If you could erase one thing from vidya history, what would it be?
If you could erase one thing from vidya history, what would it be?
My life
Goldeneye for the N64.
Women in videogame development.
That will save the industry.
moba games
First person shooters
World of Warcraft
The need for gimmicks instead of just refining already good ideas.
Executive meddling
Every answer ITT is good except yours. Way to go faggot.
rpg games
Jews. The cascade effect would remove the brainwashed white woman.
Sup Forums
Dante from the Devil May Cry series featuring Dante
the transistor
Kek. The number of good things that would not exist if you got your way is unreal.
I wonder what sort of vidya Mel Brooks would make
Not video games.
easy answer.
i'd erase the dude who was in charge of decisions of making new hardware for sega in the mid 90s, completely saving them from trying to release the sega saturn and dreamcast, and letting them come to dominance in the mid 2000s and eventually become the glorious main console manufacturer after nintendo
i'd be fine without wagglin kinect or 3d. Gimmicks =/= innovation
This. 2 birds, one stone.
Wolfenstein, from the nazis point of view.
Rumble. Twin sticks. 3D graphics. More than 2 buttons and less than 15. Wireless controllers. Memory cards. Hell the list could go on forever. Unless you are fresh from the womb it is expected that you know all of these things were considered gimmicks.
It sounds like you would be happy with an Odyssey and nothing else.
Naughty Dog. I would say Sony but I love my PSP and PS2 .
not a bad answer. crash was never good, anyway.
Just think. No stupid white women, no beta males vying for their attention, and best of all no Bioshock Infinite. Everyone wins. This is the ultimate answer. As the most boring FPS ever taught me, to fix a problem "Ya gotta pull it up from the roots".
What was the main cause that made the vidya industry go downhill?
The Market
I'm not even kidding. The sheer amount of people and purchasing trends of the majority ruined the industry.
The next time you see somebody talking about GTA or LoZ or LoL in public, remember to spit in their coffee that undoubtedly has 20 creams and 40 sugars.
Bethesda, they are directly responsible for the worst trends in the industry:
>on-disc DLC and cosmetic DLC like Horse Armor started with them
>thanks to the success of Skyrim with the normies, everyone started doing a half-assed copy of their style, resulting in everything being about muh "open-world"
>Fallout 4 was the final nail in the coffin for RPGs, thanks to its popularity we're forever doomed to have aRPGs with "light RPG mechanics" and no skills or player choice whatsoever
They're like the jews of the video games industry when you think about it.
Fps is a stupid genre.
>Implying anyone is bumbling over themselves because they can't play BB.
Paid Online
I'll never stop hating M$ for pulling this shit and all the retards that fell for it.
At least reddem the FPS genre by erasing halo
FPS is basically this in videogame form.
Better still if that happened instead when Gerstmann was fired, and not because Christians got mad at a woman dumping her whiny boyfriend.
Half Life
t. underage who has only played CoD/CS
Games with a social message.
Post-2009 Nintendo
this is the dumbest meme ever. Sup Forums didnt suddenly get worse after the tortanic thing happened. Sup Forums always trashed new games and said they were shit and going to fail. they just happened to be extremely correct about the tortanic.
nothing has change.
My involvement, so I could have instead put time into something more useful.
And then kings quest never existed
Erase Nintendo trying to join up with Sony for that SNES addon.
>Sony never makes the Playstation
>SEGA never dies as a console-making company because the PS2 doesn't dominate 6th Gen
>Microsoft never tries to fill the void SEGA left after seeing Sony doing great as a new game console provider
>Microsoft never makes paid online a thing that the majority of consumers are okay with
>A world without soniggers and muh mature games for mature.gamers such as my self
How fucking dare you.