Did Sup Forums seriously lose its shit over such trivial changes?
Did Sup Forums seriously lose its shit over such trivial changes?
>Did Sup Forums
I don't even know what this is
So no not all of Sup Forums because Sup Forums is one person
I think its more of a value problem.
People don't have real problems with the censorship per se, they have problems with any kind of censorship, doesn't matter if its mild.
And I agree, with these kinds of business suits, you give a hand, they'll want an arm. It sets a precedent.
>, you give a hand, they'll want an arm. It sets a precedent.
dude it's fucking videogames holy shit
When the game got released nobody cared anymore.
The skintight one would have actually been improved if there'd still be a navel.
0/10 now, they ruined this shit.
it's literally the matter of principles, though. tomorrow they could be censoring something you like or something actually important.
>newfag announcing being new
that's not how clothes work user
you can see protuding stuff like nipples, not navels
Did they also redo the cutscenes or what?
did censorious American puritans lose their shit over a female form?
Fuck you, he has a point
It's less sexy. I don't like it.
> trying this hard to fit in
Being a newfag redditor doesnt excuse your terminal autism.
l mean l didnt like the fact that they changed the original but in all honestly it was a small and mostly insignificant change.
Fuck belt suits tho, they are retarded.
They literally only care when it's censorship of animu tiddies that happens in the west
>double the amount of clothing
pick one
>animu tiddies
feet > ass > pettanko > big sacks of fat
So what? Its a hobby like any other.
If skydiving suits started asking for exorbitant prices much higher than whats fair, consumers would have to take a stand, if not, they'd just keep increasing the price until people break, thats how the world works.
You either take a stand against something you think is wrong, or you're taken advantage of.
dumb animeposter
take a stand over something that A C T U A L L Y matters. not the amount of anime titty being toned down
>look at me hating anime on Sup Forums!!!
Why are you posting on a videogame board if you don't actually like videogames.
I prefer the right side column for the looks, it feels retarded to have comic-ish, silly characters dress sexy like real persons
>something that A C T U A L L Y matters
True that. I should start organizing a manifestation to expel all those disgusting refugees and gypsies from my country. I wish my country had a Trump.
The comapnies don't give a shit about you. They give a shit about the majority of consumers which don't care or won't notice if an outfit is changed to be less sexy or revealing. They care if the outfit in question puts the at risk of having a higher ESRB rating, and therefore a potentially smaller market to sell their game to.
If you want to look at animu girls being sexy go play a series of games dedicated to it like Senran Kagura
The middle design looks better in the censored version. Bottom right isn't that bad looking either.
This matters to me friend, my money is good as anyone else, why should i pay the same price for a butchered product when people 10km away are getting the full product for the same price?
Ah but I forgot you are american, being fucked by corporations is a natural thing for you.
Who? you got the wrong user.
I always have an easier time comprehending an Escher than that pic related.
>butchered because a dlc outfit shows less skin
>why should i pay the same price for a butchered product
it's not 'butchered' meo autistico
>when people 10km away are getting the full product for the same price?
so you live 10km from Japan?
Anger the dick, pay the ultimate price.
>it's a "newfag thinks Sup Forums is a libtard heaven" episode
>pay the ultimate price.
BD was such a huge success in the west that they mad a sequel, and had to rethink their way about turn based jrpgs
You're being incoherent. We know companies only care about money and that's exactly why we shouldn't enable business practices that hurt our hobby.
But the quality of a game has nothing to do with tits. If a game made is because it has less animu titties, then it probably wasn't a very good game in the first place.
Saying the final product wasn't butchered is like saying circumcision doesn't butcher penises. It's literally the exact same thing.
Yes, you can't censor Edea's butt like that.
>libtard heaven
I thought libtards wanted free sexuality, 2345 genders, homo marriages pedophilia and bestiality?
since when libtards wanted censor?
if anything Sup Forumsacks are the one ranting about "muh purity"
>made worse
People who hacked their 3DS' are finally playing these censored games now.
Yeah man all women should wear hijabs
Fuck drumpf #justleftythings
It's not about the tits, it's about censoring and how companies will continue to do it unless there's some backlash.
you forgot to make a point in your post
No, but cancerous companies have lost my sales. But I am sure they've attracted a lot of people who were holding off their purchase, just waiting till they censor it. :)
I wasn't that guy you were talking to. Just wanted to point it out.
no, you just can't handle slight changes and proceed to sperg out
And your non-sale was worth so little that they made a sequel.
Yeah it does bother me to be honest.
I'm an adult male, I like skimpy anime girls and I'm old enough to consume such media.
Why am I forced to only be able to order the chicken tendies when I can chew steak?
Probably because with the ESRB rating BD was aiming to get, people whoa re not old enough to consume such media would be consuming it.
dude just go to sadpanda and fap
this is a videogame not a chibi 3d porn at 240p simulator
The changes in Second were far worse and deserved the shitfest it caused.
Well then, hopefully they don't do it again with Bravely Third/Sword/Whatever since it'll be at 720p at least.
care to post?
>muh anime porn
Nigga, it isn't about the fucking titties. it's about getting an unaltered product.
>removing four alternative endings
>trivial changes
True I guess.
I do but between masturbation sessions I like to look at hot anime girls and softcore pornography
They also removed all "bad endings" from some side quests you can do.
why are you opposed to the original costumes?
why do you condone censorship? you do realize its just gonna keep rolling like this if we let it, until all english dialogue is kept to E-rated
dafuk cindy wasnt cansored
It is the principle behind the changes retard.
>trivial changes
>its a 'we pretend to support censorship to get a rise out of user' episode
im not falling for this an 8th time.
In the sequel they took out a "bad end" to a sidequest because they thought it was too triggering.
Fuck you, fuck off, and kill yourself, in that order.
muh dicccc
Her name is pronounced like "Onions", it's really weird
slight changes in that anons mind might be huge, you should be nice to sheltered tards.
but do you not get the point? its that if we lay down and just keep looking at these changes as nothing it will gimp games for the west as a whole
Didn't buy second yet. Partly because of the censorship, but also because default didn't leave me wanting more.
I really liked it but i felt like second would be just more of the same and disappoint me on the long run. Looks like i made the right choice.
Also this Slight changes to a costume is one thing, changing native americans to cowboys is so retarded it's actually funny again. But changing dialog and removing some conclusions to quests is just bad. Reminds me of FE were they removed a whole dialog because 'lel silent ninjas'.
Unironically and truly this
There are people dying in this world
I like Second more than Default due to better pacing, but yeah, it's just more of the same, you'd be better off at least letting enough time pass that you start missing the series before playing it, otherwise you'd get bored.
can we finally agree this game is good tho?
Also comfy/10
Censorship is only ok when Trump does it.
Irrelevant, "why care for X when the world has X problems instead" is a bad argument.
>people on Sup Forums defending censorship and using relative privation fallacy to justify their stand
When did it all go so wrong?
lurk moar newfag
Sup Forums now defends paying 60$ for a game and attacks pirates
>Lose its shit
No, but I just stopped caring about the game and never bought it.
you mean those two people that have nothing else to do beside shitposting here?
i'm sure they're not everyone here
While every other board is openly supporting piracy, and even sharing shit with other posters. Even boards that aren't about media, such as /k/.
Good, be one of them, fucking kill yourself
>left censors sexy and cute things
>right censors violence
we now live in better times
when did undeads ever look like the left?
I know they censored them in china to not show any bones, but they were still flesh and bones for the rest.
Or is that some skeleton enemy/npc they also censored?
could be noggenfogger elixir
Fuck dude, spoiler that shit. Jesus christ.
China censored all skeletons and ghouls and turned them into the censored undead model because they're easily spooked
>fire emblem censors a cg
>it's just dlc who cares I'll complain when it's something in the main game
>dugneon travellers 2 censors multiple cgs
>it's just 4 images I'll complain when it's something you see for more than 3 seconds
>bravely default and fatal frame censor costumes
>it's just costumes who cares I'll complain when they change something story related
>#fe rewrites an entire dungeon
>who cares it's basically the same
if you defend one instance of censorship you're a cuck who will defend any censorship
>All weebshit
Really makes you think...
>this is a videogame not a chibi 3d porn at 240p simulator
Nothing stops it for being both. Except censorship.
nobody gonna censor your gay western shit because it's so progresive
You clearly dont know how 2d works
>meanwhile at Sony...
Bottom left makes my dick hard.
I stopped caring about censorship in games once you retards got in bed with GG, Sup Forums, and the alt-right. The far right is much worse for freedoms than the left.