PoE vs DOS

Which one is better overall?

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Which DOS?


Age of Decadence.

D:OS, not even a contest. I do not give a single fuck about your story if it's attached to shitty gameplay, but you can commit as many crimes against storytelling you want to and I won't give a fuck if the gameplay is great on its own.


PoE is somewhere at the bottom of recent RPG releases for me.

RTwP is a retarded snorefest auto-attack combat so DOS easily, although POE's story is better.

Pillars of Eternity for mature story, lore, visuals, c&c, companions, music, combat on potd

kiddynity unoriginal sin for co-op, lolsorandum jokes and circus music

poe 2 will be better than both kiddynity second chapter and bg2

fuck rpg codex.

Faggot detected.

Pillars is boring. Simply boring.

DAI is better then both

Also wasteland 2 is better than both
Also Tyranny is better than both


I loved Baldurs' Gates, Torment, Icewind Dale etc, but never got into POE

Divinity of Steel you fucking retard.

because you're a jaded d&d nerd with a boner for op mages and vancian casting

Not memeing opinion:

>Pillars of Eternity
Bad combat
Decent story
Decent to great characters
Decent lore
Annoying backers shit
Comfy, good music youtube.com/watch?v=AuwXHOiSow4 youtube.com/watch?v=4oLQX3Zij6w
pretty 2d graphics
White March is a good expansion
>Divinity: Original Sin
Great combat
Awful story
Awful characters
Awful lore
Mostly awful jokes, but there is few that i enjoyed
Comfy, good music youtube.com/watch?v=XoTVxjLlypk youtube.com/watch?v=bWtboTSCO2I
pretty 3d graphics

I'm playing PoE on easiest for the story and my monthly fantasy fix
It's ok

>Great Tier
Divinity OS
Legend of Grimrock 1 and 2
>Good Tier
Wasteland 2
>okay Tier
Shadowrun Games
Pillars of Eternity
>Trash Tier
Age of Decadence

>I'm playing PoE on easiest
>on easiest

The combat is shit mate

PS White March itself is better than the base game and belong in the good tier

Got this game during the last winter sale.

What am I in for?
In D&D games I'll always play a righteous, almost zealous Paladin who shatters evil in the name of his god, while using Lay on Hands on his pretty female companions. Is this class fun in Pillars of Eternity? If not, which class for the PC is actually fun?
Also should I get the White March DLC?

Witcher 3

why would you play games only for the story?
thats just as stupid as watching lets plays.

>grimdark no-fun-allowed atmosphere
>laidback casual humours high fantasy

truth be told i prefered d:os mostly cos of the turn-based combat and puzzling

poe is a decent homage to the old infinity rpgs but it never really stuck to me

so basically you are 13 and you are finally "done" with childish stuff

its ok, once you become an adult you'll appreciate silly things again

I enjoyed Pillars more, even if the story was meh, the setting was nicely fleshed out and some of the companions were great.
Original Sin's combat was obviously way better but after like 10 hours it's novelty was worn out on me, the terrible writing reared it's ugly head and refused to be ignored anymore.

I want my interactive fantasy fix

wew lad, I played through all of D:OS ("classic" as it's called today) when it got its official release and it was by far the single greatest experience I had with video games in the past couple years. the humour, the mechanics, the overworld progression all very much appealed to both of us. Maybe we should replay some day, the game features voice acting and shit now, right?

They all are borefests, and BG2 is overrated as hell.

In order to improve with D:OS 2 they need to hit the right balance between the humour and a serious story like Discworld did.

DOS has really shit story and good combat.
PoE has shit story and really bad combat.
So take your pick.

OS has far better combat, but the writing is pretty shit. OS2 seems to have solid writing and even better combat, it's basically the perfect vidya as long as Larian keep it together in Act 2 and 3.

PoE has better writing, as long as you avoid half the text in the game, but rancid diarrhea of a combat system. Obsidian are fixing PoE2 by moving away from IE, so it should be an improvement on all fronts... except for writing, most of their good writers are gone.

AoD is an autistic savescum simulator.

no one can answer this

Kickstarter blowjob ghosts. Everywhere.
Yes, there's a bunch of different Paladin orders, you should be fine.
If you like the base game, yes. Best time to start the first one is around level 7, so you may as well wait till then before getting them.


Nice shit taste.

>Not memeing
>Pillars of Eternity
>Bad combat

Kirill Pokrovsky is dead...fuck this world


AoD fags buttmad that nobody give a shit about their jobs simulator.

Divinity: OS for me.

Divinity : Dragon Commander.

We'll never get another game like it



Only the content between missions was actually worth something.

PoE felt like a loredump game just for world building. They put all the attention into that so everything else suffered

PoE just for the fun of playing my paladin, immolating myself in holy fire and smiting the enemies of faith with my winged largesword

Yeah, i will miss him. His replacement is good, tho youtube.com/watch?v=WegQy3aUo-Y
Well, they at least improved their writing. The story in D:OS 2 is much more personal so far, and thanks to this is much more interesting.
In D:OS you were some novice from some order who was sent to capture/kill some evil mages. I got bored in second act and abandoned the game.
Companions were atrocious in first one. Shame that hechmens sucked so hard too. Just give me the option to recruit mercenaries like in PoE, so i can made them precisely as i want.
Remake/sequel when.
Characters and banter was top tier. Shame that rts and tbs part sucked.

They're right though. Age of Decadence is better than either.

Yeah the RTS element was garbage but RPG/ Political Strat game was fun as fuck.

>Divinity: Original Sin
>Critically acclaimed
>People love it
>Modding Tools
>There are few mods and modding comunity is dead
Explain this

There were some mods but then EE came out and broke compatibility for all of them. People didn't want to bother updating them.

Is it over?

Divinity OS.

I liked PoE's for the story and lore and I liked D:OS for the gameplay and visuals but D:OS's combat engine is so fucking good it far outweighs whatever PoE did well.

No, Comrade Premier. It has only begun.

>I liked OS for the gameplay
>Uninspired lackluster 'classes' and skills like smithing/crafting
>Can't even have more than one summon

I liked D:OS much more. It had flavor. Playing poe felt like eating water-flavoured icecream.

Just got an email to back the PoE sequel at a discount on Fig. Never seen Fig before, seems like an off-brand Kickstarter. Anyone have experience with this? Don't wanna throw away my money.

>RTwP is a retarded snorefest auto-attack combat

RTWP combines the worst elements of real time and worst elements of turn based while managing to expunge all of the positives of both styles.

It's a meat hook abortion and developers should be ashamed of using it for anything.

It's obsidian's own company

Don't know why everyone's falling for this pre-order marketing scam desu. Just buy it when it comes out (and on sale)

Pre-order is much cheaper than full price release.

>RTWP combines the worst elements of real time and worst elements of turn based while managing to expunge all of the positives of both styles.
How so? Plenty of strategy games allow for an active pause and I've never seen anyone complaining about it outside of Sup Forums.

Of course DivOS, not even a choice.
Much better fleshed out gameplay, much more colourful and interesting maps and lighter tone unlike mindbogglingly boring and bland PoE.

Underrail shits on both tho.

PoE's story is exactly as awful as the story of Divinity, only Divinity never takes itself seriously.

>unironically liking bland World of Torchmobacraft artstyle oif DivOS

>once you become an adult you'll appreciate silly things again
That's not always the case. I get where he's coming from. There's only so many silly humorous games you can take before you get sick of it. Sometimes you just want to play something that's more mature and takes itself seriously where it needs to.

I like it way more than hollowborn world of PoE if that what you're asking, yes.

Honestly I was a little disappointed with the Paladin class in PoE because they were so support oriented. You have exactly 3 offensive abilities available. One you can start with but it only adds 50% fire damage for one round of combat and can only be used twice per encounter. The second is a flat accuracy and damage bonus vs. 1 target once per encounter. The third is a fire aura that absolutely wrecks shit and almost makes up for not having a fun damage ability till this, but is only available at level 13/14 and base game only goes to 12.

All that said, Paladins are amazing at what they do. Best healers in the game bar none, including a battle rez. The few buffs they can apply (also restricted to other party members, can't self cast for w/e reason) are amazing/invaluable for higher difficulties. On top of the above, they manage to be extremely capable front liners, especially if you make your PC one cause of how one of the class mechanics scales off reputation.

In the end, they're a solid class and may be up your ally since you like doing some support for your party. I'm just personally disappointed in the lack of offensive options/direction they push the class towards.

Haven't played alot of IE games but between PoE and D:OS only the latter had an art style and general presentation that made me want to rip my eyes out.

>DAI is better then both
Die in a goddamn fire

Yeah Pallys are basically either main tanks, or support based off tanks. Really really sturdy though.

It is a bit too colorful. I think so far the best aesthetics was that of Diablo 3Inside Act 1 CathedralMaybe with a bit lighting tweak

Tell what you want about PoE setting or lore, but if you refuse to admit the hand-painted backgrounds were gorgeous, you are a pleb of a highest order. Obsidian 2D artists hit the nail on the head with PoE, and PoE2 looks even better than that.

Do you have a cuck fetish and/or own a fedora? PoE
No? D:OS