You're going to play one, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, because I pretty much only play tanks.
gonna play SAM famalam
>two threads posted at the same time
wew lad
>I only play the easiest job.
I already play one in FFXI, and it's not homogenized shit like it's going to be in XIV.
No, I will try out SAM but in the end I'll probably just end up playing MNK again because I fell in love with it back in 2.0 and never even looked at other jobs.
Sexiest females outfits?
>Baldur blade
My absolute nigga.
It's everyone picking their favorite class again instead of answering the actual question.
alright on a11n, after you break his shield he marks and charges the main tank.
Every time this happens, i put myself (main tank) on the opposite side, where no one is.
Without fail at least one person will immediately run onto my side once the shield breaks, taking the charge hit.
Am i doing something wrong/against the meta here? this keeps fucking happening
It was either this or BLU if that had got in. So yeah, switching to red mage.
just stand still in front of him
it seems a lot easier for me to run to the opposite side rather than 7 other people to move especially if there's a first timer who won't know what's happening
Nah you're doing what you're supposed to. The group needs to move away from you to avoid the hit and get the dot. If you have a dps doing that or a healer they're retarded and tlel them to move. They should be behind the boss after that until he starts throwing aoes
i hope it has an annoying mechanic that makes everyone drop it after two months so i can play it without seeing another in df next to me
Also I might pick it up, I mainly just go tank but I started healing recently. Once I see how they're implementing it into the game that's when I'll decide. Ultimately I'll pick it up and get it leveled but as for actually playing and gearing it? We'll have to see.
as a melee, my first instinct is to run to the rear, so thats probably whats happening.
Some tanks move to the opposite side, some tanks just stand still and expect everyone else to move. If you're DFing, they're just going to react the way they've usually had to in the past.
>being this mad over the fact nobody likes your shitty design and thinks you're just a lazy thief
Can't make that shit up!
Does anyone know why A9S is impossible to get done in PF? My static I was in got to about 10% at one point but I took a break from ffxiv shortly after the patch came out and I came back about 2-3 weeks ago. Now whenever I throw up a kill party in PF it never happens. The lowest I've been able to get is 20% in PF. What's the best comp for that so I can weed out the shit comps for that fight?
No. Going to main MNK like i have been since 2.2.
BLM if i wanna scratch the ranged itch.
at what point is spell speed no longer important for WHM?
i know it effects regens but i figure it has some kinda cap to stop it from healing 5 times a second or something along those lines
how big a difference does ~80 make if you're already sitting at about 960 spell speed?
I'll switch to blue mage if it comes out but if not then I'll try samurai
In raids, MT is really easy apart from positioning to make sure you are not standing in lava and the party doesn't have to stand in lava to attack the monster.
OT-ing is a bit more difficulttm than DPSing, but not by much.
depends on how it plays
the most boring things in mmos are rotations
If your group isn't killing it before the first Alarum spawns than you should just disband.
Fucking floozy. She's asking for it.
how in the FUCK do you manage the JUST a rdm? ahahahaha ARR is fucking pathetic, yoshi is a fucking hack, omg im fuckign choking, enjoy your 12345 hotkey DPS class in your thrilling MMORPG, looking like your wearing a dollar store musketeer halloween costume! ahahahahaAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
To be fair, the sexy outfits are all vanity items that you only ever see because of glamour.
The outfit doesn't look bad though. It's undoubtedly going to be a samey generic DPS class though.
I figured, I've seen kills in under 4 minutes on that fight. I'll keep that in mind, thanks user
Actually disgusted by your choice.
Too bad I'll be glamouring the AF on everything because it's Caster DPS and will share gear with BLM and SMN
Still working my way to 60. I like to tank so I picked WAR. Are the other options any fun? I played Death Knight for years in Warcraft, and Warrior before that.
>not playing Lalafell Ninja for PvP
fuckin' plebs.
Greetings fellow monk bro
Congrats you picked the most fun tank.
WAR is best stick with it.
WAR is generally considered the most fun and is currently the best tank.
>glamouring a class AF on a different class
yea just like how you can glamour SMNs AF on BLM right oh wait you fucking can't
Just got into Azys Lla. This place is sick!
Becoming an edgelord was a fantastic decison on my part. Got DRK to 35 last night but I just realized that, while I can repurpose old armor used as a WAR, greatswords are a bit tougher to track down.
WAR is my favorite tank out of the three. DRK is pretty fun as well, more to do w/ that job over WAR. Don't bother w/ pld. Its boring and its not really needed as much. Just get pld to 34 and never touch it again
Not main, but I'll play it.
WAR is the least fun but the best tanking class in the game at the moment so stick with it
I was talking about RDM glamouring their AF on everything because I don't want to be in robes as a RDM
Thanks for the response. It's fun. Tons of cooldowns to use, though, and I'm gonna have to add some more binds before I'm through with it. About to hit 51 so only done regular dungeons and a couple of the noob-tier 8 mans that we cleared in 20 minutes each.
Got GLD to 34, CJR to 15, PGL to 12. Think I've got all the recommended cross-class skills done with.
Why is Huntan such a cutie? I want to marry her.
Is there a reason DRK feels fucking shit to play in FF14? As in is it actually a bad job
Its not too bad user
its pretty fun especially if you playing it like pic related
I'd suggest watching Xeno's guide on tanking, also learn how to do a triple fell cleave. Its the best feeling in the world when they all crit too
It shouldn't. the job is pretty fluid w/ the cooldowns, its more of a dance then anything. Just practice the job and over time it becomes really smooth to play.
>tfw clearing Odin through Duty Finder
You could see my erection from space that day.
Is that the 50 minute video on aggressive WAR play? If so I already watched it. Don't remember the guy's name.
No. It just doesn't have enough of an identity, but if that doesn't bother you it's still fun and involving.
what's more fun, SMN or BLM?
What's a fun and useful dps? I'm playing around with so many classes but can't fucking decide at all. It almost makes me want to unsub.
Only reason to play BLM is that you like BIIIIG NUMBER EXPLOSHUN
SMN, by far.
Yeah, it gives you a good run down on how to handle tanking as a WAR since you're really a dps w/ high health. Just get a practice dummy and work on optimizing you rotation w/ WAR
NIN is surprisingly support orientated if you're into that sort of thing.
>almost halfway through umbrite on one class
>started to enjoy a different class much more
g-guess i'll just have to farm 50,000 lore, haha
the music is fantastic
really feels like a "final level"
It's the most well designed tank job for me by virtue of not having any enmity-increasing ability in its dps rotation. It makes me feel like I actually have to work to keep aggro instead of spamming the same dps rotation ad vitam aeternam after the initial enmity combo.
Depends on what you call fun.
SMN has a lot more actions to use.
BLM does big numbers.
Both end up doing the roughly same damage depending on the fight.
>hovers onto Aetheryte area
>suddenly bagpipes music
The one that has Deathflare
Do you want DoTs and the odd explosion, or do you want Explosions with the occasional DoT explosion?
MCH and BRD Mainly MCH because it's OP as shit right now are the hardest DPS job to recruit because no one wants to play the cuck support job + a lot of people won't touch MCH because it has a blatently false reputation of being hard to play and because bad BRD players are some of the worst players this game will ever see.
Does BLM even have time to weave Thundercloud procs anymore
What JAV is this from?
Who is she? I love her Asuka pictures but no idea where to find them.
Do MCH have sexy outfits?
I'll definitely try it out, if only for the hat and rapier. Whether I'll stick with it or not depends on how they play.
Blue Mage would be a lot of work for a job very few people give a shit about.
Hey is this game only worth playing if you have a static raid team? I just like to pop in at random times for hours and hours and i'm not a shitter.
How far can i get just pugging the hard content? Highest job is 54 MNK.
>sexy outfits
What is this meme?
Do you want me to list slut glamours?
How? You know they'd never actually have you learning skills from monsters. You'd have job quests where you fight a morbol and learn Bad Breath. It would be like any other job. And Yoshi himself confirmed that BLU is one of the most requested jobs.
Yoshi-P said himself that BLU wouldn't work well in FF14 but this community is garbage.
I want to but I like to be a special snowflake and I'm sure at least 50% of the player base will be playing one
A11S is doable in PuGs with the right people but I think A12S is beyond the average person to complete without the support that a static offers.
i pug it all
to be fair im at JP though
no one wants your job that would be a shadow of it s former self, go back to not dpsing on healer now blue mage autists
After it stops being flavor of the month.
>50 fucking minutes
What could he possibly be talking about for that long?
A12S is easier than 11S though.
You're autistic.
Every single job in this game is a shadow of its former self, faggot.
BLU would suffer the most but keep pretending people want that job on top of Yoshi-P saying BLU wouldn't fit FF14.
So how does RDM work in FFXIV?
It's not out until June so ask again later
Caster with some melee moves, not blue mage.
1,2,3 Spells cast > Close in > 4,5,6 Melee attacks > Jump away > repeat.
It's a ranged magic DPS class that uses Chainspell to link together spells for special effects, dashes in to unload the effect with a melee attack, then jumps back out to casting range.
He goes really in depth about how to optimize your rotations, dos and donts, etc. I dont suggest watching the whole damn thing in one sitting. But there's key parts in the video that are really important for newish tanks. I think he has them in the description too on the times. Could be wrong though, haven't watched that video in ages