If a multiplayer game has "must picks" it's a bad game.
Prove me wrong.
If a multiplayer game has "must picks" it's a bad game.
Prove me wrong.
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>what is every fighting game ever.
Prove yourself right first faggot
80% of overwatchs roster is must picks, its known for shit balancing m8, nothing new here
fightan games with "must picks" soft or hard ban such characters
Must-Picks always degrade the competitive and fun qualities of any game. Doesn't always mean it's bad, but it contributes to the game being bad. If we're talking about Overwatch specifically, it doesn't need "must picks" to make it bad, it's already there.
>Every game other than csgo has mustpicks
>csgo is still a bad game
Like Guilty Gear with Elphelt, she's banned and the rest of the cast is pretty well balanced without her
Little roster is the biggest cancer of the many this game has
In games like Dota, at the least "must picks" devolve into at the least 30-40 characters, before you consider that the remaining 80-70 heroes can still be picked for synergy.
And thats before you consider that a lot of heroes rotate around due meta, not real power.
In Overwatch you have what.... 15 heroes? 18? And when you have to pick 10 of those, there isn't a lot left.
Rein will simply be a top pick because there is no alternative.
23, and you pick six.
Since when is 23 choices a small roster for an FPS? Or are we still on that "it's dota because the characters have special abilities" thing?
It's pretty small because two are must picks.
Hog/Zarya/D.va Are still must picks but you rarely choose all 3, you choose two of them.
That leaves S76/Genji And then A Zen or a Lucio. or Sym if you are on Defense first point.
That is all the meta is, there is no exception to this rule. Anyone playing out of it is actually hurting the team.
23 isn't small.
23 is small because unlike Dota, there is no Dire and Radiant Reinhart.
So your only good pick is Rein, because he do what he do.
And its even less once you consider each side needs a Tank, a Healer, and some form of utility to counter the other teams picks.
23 would be a lot, if there wasn't mandatory picks.
its small when you consider that theres literally only 4 healers and 4 tanks, and every single other character is flat dps or a pseudo-support that only works on static defense
Mei, Reaper, McCree, Tracer, Winston, Pharah and even fucking Widowmaker and Junkrat see competitive play.
The real problem is that DotA shitters who follow what they think is the meta like it's a religion jumped to an FPS game and they'd rather blame anything but themselves for failure.
No she isn't, nor was she ever.
No, it would be huge if there was choice of 4 healer and 4 tanks.
The reality is that there is choice between 2 healers and one tank, where the other 3 tanks are inferior as "tank pick".
You don't necessarily need Reinhardt on KOTH or Capture maps on attack.
Not a must pick on any map, She is used to cause tilt at best, Her wall is worthless as D.va can just bait it out and fly back.
Doesn't work because he can't burst anyone down when there are 3 tanks in his face being healed by ana at range, and hes so fucking big you can't miss a sleep dart, also his ult can't kill tanks for shit.
Useful on KotH matches and that's it, all in all still worthless as her ult won't kill tanks unless they are at low health.
Literally fucking worthless in this meta as his damage does jack shit to other tanks.
Worthless as D.Va just directly counters her now
Good at break reins shield, that's it.
None of those heroes are used in competitive unless they are BMing the other team.
>Her wall is worthless as D.va can just bait it out and fly back.
I stopped reading right here. If you honestly don't know how powerful her wall is in splitting up a push, then you really don't know anything about the game.
>its known for shit balancing m8
Bullshit. Overwatch is known for having had one of the most balanced launches of all time.
League has babied people into whining about anything that beats them instead of thinking.
>in splitting up a push
And you didn't read about how D.Va just causes her to bait the wall, Every, single, time.
Get out of bronze faggot and you'll see how worthless Mei is.
>game designed around counters
>ana counters ana
>rein counters rein
>roadhog counters roadhog
Is it just me or is Mercy's heal just slightly slower than nerfed Ana nade + Ana sniper heal?
I got to 3k easy with Ana, but now it seems I just can't keep anyone alive well, all the while I can solo heal as Mercy now and have no issues.
The Ana nade did need a nerf, but I think the 1 second nerf killed her healing. I'd gladly take 50% on the debuff opposed to 100% to get that 1 second back.
>tfw play Mei is Diamond
You don't know anything m8 stay in wood league
Confirmed for not playing the game
>He's a diamond player
what? having a balanced game at start doesn't mean they're good at balancing. everyone can agree that the balancing has gotten progressively worse with ow and a lot of their other games
>roadhog counters everything
>D.Va just causes her to bait the wall
I'm sorry, does DM delete chunks of the wall?
Do you realise you can press E a second time to rotate the wall into a column, allowing you to more easily wedge the support back row from the front row?
Split Mercy from her heal target, split their DPS from their tank, or just single out targets to get all the focus fire and nowhere to run. That's Dota tier strategy viable. It's basically Earthshaker's Q.
>implying thats you
>shitters think rank matters
Even the biggest Blizzard shills have abandoned the competitive scene with S3, educate yourselves:
I blame Blizzard's map design document and how maps are made and balance, less so on Reinhardt's high pick rate in high tier competitive. The more maps that offer different pathways and become more open and less funneling 6 characters down a hallway, the less you're see of him.
>a character is bad because of a mistake I see quickplay players make
>everybody makes that same mistake, no exceptions.
Tf2's only need must pick in competitive is medic. The rest are flexible but ugc and other leagues have class limits.
>acting like this is uncommon
Pokemon, TF2, and most fighting games I've played have this.
Lol one of their new uploads is also telling us how shit ranked in S3 is
Nothing wrong with must picks if
>they only comprise a part of the team, not the entire team
>the game itself has enough strategic depth and technical skill involved to make up for it
Overwatch of course fails in all of these categories
>dota 2 has 100+ characters
>better balance than overwatch's 23 characters
really makes me think
A small amount of top tiers that are balanced against one another beats shitty RPS counterpick "balance".
When are we going to get a young Reinhardt skin?
It's unavoidable. There's always going to be a character that is "the best".
Oh man, you sure got me. How could that possibly be me.
If the map design allowed for more varied strategies, Overwatch would definitely be a far, far better game. Unfortunately it seems they're going for variation through different compositions of heroes, ignoring the fact that clever map design works far better for variation in FPS than almost anything else.
Most of Overwatch's issues stem from bad map design. Reinhardt is mandatory because he's the only one with portable cover to fit through all the tiny little gaps.
Many of the maps lack viable flank routes and often times they're only accessible by certain characters.
>Useful on KotH matches and that's it, all in all still worthless as her ult won't kill tanks unless they are at low health.
>14 HRS
>85 HRS
If you can lose a multiplayer game because a teammate is playing badly, then it's badly designed and the resentment among the non-coordinated userbase will always elevate to insane levels.
Mei gets played in Top 500 and the pro scene. Are you fucking retarded?
I love how everybody bitches about the ranking system, about huge gain with winstreaks or characters that have no hard counters, when the only reason that made overwatch the shitshow it is right now, was the release of ana.
Every balance change has been made around ana.
The problem with balancing the game that way is, that the character itself is horribly designed.
Healers are for the most part the only resource of sustain for the team and therefore HAVE to be near their tanks or dps.
The further away a healer is allowed to stay, the less he should heal.
This is such simple logic, yet blizzard directly shits on this with the release of a burst healing support sniper.
It's even worse when you can see this logic in the game, with lucio and zenyatta.
So overwatch is going to stay shit unless ana gets nerfed into oblivion or reworked.
>If you can lose a multiplayer game because a teammate is playing badly, then it's badly designed
This may be the dumbest thing any human being has ever said.
>Notice a Pharah boosting up in the air over that wall to the right of the main gate from the side of the U stairway and shooting on my team
>Think that could be a nice way to flank people with Winston or D.Va
>Reach up there
>There's an invisible wall
I agree.
>Season 1
Tracer was far more useful in Season 1 after Widow got her initial nerf, also before Zen got his buff to his debuff ability.
Season 1 was full of people bitching that Tracer needed a nerf, but the buffs to McCrees damage, and Zens buff pretty much pushed her out. Now shes situational on KotH.
I just find her fun to play and fuck with healers in the background.
Also the introduction of Ana made her projectil box size more noticable. Tracer has a very large projectile hit box, it's why shes easy as fuck to headshot as Hanzo.
Her head hitbox for projectiles is actually larger then her body hitbox.
If a multiplayer game has snipers and they're viable, it's a bad game.
Certain characters will always be OBJECTIVELY better than others and it doesn't matter if the game has 100 or 10 playable characters.
Prove me wrong.
You're too young to remember pre TF2/MOBA multiplayer games, where your dumbass team could get itself shredded and you could still pull through the match.
Your mother is a whore,prove me wrong.
Of course. However, when your game has several characters with >90% pick rate and several with
>this one time i pubstomped
Cool story.
man, I really want to enjoy OW but I just can't take it any more.
Unlike any other shooter I've played there's simply no way to just have stupid fun
it's either
>stict meta where you HAVE to pick a certain hero
>5 offensive +Hanzo/Widow and getting completely stomped by the enemy because they have a Rheinhardt
even in Paladins it's possible to just pick any hero and have some fun while still having a chance of winning.
I feel like Blizz overdid it with their focus on team-comps and teamwork
Dota used to be like that. Not anymore. It's a hero brawler now.
As a non-Dotafag I always see RAGE about Antimage. What's the reason?
What does it matter, top 500 are all hackers, and anyone who is rated above 4000 is a confirmed aimbotter anyways.
In my experience, it's easier than every to carry from every position, but you can still be completely fucked over by incompetent team mates.
If he's on your team, he sits in lane and farms for-fucking-ever without helping the team. If he's on the enemy team, he always seems to finish his farming and come rape your entire team solo.
If you agree with that statement then why is it weird (or bad) in your eyes that people pick the best characters for their team comp? If the powerlevel is a scale then why wouldn't it make sense to start with the most powerful and then work your way down until all slots are filled?
That is just the logical extension of my first post.
what? The problem with ana isn't that she can snipe. Her nade is the most broken thing in the game and the only ability that negates ALL healing while buffing your own, and on top of it is an aoe. Who the fuck thought that's something a support should have?
Still waiting on McCree's deadlock and blackwatch variants. I bet they'll do an anniversary event with new origin skins.
you wanna make point to, you know actually make an argument? saying prove me wrong when you make no argument makes you look retarded good job
Really? I only used the play the original but I can't see how they could manage that given that DOTA was literally "if someone feeds the game is lost" the game.
Back in the day, Anti-Mage was THE carry. Anti-Mage and Morphling. You would pick them and just farm your ass off. Your team would hate you, and you wouldn't care, because you knew it would all be worth it. 10, 20 minutes, you'd still be killing creeps. And eventually you'd farm and farm and be so fat that the enemy couldn't lick your dick even if they tried. This led to everyone hating Anti-Mage. Your team hates you because you get dicked early, the enemy hates you because you dick them late. Every game is gonna be long but you're gonna win, and only you will be having fun.
youre making me feel ill
While the grenade is a problem, the real problem is that the design of the character is fucked.
You can't combine a sniper and a healer in one character.
If you remove the snipe healing and keep the grenade, she can burst heal and create a mini lucio ult.
If you remove the grenade she can heal just as good as mercy from a huge distance.
That sounds pretty fun since I played Nasus when I played LoL.
Maybe I just am a massive cunt.
You can do that in overwatch.
Make a smurf account
>overwatch aimbot website
>has over 120k views on top aimbot pixelbot
>dozens of other aim assist tools all with 30+ thousand users
>suddenly they all stop working within the last two weeks
>last two weeks shit loads of "pro" players all stop playing
people also hate AM because he has a blink so you can never catch the fucker
Old meta. Ana and Dva arent must picks anymore.
>Ana isn't a must pick anymore
I highly doubt that.
Ana is still a must pick, but that's only because Reinhardt is. If you're gonna have Rein, you might as well have Ana.
I agree she is an extremely strong pick but not nearly the must she was before the last patch.
Ana is still a must since her HPs is the highest in the game and a well placed nade on their Rein wins the fight, not to mention that it makes a Zenny ultimate useless. Dva is back to annoying as fuck but not so good tier specially with Roadhog being able to chunk almost all of her health in one shot.
But everything that makes her a must pick is still there
Except the tank meta has been reduced in play due to the Dva nerf. And that her grenade isn't quite as good. A good mercy can make a viable pick over her.
Nah. MMOs typically have the holy trinity and that system is fine for me.
Must picks in a god damned shooter however, is pure fucking retarded.
>a good mercy can make a viable pick
Not with a decent genji on the other team.
Well yeah but now we're just starting to argue about team comps. All I'm saying is that Ana isnt the absolute must pick she was a month ago.
>Literally fucking worthless in this meta as his damage does jack shit.
He's literally only good to kill widow/sym turrets (and the first only if she doesn't stay with the team but tries to snipe from vantage points). Any enemy team with half a brain will kill him immediately if he tries to jump on your healers.
>using Winston over D.va to kill Widow
You are hurting your team.
I have a WAY easier time surviving as Mercy than Ana.
You're either in shitter league, bad with Ana or a combination of both. Mercy is completely dependent on her team to survive while Ana can easily 1v1 any dps trying to kill her.
>Literally fucking worthless in this meta
3 tank is not as rigid now due to D.va and Road nerfs
>>The real problem is that DotA shitters who follow what they think is the meta like it's a religion jumped to an FPS game and they'd rather blame anything but themselves for failure.
pretty much
i have a bunch of friends who've come into overwatch from stuff like HotS and Dota. i'm the highest mmr among my friends at around 3700 rating in overwatch. when we start losing, they'll always start blaming picks, strategy or something like that like "omg why didn't someone counterpick their genji, that's why we are losing" when that is rarely the case. i try to tell them that our picks are fine, they're just outplaying us mechanically. but the average 2k or 3k dotard can't handle that as a concept and will always just blame the lack of """""strategy""""" instead of actually putting in the time and learning how to fucking shoot. of course, that takes more time than reading some reddit guide on how to do the best clockwerk item build and blaming everything that goes wrong on teammates picking "wrong" heroes or something like that. being a 5k dotard myself, i know that even in dota, the main difference between a 3k and a 5k is that the 3k just last hits badly, positions badly and teamfights badly. nothing to do with strategy or hero picks.
fuck dota
>Roadhog nerf
Have you played since the patch? Roadhog is not nerfed, he's even fucking stronger. You get chained, you will die.
You get chained as full health Zarya, you will die.
have you never hit a sleep dart in your life or some shit?
There were some questionable pulls sometimes, but not always. You were pretty much guaranteed the kill, now you're guaranteed the kill, except for Ana in a very special circumstances. His bullshit hooks and point of view pulls were a bigger issue
We're living during the dark ages of Overwatch where tanks are the best heroes in the game.
A year from now we'll look back and say shit like "Man, Overwatch was such a poorly balanced game, but at least I had fun killing everybody with Roadhog and Reinhardt!"
Must picks don't become relevant until you are Masters/High Diamond faggot.
I find it funny how shitters try to play the "meta" and then get completely obliterated by people that play whatever they want.