Deus Ex Series is Dead

''Sci-fi RPG series Deus Ex has reportedly been "placed on hiatus" for the foreseeable future, reports Eurogamer.

Publisher Square Enix has apparently made the decision due in part to underwhelming sales of the most recent Deus Ex game, Mankind Divided. The company's recently announced shift into the development of Marvel games was also a factor.

Mankind Divided went straight to No. 1 in the UK sales charts when it launched in August 2016, but sales monitor Chart-Track noted at the time that the game's predecessor, Human Revolution, had a "much stronger debut."


What went wrong? Mankind was better than Revolution but nobody bought it.

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it deid like 5 years ago

>underwhelming sales
Direct consequence of making an underwhelming game.

It died with Invisible war.

>recently announced shift into the development of Marvel games was also a factor.

Capeshit taking over even vidya. Guess i should advance my suicide date.

That's what happened when you released half a game

>Mankind was better than Revolution

No it wasn't, and that was the problem.

The DLC pre-order shit was a huge turn off.

They made an unfinished game that's fucking why.

As much as I liked MD for improving HR gameplay, the plot meant jack shit and lead nowhere and only one major bossfight with a couple extras being from side quests and no more than beefed up normal enemies that you only need to fight if you completely fuck up the dialogue interrogations; something HR also did better.

They should make one more Jensen game and that's it. Finish his trilogy and stop squeezing in shit with interquels and prequels.

Great news, this probably also means Titanfall, Dishonored and watchdogs won't get a 3rd game.


>games killed by social justice bullshit

Sure it wasn't Square fault for gutting half the game and releasing it without a complete story nnooooo of course not it's never Squares fault now is it?

Muh marketing expectations ruining shit.

>boring story
>boring characters
>shit abilities
>fucking shit optimization

The prequel is great because its new but the sequel is literally just an expansion pack.

I pirate it and stop playing 6 hours in because its bored the fuck out of me.

>chop MD up into pieces
>put in the most infuriating DLC and preorder shit possible
>wonder why sales are down


>What went wrong? Mankind was better than Revolution but nobody bought it.- 8 posts shown.
It had better gameplay. The premature ending and that the game is merely a transition to squeeze a third game later is just reason enough to tag it as much worse than Human Revolution.

>games killed by social justice bullshit
You are fucking stupid.

sjw propaganda
>augs lives mattter
>are you insane Muslims canĀ“t be terrorists

made me lose all interest in the series

>What went wrong? Mankind was better than Revolution but nobody bought it.

SE meddling and the worst marketing campaign ever.


maybe we are finally going to get some none sjws games form now one

that sure would be nice

I didnt buy it cause of you Sup Forums ! You told me the ending was absolute shit cliffhanger so i was waiting for the 3rd episode to get them both.

Your fault Sup Forums, YOUR FAULT !

>tfw vidya is dead

>Titanfall 2
>social justice

U wot m8?

so now you can pirate it

Fucking square enix
They bait the fuck out of a sequel only for people to get fairly get pissed off and not buy the game and now I won't know what happen. Apart from the story the game was actually good though so that's really shit, even if it's deserved

>Mankind was better than Revolution

is this a surprise to anyone?

>What went wrong? Mankind was better than Revolution but nobody bought it.

Because it's just HR 1.5, except it came out 5 years after HR when nobody remembered or gave a shit anymore.

They should have made a fresh new game with new protagonist, time period and multiple new settings rather than an underwhelming half game

>social justice faggot is mad

Stay mad you fucking nigger cunt!


>mfw Square is pure evil but Sup Forums slurps up whatever slop they shit out as long as it's called Final Fantasy

>Mankind was better than Revolution but nobody bought it.
No, it was more of the same, but with a much more uninteresting story, plus a sequel-bait cliffhanger.

hey kinoman, where's your Pepsi?
is it dlc too?

Invisible War was fun.

>games killed by social justice bullshit
What are you talking about?
What's the social justice crap of Titanfall, Dishonored or Deus Ex?

What happened?

Many Deus Ex fans just like myself were just utterly disappointed with Human Revolution. So why should I buy the sequel which just looks like more of what I didn't like in the first place.

Yeah that one was just shit and launched at a really fucking stupid time.

Deus ex:MD, Watchdogs 2, Dishonored 2 though were pure social justice puke and paid the price for it.

I don't mind social justice games, but not when they are forced into titles not aimed at people who appreciate that. It's propaganda and propaganda they want $60 for.

Mass Effect Andromeda will be the next mega flop.

>Mankind was better than Revolution
No. It was one step forward and two steps back. I loved it but HR was way better.

If i was able to actually play the game at an acceptable framerate maybe i wouldnt have refunded your barely functioning pile of code square ...
Fuck you

>underwhelming sales of the most recent Deus Ex game, Mankind Divided
They should blame piracy a bit more. Maybe that'll fix their shit games selling like shit.

they can't even do that,
because denuvo is perfegt unbeatening

Fuck you Sup Forums this is your fault

You shit on MD for no reason

And nothing of real value was lost. HR was merely okay for a modern fps with "rpg" elements and they didn't even bother to improve anything for the sequel.

You shouldn't. Mankind Divided is the exact same game, just with a shittier story, setting and sequel-bait ending.

>What went wrong? Mankind was better than Revolution but nobody bought it.

The marketing was shit, I was actually surprised to find out the sequel had been out when I found out a month later.

what went wrong square enix is what went wrong japs can't manage ip's that they didn't create. same with sega and total war franchise, releasing chopped up games and dlcing it like a 2 piece whore and wonder why they can't turn a profit

How exactly was MD social justice?

>Mass Effect Andromeda will be the next mega flop.
Yeah, like Battlefield 1 and Overwatch, right?
The thing about those games is that they had non-existant marketing, performance issues, or in WD2's case, the prequel was crap.
Not to mention that the only ones hyped for MD were in Sup Forums, no one else gave a fuck.

SJW crap is irrelevant towards a games success.
Market it hard, and in case of PC, make sure it's not a shit port.
MD and Dishonored 2 had barely any marketing, WD2's was awful along with WD1's dissapointment, and they all run like crap.

>Deus ex:MD, Watchdogs 2, Dishonored 2 though were pure social justice puke and paid the price for it.
Literally none of these flopped. The sales were lower than their predecesors but also their predecesors were released in at least 5 systems at the same time, while these were released in 2-3. It's not that hard to do the math.
I don't know what Sup Forums has taught you but in the real world stuff doesn't fail just because you want it to.

Word got out early that it was a full game that was gutted for future dlc.
Jim Sterling for all his faults did a good thing here with the help of a whistle blowing Eidos dev.

>Mass Effect
No it won't, unlike any of those three, literally everyone is hyped for it.
Everyone but Sup Forums, but Sup Forums is irrelevant.

They completely lost the plot of what Deus Ex is supposed to be and went cyberpunk with no thought about continuity, this pissed off the older fans.

Then they cut the game in half to sell DLC, this pissed off any newer fans.

Also same problems that bugged the first one, a lot of ideas, half assed execution. Eidos Montreal just goofs off too much, no work ethic.

>Titanfall 2

Female soldiers.


Made the little girl from the first game the main character and much more stronger than Corvo despite having 0 experience and training. She is just magically stronger than anybody else because mmmhmmm you go girl sjw bullshit. She reminded me of the slut from the new Star Wars movies. Literally no flaws.

>Deus Ex

Pro muslim propaganda and shoving more black lives matter bullshit down our throats. They couldn't make something original.

Are you serious or shitposting? first time I hear about this whistle blower.

>Female soldiers.
That alone makes it a SJW game?

>Made the little girl from the first game the main character

>much more stronger than Corvo despite having 0 experience and training
False, actually.

>Pro muslim propaganda and shoving more black lives matter bullshit down our throats.

I feel the issue is being unnecessary sequels than anything, they don't have the build up their predecessors did and they just get launched hoping to survive in namebrand alone but 8th gen is a different world compared to 7th gen.

Titanfall 2 just had a sabotaged launch and marketing from EA because respawn wouldn't do a season pass or RNG micro transactions.

Gears 4 is another one I would of add to your list because even though it has more players than Forza or Halo 5, and doesn't pander to SJW besides maybe character designs that would appeal more to millenials and a cheevo referencing Trump, it not selling nearly as well as what MS hoped and The Coalition will probably need to cut some staff

>Female soldiers.
If that was enough to cause a game to flop, Overwatch would have flopped, which is more than half of it females, and only two of them are white.
Same for Battlefield 1, which has niggers running around everywhere.
But they didn't.

This was fucking stupid and out of place.

>Pro muslim propaganda and shoving more black lives matter bullshit down our throats. They couldn't make something original.
That's how i know you didn't play the game. The game had absolutely nothing to do with that. It was part of the world building but nothing more. Not the story, nor the sidequests had anything to do with the shit mentioned.

You should get on the blower to Square Enix and let them know that Mankind Divided didn't flop. They just cancelled the entire franchise because they thought it did, so be quick!

>Square Enix thought this console generation would bomb and smaller scale projects plus alternate release models were the way to go forward in the AAA space
>Hence Hitman going episodic
>Avalanche's A team working on Mad Max while the new one did JC3
>The next Deus Ex being split into a Mass Effect style trilogy with two teams working on the first and second game in parralel, splitting the original entry in Eidos' planned duology into two and forcing them to do the f2p shit (btw that second game will still probably come out since work started in late 2014)
>Crystal Dynamics accepting funding from MicroSoft to minimise Square's contribution to the budget for it
>FFVII Remake being episodic
>FFXV being pushed out the door just to have it done in a timely manner
>Tokyo RPG factory being founded to do smaller scale projects, as well as the publishing of ones like Life is Strange
>Sleeping Dogs 2 being put on hold for an MMO
>Star Ocean 5 being such low budget shit
>Why mobile and pc ports have been such a high priority




I'm just fucking glad Hitman did well anyway

>Female soldiers.
Yeah, I bet going up against Battlefield and Call of Duty with no marketing whatsoever didn't have anything to do with it.
Funny, because BF1, which is the actual SJW game, was a massive success.

That shit doesn't even appear in the game you stupid fucking twat

Human Revolution was already overrated. It wasn't bad but it wasn't nearly as good as the original. Mankind Divided didn't seem to improve on Human Revolution in making it closer to the original. That's why I had zero interest in it. I didn't even bother pirating.

Female soldiers were in the first game too you retard.

>They just cancelled the entire franchise because
Because they are going to make a videogame MCU.
As in Marvel, you know, Marvel comics, the one that made Iron Man a black woman?

When publishers speak of 'underwhelming sales', they usually expect the game to sell at GTAV levels and are shocked when their games don't do that, despite of a really strong IP. 2016 was exceptionally dense with good/great (yes yes, I know) games being released and Mankind Divided was one of them. People were either careful enough not to fall for the release of another broken game, although that got better in 2016, or they just had enough to play already. Overwatch came out in May and that thing has, like 25 million players.

Because the girls in Overwatch are attractive and the game is set in a unrealistic cartoony world so its okay. Titanfall and Battlefield have realistic settings and it feels out of place to have women in them.

Square enix Japan is a totally different company basically.

>Mankind was better than Revolution

It really (really) wasn't. my phone at work so no pastebin.

>flux kicks in playing makind divided
>suddenly playing human revolution

How? It had better gameplay. The combat was much better, the animations, the graphics, the powers were more fun and the levels did not look as repetitive as the first game. How was it worse?

>Because the girls in Overwatch are attractive and the game is set in a unrealistic cartoony world so its okay
Have we forgotten already the shitstorm over Sombra?
None of that stopped people from accusing the game of being SJW.
Hell, pic related was spammed everywhere.

>Titanfall and Battlefield have realistic settings and it feels out of place to have women in them.
That's irrelevant because you are not going to see anything at all.
Oh, and you are going to tell me niggers running around everywhere in a WWI game feels completely natural?
Not to mention that Infinite Warfare, the most sold game of 2016, also has women in the multiplayer modes.

Make 1/2 of a game (in reality 1/3 according to internal developer leaks later put up by Jew Shilling the fat cuck tranny).
Ask full price for it.
Have the guts to even ask for a season pass for DLC for this.
Story is disjointed mess with pieces from cutting room floor haphazardly thrown together (the entire fucking lead up to The Throat for example or the shooting tutorial 3/4 into the game) with no sense or reason.
Soundtrack much worse than HR and mostly ambience.
None of the fan favourite characters returned and those that did had their VAs changed (Sariff) due to political reasons.
The story itself also being SJW to the core blatantly alluding to early-to-mid 2016 IRL politics with 0 subtlety to it.
Worst DRM in history of mankind since the coming of SecuROM and StarForce.


You got that mixed up.

Eidos wanted to do another Adam Jensen game then head in a new direction. Squeenix said no, forced them to split the AJ game in two early in development (the first half is MD) and then said that they needed to do a fourth AJ game after the split duo were out.

Right now we'll probably get the second half of what thry had planned, go on a break, then go with a new direction again. So in a way, we're almost lucky that MD bombed.

Maybe people would've been more interested if they'd done anything to differentiate it from it's predecessor stylistically, make it seem fresh.


nigga jim doesn't have ads, he makes his money on patreon it makes no difference at all to him. If anything it costs him more to use his site cuz it's his bandwidth.

honestly I didn't even like Human Revolution but it still sucks that it's dead since many of you enjoyed it

It was a pretty good game. Denuvo protected it from the pirates, to bad that they had to slander the game because they couldn't steal it.

Thank christ now we can finally be done with Jensen and all the bullshit with HR/MD. Hopefully someone takes the reins and brings back Denton and people might start giving a shit about Deus Ex again and we can get a TRUE successor

And the first game was also shit, the sequel flopped harder and its dead too because of it.

Doesnt matter if its not in the game. They used it to advertise the game. They used one of the most beloved PC franchises of all time to shit on it and use it as propaganda for current events. Fuck them.

I unironically think developers are waking up to the fact that people that buy games are also people that hate SJW shit and that SJWs are just extremely vocal special snowflakes that don't even buy games, and those that do are in extreme minority.

>chop the game down to sell the remaining content in the future installments
>game sells like shit because of it
>we won't see the future installments either
I feel bad for the devs, now Squenix has them working on Marvel capeshit

Everything you mentioned was indeed better, but everything else was a massive disappointment.

You had to ruin a list of good points with the retarded anti-Denuvo bit, didn't'cha?

>Titanfall and Battlefield have realistic settings and it feels out of place to have women in them.

Time for an history lesson user

That's usually what you get for doing a sequel-bait ending.
Especially when it comes out of nowhere

>Titanfall and Battlefield have realistic settings and it feels out of place to have women in them.
Then Advanced Warfare, Black Ops 3 and IW would have flopped too.

But even then, I bet people arbitrarily chose Titanfall 2 to be angry at, and that it has nothing to do with the game going up against COD and BF1 (games just as, if not more SJW than TF2) with no marketing whatsoever.

HR was one of the most boring games I have ever played and probably the reason I avoided MD Tbh.

>runs like trash
>sjw story
>jensen again
Who could have thought?

>Mankind was better than Revolution but nobody bought it.
It was not.

What the fuck does that have to do with anything? If Mankind Divided had sold well and Square Enix thought there was money to be made from a sequel, it would be being worked on right now. They have plenty of other studios that they could have handed the Marvel licence off to. Instead they binned Deus Ex and put Eidos Montreal on it, because Mankind Divided was a dud that failed to match the sales OR critical acclaim of Human Revolution.

The story went absolutely nowhere and the game ended on a really sour note. You might get the impression that the writers went out of ideas and just said "Ah, fuck it, just end it with SOMETHING."

Deus Ex was a pretty narrative-heavy game. I would even argue that Human Revolution was okay in that regard but MD completely shit the bed in regard to storytelling and that's why it's bad. The 'but it had superior gameplay' argument is fine but for a Deus Ex game, that's not enough.

If you cared about SJW stuff you would be worried.

It's amazing how Square went from being one of the best publishers in the business in the early 10s to an absolute fucking mess like it is today.

I'll miss the series, but I felt like the level design in HR was stale and MD didn't really improve upon it.

Dishonored blows HR and MD way out of the water anyway, especially in the level design department.

>hurr durr I'm retarded

Gee user, no need to point something out that everybody already knows

>What went wrong? Mankind was better than Revolution but nobody bought it.

>First game rides on the quality of the previous one (DE)
sells well
>Second game rides on the quality of the previous one (HR)
sells meh

People are blaming SJW boogy-men, not the dlcing bullshit the limited one city hub, square enix meddling goddamn people are have problems.

Eidos, IO Interactive and Square Enix are completely different companies.
Squeenix just happens to own the first two and go extremely jewish with demands to them.
So yes, Square Enix is pure evil and at least half the blame goes on them.

>cut the game in half
>wonder why it didn't sold
japanese's logic is cancer

Mankind Divided

-Improved combat
-Better cover system
-Golem City was great
-Decent graphics
-Prague is a massive hub filled with areas to explore
-Good side quests

Of course it had problems too

-Terrible story. It ends abruptly and the anti-aug focus is hard to swallow
-Music isn't as memorable as HR
-Long loading times
-DLC jewing
-Overpowered augmentations
-Prague is the only hub. It seems like Golem City was going to be one but the developers ran out of time
-The actual missions outside Prague are garbage (except for Golem City)

Don't really know why it sold poorly. HR wasn't bad enough to discourage sales. Game was a bit mediocre but not bad overall. Maybe it was all the controversy over the DLC.

MD's sequel is already in development tho'