ITT: resident evil 7 turned out to be p good

ITT: resident evil 7 turned out to be p good

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It was alright.

no, it ended up being pretty bad 2bh.
LP watcher generation will obviously eat it up, and it's the best "game-like" game for VR babbies so far, so obviously it'll get shilled to death. The overall design, from puzzles to bossfights, suck major ass.

It was okay. Would recommend for $20-30 but that's about it.

Puzzles and enemies were too easy. Chainsaw fight was clunky. Entire game goes to shit when you return to the main house.

It ended up being me 3rd favorite RE game, right after RE4 and REmake.

No way fag

Just finished it in 7 hours. Where the fuck are the enemies?
You have:
>Roaming mini boss pre boss fight.
>Standard Mud thing
>Crawler mud thing.
>Fat guy
That's it!

and if you liked it why the fuck are you making threads constantly to defend it? grow a fucking spine if you like the game and everyone else hates it its fine you faggot

Still on the fence on this one; if I liked RE1-3 (and remake of course) but didn't like RE4-6, is this worth a try?
You can see every single enemy on the game in this 13 second video.

You forgot the massive-fucking-forearm-as-a-shield mud gay.

not true

the fat guy and moths are missing

It's still the same shit, aim at the head and he dies. He behaves exactly the same except he does more damage.

It's a first person snuff film with a dozen enemies. It got blasted the next day in sub 2. Maybe for a sonygger with psvr+

It's a step in the right direction but the number of cut scenes could be greatly reduced, and the length of the game and number of enemy types could be improved.

I remember from another thread people were saying; why the fuck isn't there a zombie alligator? Gators are the token animal of Louisiana!

>It's a step in the right direction but the number of cut scenes could be greatly reduced

Urgh. Cold showered.

I really expected gators when I left the main house. Most of the things that made the game feel intense was expecting something that was just never going to happen. After the chainsaw fight I just started sprinting around to see what was in an area, and then tackle it seriously if I died. The game was really empty.

Not bad, not amazing. Jack was the only character I liked. The main house and ship, after all the cutscenes, were the only areas I liked.

More variety of enemies, slightly bigger areas and more weapons for the next game. Don't make it too linear at the end. Also, some of the stuff that's coming tomorrow for DLC needs to already be on the game for 8.

Then you have the successor for RE4.

This games still great and a huge step in the right direction. Depending on what they do with REmake 2 with it's camera angle and controls will tell me if they need to stick to what they did here or consider going 3rd person again.

>VR gimmick
>like one enemy type
>bonus modes are DLC
It sucks.

>More variety of enemies, slightly bigger areas and more weapons for the next game. Don't make it too linear at the end.
we already have a successor to re4

I don't really care if the game is good or bad or not, I just love that it continues the RE meme of the Magnum being so fucking powerful.

It's my favorite meme in every game. I don't know why, I just love it.

no it isn't