Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that the first Max payne is still the best?

Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that the first Max payne is still the best?

2nd is best and hidden ending is canon.

>2nd is best


Next stop: my house

No, because Max Payne 2 exists.

That doesn't make it bad at all though.

>im-fucking plying
By the simple fact the goddamn bullets are more likely to cause the enemy to stagger a little and not immediately fire, automatically improves the game, Max Payne 1 was a fun game but the fact only the most highest level weapons could cause any reliable stun, besides the shotgun but the shotgun was so goddamn useless half the time its ability to stagger was underused, all the guns being useful is another improvement, your dual Berettas quickly become useless after the third game as does the desert eagle (dual berrettas due to piss poor damage, Deagle due to less rate of fire)

*after the first third of the game

Haven't played 3 yet but 2 is better than 1.

Story yes but gameplay 2 is better

Personal opinion, I found 3 to be good on the gameplay front but very controversial in terms of story and style, it is solid from a gameplay standpoint most of the time (though there are some issues like the last chance system of trying to kill the guy who almost kills you to not die, and how prone it could be to have the guy legitimately untouchable and spend like 20 seconds for him to finally die so you can try again)

*bashes you skull in*
What was that? Oh wait, you can't talk because you're all fucked up.

>2nd is best


You know if you have issues with Max Payne 2, it would help if you actually voiced them and not just type retarded replies that explain nothing.

Max Payne was the better game.
Max Payne 2 gameplay was absolute kino, but the story...
>dude, I'm suffering lmao
>dude, my girl is dead/evil lmao
I actually liked Max Payne 2 better, no bully.

Enough with the fucking Kino bullshit, use grown up words like the adult you supposedly are.

>Not him, but I felt like the entire thing dragged. I liked the Max/Mona conflict, but in it's seriousness, it sort of lost the charm of the first games...excessiveness? By the end, I just didn't care if Mona and Max made it together.

Now, I did enjoy 3 more overall, and an argument can be made that it took itself way more seriously than 2 did, which is correct. But I liked how they made it into an 80's action movie with a washed up reluctant hero who finds his way again. It also made me more emotional for Max than 2 ever did barring his call into the sex line for companionship.

1 is inferior to 2 if only for the fucking nightmare mazes. I've never seen a game go from a 10 to a 1 so quickly. What were they thinking?

>dude I'm walking on a trail of blood in a dream, but I can still fall & die lmao

>tfw I'm a astute linguist, but only memes get noticed

Sam Lake never worked on a Max Payne 3, there are only 2 games in the series.

How did we even beat this shit as kids?

2 is better because you can look at Mona's ass

Quick save is you friend.

>had pc version
>fucked with dev console and replaced max's player model with mona's shower model
>mfw her nipples are textured

MP1 is the best, though I only played 1 and 2.

>story of 2 not as good, the early part is a mess of flashbacks and in media res, no tasty ragnarok references
>weapon power in MP1 is a lot smoother, start with 9mm and desert eagles, only get 1 ingram halfway the first act, MP2 just gives you half your gear in the first mission
>gameplay difficulty way higher, bullet time only gives you more time to aim, not super speed and reloads
>bullet time dives much more important in combat in MP1
>less annoying segments like when you get attacked at your house in MP2
>MP2 gave you a million TV shows to follow, instead of being just a select few
>best character is a traditional maffia bro, instead of being a villain
>no mona faggotry
>no mona sections
Seriously only for the final comic book part is MP2 worth playing. Everything else is worse

Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that Max Payne 3 was a good game?

Who is that in the picture?

kinda hard to tell wich one is the best, MP1 is basically my childhood, so there's always nostalgia
MP2 is also one of my fav games of all time, whatever you think about the word comfy, it's filled with comfy areas (the apartmant sections, the police station etc.)
I think MP3 is also a very good game, the cutscenes didn't bother me that much and the gameplay was awesome, I liked the new setting and tone too

It has more of the cult classic feel for sure, but I think Remedy improved on every aspect on the Fall of Max Payne (and obviously stealing physics engine galore from HL2).

And of course Max received laxative for the second installment and that is a negative.

>as kids
Because we weren't?
Goddamn Sup Forums with twelve year old negroes.

Max Payne 2 came out before HL2



Dont kid yourself, being born in the late 80's still makes you a 90's baby

People who played it as kids are approaching 30 now you stupid fuck

100+ hours in MP3, singleplayer only:
>best third person dude shooting, hands down
>goat soundtrack
>varied color palette and locations
>Flashback levels
>best performance from McCaffery
>God-tier animation
>still looks really good, and can run on low-mid-range cards @1080p
>Killing hues of all classes
>UFE = BOPE, all of UFE's plot elements
>organ stealing scene
>forgettable characters sans Passos
>Max's dialogue (writing wise) varies from edgy to poignant, with no in-between
>difficulty curve equal to a rational function with too many fucking vertical asymptotes at higher levels (Old School); not that it's hard, it's inconsistent
>enemies get shot well, but aren't characterized or memorable as Addicts, Suits, Cleaners, etc.
>3 act structure (4 levels, 1 flashback, repeat) not handled as well as past games
>questionable villain characterization, aside from "lmao corrupt politicians that control paramilitaries and human trafficking"
>pistols over utilized, with no weapon progression
>no stronk wemans: it's not bad that it didn't have good female characters, but just inconsistent with prior games having actually good female characters
It's a fucking great game ngl, just an inconsistent one that could arguably be part of another game series if it didn't have James McCaffery and the Max Payne™ logo. Still the best TPS as far as gunplay. And I love the soundtrack; you can rip the individual stems using the GTA4 edit tools.

>that asshole that throws grenades and runs



we all know the only right year to be born is 1994

No its terrible.

This one gets it

No it's trash with a nice engine

Post Comic Scenes edits


I like all of them desu