So Sup Forums talked me into getting Pokemon Black and White next of the games I haven't played

So Sup Forums talked me into getting Pokemon Black and White next of the games I haven't played.

(I've played Sun, Moon, Red, Blue, and Yellow... I took a long break from Pokemon)

Anyway which is better to play Black or White, and when I get the sequel Black 2 or White 2 is it best to stay with the same color or to alternate?

Other urls found in this thread:

Stay with the same color, you can import the save of B/W 1 for new events

which is better black or white?

It is the same game just pick the one with the exclusives you prefer.

Is that a serious question user?

We are reaching 1000 days since pic related happened.

Pick whatever. They only have a minor difference. (Some pokemon being available, a few locations etc)

In BW2, Black is better because the HUD looks better.

Also, pick white if you prefer or black if


Kek. Was waiting for this.

What OP posted is the cover of pokemon BW manga and what i posted is its ending.

Who is this kek I keep hearing about?

RBY suck ass, but BW/BW2 are amazing. You're in for some good games OP.

White ----- Black
Triple battles ----- Rotation battles
White forest (catch some pokemon that don't appear in the game) ----- Black City (battle trainers)
loli gymleader in an old traditional town ----- grandpa gymleader in a futuristic town

Note to pic related: you can get Lilligant/Elfun in both versions. You get the one that doesn't appear in the wild through an ingame trade.

Play b2/w2

It's the German word for cookie.

sorry, I meant Whimsicott

Are X Y or Sapphire Ruby superior?

emerald>rs gba > oras > xy

Emerald and RS feels a lot harder, than oras.
But XY without exp share and battlestyle to set is really difficult.

So if you are all about graphics and importing for new gen: oras and xy (may looks in oras cuter)

If you like pixel and want the world feel bigger go with emerald

Not OP but what is the difference between B/W and B/W2? Are the pokemon and story any different?

Gen 5 had the best human designs

BW is kind of a soft reboot and has only the Gen 5 Pokémon in normal gameplay, old Pokémon is only obtainable after the league. BW2 is set years later following BW's plot with new protagonists, has additional areas and the National Dex Pokémon invaded Unova so you have a mix of new and old monsters.

BlackWhite2 is to BlackWhite, what Gold/Silver is to Red/Blue

white is always superior

honestly it dosent matter. pick the one with the pokemons you want

cyber town>weebtown.

Reuniclus is white exclusive

Which Pokemon game is the best of them all?

IS that good?

Black's version of Opelucid makes no fucking sense! It's a town about fucking dragons through history! Why the fuck is it techno?

cyber dragons.