What did he/she/they/them/xem/xir/fe/fi/fo/fum mean by this?
2064 Read Only Memories thread
I'll be sure to pirate that game
It's worth pirating? All I know is it's indieshit with retro-inspired art :^)
They don't want your money, so have at it! I probably won't even bother.
They said they're fine with you pirating their game so go ahead, if you give enough of a fuck to download it that is.
Thank you for not playing our game, shitlords!
Still more alive than Battleborn
nah, battleborn is like 10 to 30 times more alive than this
>I wish I was
they mean their game is intended for an audience with iq above 60
if you voted for trump you obviously dont fit the category so dont waste your money on their game
Nice business decision. Hope it works out for them.
>implying smart people voted for Clinton
Nice publicity stunt.
Like GG you got to make money from clueless people.
Last I looked Battleborn had under 40 players 24 hour high
it may have perked back up with the winter update, game's still shit and dead though
what choice do you even have in USA's retarded system? you can vote between two devils, it's not even good vs bad it's literally bad vs bad
Rest in peace you glorious pioneer.
I don't think "perked up" is the right word to describe an additional 20 people.
My favorite part about the "uneducated Trump voter" meme is that more white males voted for Trump than Hillary and it was a close split for white women. The only educated voters votes that Hillary ran away with were from other races, and we know how rare it is to find an educated black or Hispanic.
I pirated their game way back when. I appreciated that the diversity wasn't as in your face as most other games but it kind of made the entire thing uninteresting and slow. I never finished it.
daily twitter image thread only on the "videogame" board known as Sup Forums?
Now I remember where I heard about this game. It was a kickstarter.
The lesser evil naturally. As far as I know, Clinton would have declared war the moment she got office. Better to have a xenophobe than a warmonger.
At least that retard won't get a second term
Nice. Saving this for shitposting purposes
smart people don't vote desu, nor do they bother with politics unless they are in politics.
And Clinton has a 99% chance to win the presidency! :^)
>"We have nearly thirty voice actors, including BAFTA-nominated folks such as Melissa Hutchinson and Adam Harrington, huge game industry VO stars including Dave Fennoy and Erin Fitzgerald, gaming professionals like Jonathan Holmes and Zoe Quinn, and internet celebrities like Austin Creed (aka WWE’s Xavier Woods), Dan Ryckert, and Jim Sterling."
We can trust the polls
Just like Clinton was going to win in a landslide
The smugness & over confidence from the Left confirms Trump 2020 imo
Statistically speaking, that a 50% spike in players.
Overwatch wishes they had that kind of surge in interest, r-right guys?
Why would ANYONE still believe polls after Trump BTFO Hillary when virtually every poll on Earth had her chance of winning at like 98%.
Under budget and ahead of schedule.
>tfw I like my penis for all its flaws
>tfw will never be a "gaming professional"
jesus christ, I diddnt vote for the guy but these people act like spoiled children. I mean I hate trump, but acting out like this shows they aren't adults yet.
She did win the popular vote but lost due to 77k voters in 3 states. No matter, the white population declines 3% every presidential election so millions of old angry Trump voting white people will literally be dead before the election.
This liberals are so brainwash by social media news.
Man, what are you? 16, 17, OP? Who gives a fuck. Their product, they get to say that shit. They also get to face the monetary and social consequences of writing such a stupid fucking thing. Go play some video games you loser.
One day you'll get out of high school and learn how statistics work.
nothing else to do but wait and that's boring.
Dude she didn't win the popular vote landslide like media was acting like.
All the white people in the nation could die out and Clinton would still job like every other time she tried
>Bush II took 1205 days to reach majority disapproval
>1205 days
I don't like Trump but holy fuck, how can these people opinions even mean anything when it took them that long to disapprove of that retard?
Reminder to take this shit to neogaf because Sup Forums is not the place for politics and social justice.
Voting for Trump was honestly one of the greatest investments ever.
Truly incredible.
she won an extra 2 million in California alone
>the largest number of votes came in from the place with the largest number of illegals and the laxest voting laws
I don't get why people are so mad about Trump. Reddit is fucking obsessed with hating him, but did he do anything wrong really? Banning muslims from coming to the country isn't a bad idea I think.
>the only bait the Sup Forumsish can find is on a literal point and click pixelshit indie game by literal whos
>lose the election
>continue getting assblasted for 4 years straight
>the largest number of votes came from a place with a large population that she focused her campaign towards
Wow! The majority of Trump's votes came from upset Rust Belt workers. REALLY MAKES YOU THINK HUH
Not a Trump supporter but why American companies tend to make political statements alienating their consumer base?
It's fucking stupid from a business stand point.
Never even heard of this game before you cunts started making these threads. If you really hate this sjw shit you would just ignore it and not give them attention.
Or you're the devs trying to get people to harass you on twitter so your game gets more publicity.
>California is liberal
Next you are going to tell me Alabama is racist
Are you implying upset rust belt workers are illegal aliens casting votes that would be thrown out in a recount?
They firmly believe they're doing the right thing by spreading awareness for politicians.
it's not a blue state?
>took almost 4 years for gallup to hate GWB
>but their opinion is totally valid guise
I feel like dems just like polling a lot more than they liked voting.
>so pathetic you can't even get cucked when that's what you're after
This is nearing Burch tier
>As far as I know, Clinton would have declared war the moment she got office.
Are you retarded?
Meanwhile Trump is such a terrible diplomat that within one week China has officially stated war with the US is "becoming practical reality". Within one week of him taking office. One week.
>I want democracy and I want elections, but only if my candidate wins.
>voter fraud
Every single government agency has proven that nothing happened this election. Trump was also on the "Russia TOTALLY didn't hack us" train until everyone told him he was being a cunt and was wrong and now he backs it. In less than a month, he'll say the election was fair and square and move on to another outrageous topic. Stop being such a reactionary idiot.
Do you really think Hillary wasted her time campaigning in California, the most liberal place on planet Earth? No, that state is a guaranteed lock for Democrats due to liberal bastions like LA and San Fran. She, like Trump, focused on the swing states.
She campaigned to the left and failed to reach out to middle class, disenfranchised Americans and that's why she lost. Just because she didn't spend a fuckload of time in Cali doesn't mean she wasn't campaigning to those people, it means she knew that state was a complete lock and could spend time better elsewhere. Come on son.
>only presidential candidate who has offered solutions that will actually fix the problems
Bernie retards actually believe this?
>"so this punk thinks he can just order me to not play his game??? I'll show him!! I'll buy FIVE copies!!"
pretty smart sales tactics actually
All this shows is that all the assmad faggots spouting NOT MY PRESIDENT! and protesting should've actually fucking voted instead of shitposting on Reddit or drinking cappuccinos at Starbucks on Election Night. Over 40% of people didn't even bother to vote, yet have zero fucking problem whining and bitching about Trump now.
I love how they preemptively gave an excuse for people not buying their shit game that no one wanted. Now they can look back and say it was all the racists fault and not theirs for making someone no one wanted. It's actually kind of smart how they passed the blame
Only like 3 swing states were calling for recounts in the news. We're shitting on a guaranteed blue state that didn't "need" to be investigated.
>Russia hacked the election
Man, those dirty Russians and their paper wizards messing with our paper ballots from the other side of the planet! The gall they have!
Friendly reminder that every recount uncovered the majority of fraud was perpetrated by Hillary supporters and that a judge literally stopped a recount in Detroit because the results were too damning.
Ben and Jerry's is based on Vermont, so of fucking course they'd tout any figurehead that hails from their state. Hell, they even had an ice cream for Colbert back when he was still doing the Colbert Report. THey aren't making a statement, they're just capitalizing on popular trends to get more sales.
Only a fascist deals in absolutes
We are saying the exact same thing, my friend.
how to promote your shitty game on Sup Forums
>Make twitter screencap of you being a complete fucking retard online with left wing sprinkles on top
>Start thread
>Get friends to post more screencaps about you actually being a fucking faggot and how open you are to being cucked and other buzzwords
>Get zoe quinn in your game
i ain't even gonna pirate. close thread its garbage nigger.
Your meme candidate fully supports the idea that Russia was behind the hacks so I dunno dude. This isn't some weird "fake news" shit since Trump himself backs it. Yell at him, not me.
okay so like
A fascist is an authoritarian nationalist, right?
Trump is obviously nationalist but what are his authoritarian tendancies
Ben and Jerry's is making a statement, though. I know they had a BLM flavor recently. Even ignoring that, Ben and Jerry's has always into into social justice and hippy shit like that. It's part of their core values, and probably why the shit is so expensive.
>explaining your poorly thought out false flag in the cathedral of misogyny to try and defend yourself
I'm pirating your game and modding the MC into a russian.
It's because caring about refugees is the cool thing to do now. Trump basically said he's tired of America having to wipe everyone's ass and told them to wipe their own shit but some dumb people take pride in having their hands covered in someone else's shit so now they are angry because they can only get their own shit over their hands and that's not hipster enough for their fetish
>Banning muslims from coming to the country isn't a bad idea I think.
>2 separate judges have found it illegal and ordered the EO reversed
>chancellor of Germany had to call Trump and explain how it violates the Geneva convention to him as if he were a 12 year old
>Iraq cancelled American visas in retaliation
>massive protests tanking Trump's already-awful popularity numbers
>his travel ban oh-so-conveniently excludes all countries where Trump has business interests
No, it was a pretty terrible idea.
source me pls
>openly support trump on my channel
>see this
>still sent me 12 keys for Read Only Memories
True "villains" were those who didn't vote
ugh I bet drumpf did this
No wait, fuck you, you're a retard who only reads headlines. If you'd take half a goddamn second to actually read the articles you laugh about, you'd realize that not even CNN said Russia did anything to the results. There's solid evidence that Russia got into both the DNC and RNC internal workings and only decided to divulge the DNC stuff to Wikileaks. That's what the entire hacking claims have been about. Trying to hack the ballots themselves would be ludicrously hard. Why bother with that when you can just make easy headlines that play against your opponent?
Both Va11-hall-A and R.O.M have over 100k sales according to steamspy.
Why do so many faggots buy VNs? I never played R.O.M, but I know for a fact Vallhalla is shit.
>Hillary supporters are still upset
I get off on madfags like you. Tell me more you dirty slut
Obama banned Iraqi citizens from entering the country for 6 months.
This is a 90 day TEMPORARY ban on people from 7 countries, not a muslim ban.
one vote doesnt matter, only retard sheepies vote
>Russia hacked the election
Nobody relevant ever said they hacked the election itself, nitwit. They hacked the DNC emails which affected the election, but not the election itself.
you can't spell yas without slay
yeah, great achievement for Hillary campaigning to win the vote that doesn't give you the win.
If it were down to the popular vote, you don't think both candidate's campaign strategies would have been wildly different, with Trump actually going to the heavily populated blue states.
and i won the race to the finish line in "guess who"
>Trump bans Syrian refugees
>the very same day Syrian refugees gun down a mosque in Canada
It's pottery.
>The judges ruled to detain travellers to properly confirm what they're a citizen of
>half the country voted for him
>obama made the list
you are fake news
>europoor talking like he understands american political issues
just stop. you're making a fool out of yourself.
not that you're racist against white people though, that's impossible.
white people should have a duty to vote for whichever candidate hates them most!
Every american lefty that doesn't understand the danger of islam should get a mandatory trip to
That's how people prefer to be addressed nowadays. A lot of progressive websites allow you to select your pronouns, I hope Sup Forums will implement this feature soon enough.