Is Sleeping Dogs a good game?

Is Sleeping Dogs a good game?

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The melee fighting is pretty fun. Other than that it doesn't do anything better than GTA. Still an ok game though.

They sell it for $7 now, GOTY edition.

yes it's a fun game, loved the driving

How about the story?

Isn't the version they're selling now one of those remastered versions that's supposed to be better but are actually worse?

It's great. If you enjoy Chinese action/police movies, you'll definitely like it.

Decent game, nice melee combat.


it's good and the protagonist isn't a complete asshole like in most GTA's

World feels dead but otherwise it's ok. Melee combat is simpler batman and driving reminds me of burnout or nfs.

Think about that japan police movie that got a remake with Matt Damon and Jack Nicholson.
But in Hong Kong. And more karaoke.

It's really great, especially the remaster. It's a shame the studio died so there's no chance of a sequel.

You play as an undercover cop trying to infiltrate a Chinese triad. You beat the shit out of everyone with kung fu. There's a lot of detail to the city. Not graphically, as there are better looking games out there that came out at the same time, but in terms of making the world feel alive and lived in. It's pretty immersive.

>It's a shame the studio died so there's no chance of a sequel.
How so? I thought that game was pretty successful.

>world feels dead
>combat is simpler batman

did you really play the right game user?

GTA: SA > Sleeping Dogs > Watch Dogs 2 > GTA: VC > GTA IV > GTA 3 > Watch Dogs > GTA V


It was fun, but honestly, It's a bit mediocre - there are QTEs, GFs are abandoned for no reason, central part of the island is completely locked out, driving isn't great etc.

Shut up cunt, why do you have to whine about everything?

A man who never eats pork bun is never really a whole man.

Shit posting aside, yes I think it's a great game. My only gripe with the game is that it can sometimes feel empty compared to other open world games in terms of what you can do.

Probably SquareEnix thought it was a failure because it didn't sell a billion copies.
They went on to make some f2p game that bombed if I'm not mistaken.

>especially the remaster
I don't think so Tim

Whatevs, still worth to pay 7bucks.

Yes. I'm comparing the combat to arkham knight and it's got more going for it. SD combat feels better though because you kill dudes. Game world lacks attention to detail and that's why I say it feels dead but that is true to almost all open world games.

Again I like the game a lot but it has flaws that could have been fixed with a sequel.

The parry system is still bamham-tier trash even if they managed to unfuck the combo system to a nice degree, the shooting is actively boring (so much so that you may as well toss the weapons you get from the loot boxes) and the overworld still sucks ass.

I'm not entirely sure why there's even an overworld at all. Still, I enjoyed it - especially the arcade-style races. Maybe even enough to play it again one of these days, and that doesn't happen often.

I'd put it on the same level as say, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West or Remember Me, in that it makes way too many fucking compromises in favour of story or realism to really solidify itself as a timeless title, but the aesthetic is still more than there enough to warrant playing it and it manages to break out of total streamlining to have just enough mechanical complexity that you don't fucking fall asleep.

Voice acting...Top notch
Driving...wew lad

You mean Infernal Affairs/ The Departed? That's literally a Hong Kong movie...

the driving is cancer but it was 5 euros so i dont really care

It's promising at first but completely whimpers out towards the end.

Get Watch Dogs out of that list you retard.

>GTA V bottom

You're pathetic.

the game goes downhill after the first 20 mins.
it wont get any better than the start when you are exploring the market. They nailed the atmosphere there.

unfortunately the driving is terrible, the combat is a floaty/slow version of bamham and the story is really disappointing.

>trying this hard
SD was good at the time, because there was not a gta game in a long time.

but its not better than any of the mainline GTA's and definitely not better than GTA 5.

And I actually like WD1 and 2 but I also wouldnt put either of them above GTA. That's just a fucking travesty.