sup Forums because it has sound

Is there anything more disgraceful than a Mika player?

God this game is hilarious, I wish I could get it on my phone somehow

Is it really winning if you have to spam grabs?

>is it really winning if you win?

Come on now.


>mfw I play balrog and don't have any of those problems

wow, didnt know pm was this fast, do you have more webm?


Here's the thing about grabs.
They're not invincible. If you can't tech them that's your fault. The idea that grabs are cheap is trash tier thinking.

Yeah how dare he use something thats working

>mfw i used to play fang and poop on their dreams



is this you, fess up fag

user please help me
I want to like vega, I really do, but I'm so bad with him and I just can't make it work. Watching you combo into SLICE like that after every time you got the cross up off the jump was eye opening. Tell me your secrets.


Time, not important. Only life important.

luigi is wack



They're just incredibly defensive lel

This is approaching Putin's cult of personality, but for retarded faggots that think saying Praise Kek irl is not autistic.




such a reddit-tier webm


>That's with most games but fighting games the feeling of being beaten is a little more frustrating.

I wonder how much of this is these types of people not being able to just blame everything on a teammate or some dumb shit.