Japanese men between 20-30 are virgin manbabies

>Japanese men between 20-30 are virgin manbabies

I thought this was common knowledge?

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Theres a huge diff between saying you'd buy something and actually forking over Yen

Seems like the advertising is on point at least.

Meanwhile nobody in Europe or the Americas will buy it

>127.3 million Population
>10% = 12.7 million
>2 million units being made WORLDWIDE

Got some bad news for you japan.

With their obscene work hours, a console you can bring to work for your breaks is the very best Nintendo could have made.
When it runs out of battery you can just jump off the roof of your office building

And 10% of people are gay.


Every fith people are gay, and it's increasing every year. Vidya and TV is brainwashing our kids into becoming homosexuals

>2 million units being made WORLDWIDE
That's just for release day, dude. And not everybody buys consoles on release day. Still, if they manage to restock units fast enough they have a chance of beating PS4 sales.

Wasn't it like 4%?

If you count the ones that are open about it, maybe.

Considering how long it took them to release more amiibos, gamecube adapters and nes classics I doubt it.

I planned to get my life back on track by 25
now I'm a 27yo kv NEET

None of that was their main product. The thing they need to sell to keep selling everything else. Not the same at all.

Believe whatever you want

Those are some big expectations.

Was there ever any Wii or DS shortage? Because I'm sure they sold several dozen million units of both.

There was during the first few months, but only cause they only released around 600k units worldwide cause they didn't have much confidence on the thing and never expected such a ridiculous demand. The Switch is releasing with 2 million units, which is PS4 numbers, so not the same.

>only ask 1400 people
>10% of the entire population of Japan is getting a switch

>I don't know how statistics work
As long as the sampling was random and unbiased, it's sound but it's a survey and surveys are rarely sound.

Going after the lonely salarymen that can play it on the train on the way to work

Like they did with the 3DS. Expect lots of dating sims and waifu simulators.

The drop for 40 years and the spike back up for 50 years for females is curious. I wonder what thats about.

The switch is going to dominate Japan
Almost no young man over there has a TV

Oh hey Im the same but Im 31

It doesnt get better but it doesnt get worse either, I feel in limbo

>a Sirabee survey revealing that 10.7% of Japan plans to buy the console.
>As the poll included 1,400 people aged between 20 and 60, it certainly gives a good idea of the general interest levels in Nintendo’s upcoming system.

inb4 statisticsfag

>the poll included 1,400 people
damn.... nintendo won...

What's the point of this image? It's sold out everywhere, no shit it's not going to be on the chart.

Good news, Sony!
6% of Japan plans to buy a PS VR! That's over double the amount of PS4 owners!

I don't own Nintendo stock so I can't see how this has anything to do with me.


>It's sold out everywhere
Nope. Not even in Japan, they only sold out of 80% of pre-order units

Have you taken a statistics class?
1400 is enough to have a decent poll size, as long as the people polled are truely random.

The ones in your image aren't available for preorders, though.

>set small amount available for pre-order
>small amount sells out
You're so cute :^)


12 million lifetime sales confirmed

How will Nintendo ever recover?

They might not even have those units now, you retard. They're just saying they'll have Switches in the store on launch day. That's pretty fucking normal.

Idk my friends and I all want one in america. Because we like zelda..

>10% of Japan plans to buy a switch

I have planned to get my life together and stop being NEET loser for like 5 years now. Plans mean nothing.

Then maybe Amazon have run out of their shipment of Switches.

non-gaming retailers probably got very few units considering how quickly they sold out at 3am on a saturday morning

they also usually have better return policies, which is worse for nintendo

for instance, I can buy something at target or amazon and return it within 30 days for no reason at all, other than I don't like it

at gamestop? nope. you can only return if it's defective and they will replace it, not give you a refund.

It's outpacing PS4 pre-orders in Sweden.

They will rethink their stance once the console is actually out
Even spla2n won't save it

Probably because their quantity is so limited that only a few retailers got it at all, so the volume through those channels is much higher because they're the only outlets you can get it from at all

>weeb games

You're delusional if you think Switch won't do well in Japan. ALL handhelds do ok over there, even Vita.

Feel free to screencap this. Switch will do well in Japan for sure.

Nigger, Splatoon 2 is gonna sell gangbusters and move millions of consoles.

Nope, it's the same stores as always. I know because I'm Swedish. Even my Sonygger coworker is interested in one and he hasn't touched a Nintendo system since Gamecube.

But this doesn't even make sense, everyone who wanted a PS4 has likely already bought one, and comparing sales from a console from like 3-4 years ago to now is not even relevant.

Horizon isn't gonna be moving any consoles, let me tell you that.

For comparison: after 3 years about 3% of Japan owns a PS4.

No you nigga, its pre-orders outpace the pre-orders of PS4 from when it was released. More people pre-ordered Switch than they did PS4 on release.

>Vidya and TV is brainwashing our kids into becoming homosexuals

feminize maybe but they arent making you suck that dick

Oh well that makes sense.

I thought it was the hormones in meat and artificial pesticides.

>1 out of 5 people are gay
>that means 20% of people are gay
>that means 1.4 billion people are gay

Get out of tumblr every once in a while.

I'll buy one when they release Monster Hunter for it. No earlier.

I don't know. Everybody I know seems to be excited for it. That and breath of the wild.

Feel like I'm the crazy one for thinking they look a bit shit desu.

I'll buy it when they announce it, hope it's soon.


>expecting any logical answers on Sup Forums
There are times where you need to take a break from all the shitposting and get off of Sup Forums

>22.14 million 3DS sold in Japan
>17.3% of all people in Japan owns a 3DS

God damn

>tfw Nintendo will make gaming fun again

Don't fall victim to propaganda.

Oh right you are from sweden. Whelp didn't know playing games is legal for you muslims.

I don't understand these threads and they aren't shill threads it's just subtle console war nonsense

>Don't fall victim to propaganda.
But the Wii U actually had a solid launch IIRC

>Vidya and TV is brainwashing our kids into becoming homosexuals

Or maybe it's because it's becoming more and more acceptable to be gay? Just come out of the closet already, you insecure fruit.

>MLP hat

This is my point. It had a solid launch but then it failed, no games, no account system, censored games, bullshit localizations, cut content etc.

Come on, Treehouse is doing the localization of Zelda. Pic related.

So then your picture wasn't propaganda, and neither are any of the articles saying the Switch is having a solid start. It's fucking true, and I also have no idea why you're suddenly talking about the Treehouse. Pretty sure they handle the localizations of most Nintendo games and also don't censor in-house ones.

And also, how do I know that that picture you posted isn't lying and that there's also no text in the Japanese version? Pretty convenient how you didn't post the screenshots from the Japanese version, and rather the text.

Not that guy but: Do keep in mind that the PS4 has been out for quite some time.

In addition to that, just in case you see stuff about it being sold out, Nintendo is undersupplying again. Like amiibos.

He brought up Treehouse because it was one of the things that contributed to the failure of the system despite it's impressive start. The system selling launch title is being localised by the same people. This makes the launch look less promising, with the retrospective knowledge of past events.

The picture he's showing is legit and it is not the only fuck up.

Rawr is dragon for I love you.

>Do keep in mind that the PS4 has been out for quite some time.
And? Where is this coming from?

>Nintendo is undersupplying again.
No they're not. They've sent out more stock than they did with the Wii.

>it was one of the things that contributed to the failure of the system
And what the fuck does that have to do with anything? I've been talking about him bringing up the fact that what some guy posted was propaganda, despite the fact that it wasn't propaganda and as soon as I brought that up he started backpedalling into whatever random shit he felt like talking about. And I even mentioned the fact that they tend to censor in-house games a lot less, so the localization will probably be on par with previous titles.

One game being translated by people you dislike (who the general public also don't give a shit about and will buy the game regardless of whether or not Treehouse are localizing it) doesn't make the launch look less promising. The fact that Zelda is coming out at launch is what's making it look promising to most people.

>The picture he's showing is legit and it is not the only fuck up
Yeah, now I believe you. Try posting screenshots from the Japanese version next time.

Quite sad that someone can be that stupid.

>Defending treehouse

Dont go full retard.

You wanted the original text. Are you able to read that?