What's the best free MMORPG at the moment? RS3/OSRS fags need not respond

What's the best free MMORPG at the moment? RS3/OSRS fags need not respond.

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Elysium Wow.

Fuck off kid stop SHITTING UP THE THREAD!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for the bump


Pre- Eye of the north guild wars

and World of warcraft gets an honorable mention

Depends on what you're looking for. There are several good ones but with different pros and cons. But there are quite a few so what do you want?

>What's the best free MMORPG at the moment?
>best free MMORPG at the moment?

And you listed 2 mmos that cost money?

>something that actually has pve endgame content, like WoW
>not pay to win
>can be grindy, I dont care
>not having 2.5 gcd
dont care if its payed or not

Preferably something with fun combat and an interesting world. I don't mind heavy grinding, just craving to play an MMO.

Get into Elysium vanilla wow man. 4 servers, all with 6-7k players at peak times. No pay to win. Game is as close as possible to vanilla wow when it was retail.

Phantasy Star Online 2 is pretty fun if you're willing to go through all the hassle of getting it going.

no problem brosef. I wanted to share something while I bumped so I figured I would point out that PEOPLE WITH BROWN SKIN ARE DIRTY CRIMINAL NIGGERS.
I would recommend Tera for free.
For paid you should try FFXIV.
Frankly once you finish the end game content of any MMO its not worth playing ever again.

when did the new servers go live?

Not him but I have a question. What's the appeal of vanilla WoW? You don't get any new story bits or updates besides bug fixes, so why do people enjoy it?

PvE endgame is tough to find for free. That's usually what games charge for. WoW and FFXIV as you know are going to be the #1 games for actual endgame pve. Few games come very close to it, especially if you're looking for coordinated encounters with decent mechanics.

>WoW pve endgame not p2w and not FFXIV
I can't think of one, I'm sorry, nothing comes to mind that offers that for free.

>Free but not fantasy
DC universe has a lotta endgame, they just keep adding to it, and achievements for completing solo, 2 man, 4 man, or 8 man content all unlock skillpoints which add stats, so there is a grind in that respect to get to a good skillpoint level. Being free limits your potential damage slightly, but not as much as being bad will.

Warframe is a grind, the better you are at the game the grindier it is. But it never stops being engaging, features raids to work towards being geared for. The downside is that being a 100% free player means probably dealing with a runescape "advertise your wares and then haggle" style of trading to unlock slots. Aside from that nothing is worth spending money on that you won't just regret in a few days. It's not medieval fantasy, but it's entertaining.

>B2P but not subscription
Guild wars 2 has endgame content, though its only in the dlc and it's not extensive or necessary to get good gear, making it almost more appealing to not bother. But it's an option that exists and you could do the leveling/vanilla gameplay for free, and decide after that if you wanted. Rotations tend to be simple and while players can choose their stats, an active dodge mechanic means that everyone just builds glass cannon and has to dodge everything. The upside is that most goals involve collecting a little bit from every aspect of gameplay the game has to offer, so whatever you do works toward the goal of getting better gear.

ESO is solid, much better than I expected, but endgame is mostly about grinding out gear from 4 man dungeons though.

The community. The satisfaction of getting gear or hitting 60. It's not an easy game and takes a lot of dedication. The game just begins once you hit 60. Getting best gear will take months and months of raiding.

New servers went live like 3 weeks ago.

How is DCUO? I heard it was alright, but a major complaint is you're more of a sidekick instead of an actual hero.

cool, I might try ESO, or maybe I'll just stick to wow

>What's the best free MMORPG at the moment?
join a political faction and post on Sup Forums

If you're just going by "fun combat and an interesting world". Thats a bit different, and I'm less confident than I was when saying wow and ffxiv were unique in their success with wowstyle endgame.

Black desert online is beautiful, buy to play, and probably pay to win, but a pretty cool game if you don't mind leveling largely by hanging around runescape-like in one area killing enemies until you hit a certain level then moving on, and leaving your pc on (but with the game minimized to system tray) for benefits. Unless installed onto an SSD (and even if installed onto an SSD) you may experience scenery popping into existence.

Guild wars 2 has combat you can try for free, and will either love or hate. It's got a large world with significant bonuses for exploring it all, and unique weapons and gear you can work toward crafting. Its floaty but who knows whether you'll like it.

Warframe starts out as a solid third person shooter where kills feel significant but eventually it becomes more of a dynasty warriors-style situation where killing several enemies with relative ease, and non elite enemies are pretty much ignorable.

DC universe and ESO involve animation cancelling. Weapon attacks are done with the mouse and those animations are cancelled by spells bound to number keys.

Tera is cool, but I had just been playing a third person mmo with a bit more freedom of movement when I tried it and so I couldnt get into tera. It's a good game if you're a sexual deviant but a fine game otherwise I'd imagine.

For diff people its diff things. Nostalgia for some, the belief that new stuff, graphics, content, and spell changes are inferior, the fact that vanilla wow is free. The fact that they want to exploit some original things, pvp, or experience a game they believe/feel is superior. My friend plays them all the time because he likes the race to level cap followed by competitive pvp honor leaderboards.

people want to relive their early teen years

If you think people play nostalgia for nostalgia, you are wrong and haven't actually played the gamed.

Sure people play just for nostalgia but those aren't the people who reach 60. At lvl 60 its a muchhh better game than retail nowadays. It's a much harder version of retail. It forces you to interact with people and form relationships, which was one of the best reasons why vanilla retail was so much fun as well.

I've been playing nostalrius now elsyium for about 8 months (not including temp shutdown). And if blizzard announced official vanilla servers, id pay whatever they wanted to and start fresh right away. Talked to a few guildies about it recently. All of us said we would instantly switch to official servers and pay money.

Even though its 13yrs old, its still a fucking great game.

It varies depending on what content you're doing. That complaint is accurate as you basically fight alongside heroes who happen to also tell you what needs to be done, giving that sidekick impression. Some endgame stuff like the batcave raid the game launched with kind of fixed that, when the entire batfamily becomes corrupted by brainiac making it a 8v5 (or later 4v5 if you do the dungeon version i believe they added).

I played @ launch for a few years, the scale is nice, areas like arkham and the batcave have a nice aesthetic, some areas feel like they're a bit low effort. I'm not sure what content is locked behind a paywall but I know you can get to level cap and do the first year or so of raids they released for free, and probably a bit more now.

Combat is where it shines for me, and it'd take a bit to explain but basically there are 4 class roles and 3 types of actions. The roles are


Every class can be damage or one out of the 3 other roles

Healers counter tanks, if they attack a tank the tank will be weakened and the healer will deal more damage to the tank and the tanks defensive abilities will be less effective. Tanks counter controllers, controllers can hardly do any damage to a tank and will take as much damage from a tank as if the tank was in damage role. Controllers are basically the power batteries and debuffers of the game. They constantly provide the team with mana and are anti-healer. In pvp their job is to take out the healers. Damage roles will do about 30% more damage before the fact that they have more damage oriented stats even comes into play, so they're better if you're alone or not playing in a group.

3 types of combat actions. Ranged attacks, Blocking, and Melee. If someone does a melee attack and it gets blocked, they will take damage and get a brief stun, if someone is blocking and they get hit by a ranged attack, the blocker will be stunned and melee attacks counter range.

If you think people play nostalrius/Elysium for nostalgia**

I didn't say they were the people who hit 60. I was just saying that some people do because they think "The old game was better and I think I'll play that great game again." It's not that everyone does that, but i'd be missing one type of person I've seen frequently (especially while leveling) if I didn't mention it.

Sounds interesting, guess I'll give it a shot.

Open world pvp, and the fact that playing well > gear makes for a rewarding pvp experience. But you'd have to learn to animation cancel to play well, and it comes down to a lot of reads in 1v1 situations. There is 1v1 pvp which is round based, 2v2 pvp, 4v4 pvp. There is also a second type of pvp where gear has 0 impact, as you're playing an already established hero. Players start out with robin or Harley quinn and unlock others.

The movement powers are cool too, flying, speed, and acrobatics. Flyers can just fly into open sky to escape pvp, speedsters can use a disengage and outrun any of the other 2, and acrobats have a bit of both, with the ability to zipline up buildings in combat, but speed is/was the best option when I played.

Animation cancelling is also great, basically weapon attacks typically look like LM, LM, LM(hold). Or something to that effect, the second you hold the leftmouse you can use an ability and the damage for the hold part of the combo you were going to do goes off as well. Any ability cancel any weapon attack for priority
-from there any channeled ability cancel any normal casted ability
-and jumping cancels channeled abilities
-and weapon buff abilities cancel normal abilities.

1v1 combat becomes this interesting thing where the longer the combo the higher the damage, and that ability animation cancel at the end adds that much more to it. Melee attacks dont register as melee till you hold or after 3 normal hits, so you cant counter a ranged attack with light melee. But if you make a read on a ranged ability and can get a 6 hit combo in then you're in business. But if you try a long combo and it gets blocked you're fucked, so most of the time if you start a long combo you guess when to stop it and use a ranged attack, hoping they don't guess you're going to do that and melee you.

The result is a cool rock paper scissors combat.

I gave it a try, I was really impressed. Tons of quests had me making morally grey (and ultimately pointless) decisions that usually didnt benefit or harm me, but it was almost never good vs evil style options. If it goes on sale and you're looking for something to play I'd probably recommend it, moreso if you like player owned housing. But the subscription for the game while not P2W on its own, adds a bag that holds all crafting mats and makes life 100x easier, since its still a faithful elder scrolls game with like 50 types of bugs, several types of metal, lumber, and all that to collect.

I think if you make a new account (and log in before tomorrow possibly) you get a free boost. The leveling process isn't long, and ultimately you may even end up doing it for the other 2 mentors you didnt pick just for the achievement points (which translate to skillpoints). But it does exist, I

I sold my account but also made a new one since they had the free boost, so I don't know the specifics of it, but it takes you past what was current content when I played and into their episodic parts which may cost money. Content prior to that will probably be easy as a result, as opposed to being somewhat challenging.

Costume-wise it works on a "you find an item you've unlocked the costume part" but you're stuck to a color palette of 3-4 colors if im not mistaken.

Flying is clunky. It's the downside to it, I would not recommend it to anyone looking to enjoy the game, it's the only travel power you'll think to yourself "I don't want this on right now"

I think hero side is more populated on USPC, but I'm not sure.

How accessible is it to those who don't know much about DC characters, I have a faint idea of some, but not many.

None, sadly. Maybe I'd say Saga of Ryzom, but the shit gear system and the fact half the progression is behind a paywall makes it below average at best

i like neverwinter

Very, they start off really easy with batman/superman/wonderwoman, and for the most part you're playing the part of being your own hero. There are animated comic looking scenes to go along with a hero or villian you just fought, though sometimes you'll fight people and never know who they are, or alongside others. The narrative otherwise explains basics like green and yellow lanterns and their powers, villians like parasite and the scarecrow. Ie: you deal with their effects/plot before dealing with them while leveling. I don't remember how much the game explains things like Black Adam and such, but there is always a command center-person or hero telling you about what you're facing to a reasonable extent, and voice clips hidden throughout the world and dungeons that provide more insight without having to read anything, the trick is finding those, though the important ones are usually pretty easy to find.


Right then, sounds like DCUO might be pretty fun.

Wildstar, TERA, Blade & Soul and Guild Wars 2.
They're all basically the same game with slightly different combat so just pick the one you like the look of the most.