Who's the hottest vidya girl (female)?

Who's the hottest vidya girl (female)?

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Not whatever it is you posted, at least



One of the Neptunia girls, but none of the sisters or Blanc.

Estelle Bright. Easily.

I wish she was my wife.


She makes me want to play Advance Wars.




i wish tita was mine

I want mei to sit on my face


Camilla from Fire Emblem


>Dreamcast face

2B is definitely a candidate


Only right choice.

This nigga gets it.


I'm glad people are realizing that leotards are sexier than panties

sexiest nep human

When the mei snowball fight mode was out I couldn't play overwatch without poping a boner at all the delicious fat chink booty

i'm not a BRAAAP guy but holy fuck would I let that bitch meme on my face

Lol look at this retard and laugh.

High cut leotards no less. High cut needs to make a comeback


Not even best pokegirl


The gymleaders are cuter

What's it like having shit taste

I know what you mean, I wrote fart but switched it out for sit at the last second.

>tfw no bitchy hispanic vulpine cop gf to handcuff me to a bed and sit on my face

Make way for the world warrior


Fine, I guess.

Cuter to sexier depending.

E4 and Frontier Brains are also valid.

Not even the best in her game.

Hey Bocchi Ball

Pls full picture, I need to see Cammy butthole

>E4 and Frontier brains
I barely remember the latter while the only E4 member I ever paid attention to was Karen and Cynthia. My preference toward gym leaders go from Sabrina, Erika, Whitney, and Flannery.


Since I love panties I don't know.



sauce plz

Hey user.

Make way for the real Princess of sexy.

Wanting Cummies when you could get the whole load

Real talk are there actually people that want to fuck Anita?
Even if it was a hate fuck i wouldn't stick my dick in her ugly ass

>SF girls
The weakest roster of fighting game girls tbqh


I know attractive women and Anita's not one of them. She looks like someone Hansel and Gretel would push in the oven.

Literally ideal wife

honestly i don't find her that ugly shes not attractive ether just meh all over

Hottest bitches cumming through

>Not wanting to rub your dick on an the abs of an aryan qt

Midna's the reason i have a shortstack fetish

Fucking Christ, why do I agree with you two?

Tifa in a dress makes my dick ultra diamonds.

I wish the two of you were my wife :)

Fighting game girls are the best all around
Other genres can't even compete

Purple dress and blond hair is cute! What's her name?

>Wanting Bisons sloppy seconds

Patrician taste.

You're right.

2B is growing on me, however...


This bunny

>not posting best AW girl

Neither is Donutgirl, I'm sorry.
Donutgirl is one of the worst, actually. Ugly aliens eyes + hair made out of donuts. She isn't even cute, her design is a mess.
Here is best pokegirl, cute and lit.

>dat clit bulge


Well your Pokegirl is a giant chicken.


I want to rest my head on those chiakers of hers.

>girl (female)

>arguing over best Pokegirl
There's no right or wrong answer.

>Christmas Cake
I'm glad you're not forgotten, Nikki.

Do it while you can. That race is almost out.

It's like you're not even trying to hide your virginity

Gotta love that fat chibi butt.

I wasn't looking properly. Looked like it came from the clit.
Don't bully.

Pretty puffy.

>Preferring Vega's cum dumpster

The dolls were not for sexual.


>that one doujin
Good shit user

This made me realize I've never actually heard a Zappa song.


Fact: Vega did things to Cammy while she was naked and sleeping
Take that as you will Cummifag

You fucking children.

Vega sexually assaulted chun-li in the shower lol.

And she kicked his ass
What did Cammy do?

Kainé since she has a dick.

There's literally nothing in that pic that could be misconstrued as a clit.

>Posting SC2
My nigga. Not sure if you were the dude who posted the Orz gif about a week back, but whoever it is got me into this great game. Never thought that's how I'd learn of such a good game.


Not that guy, though I've been doing occasional SC2 threads for years.

Just to be clear, when you say "got me into", you don't mean "made me watch a fucking let's play", right?

Also yeah, one of the best games ever made. Hope you finished it by now.

SC2 was already awesome, and then out of nowhere I ran into the Syreen and was like "Okay, fuck, now we're in 11/10 territory."

Have nutted, and will likely nut again to that pic.


The woman who voiced Talana (FYI I fucking hated the voice acting they added to the 3do version) was actually the mother of a friend of Fred Ford's son, and he later described recording her during the sex scene as one of the most embarrassing moments of his life.