For Honor requires an always online connection, and runs exclusively on P2P servers. Stay far away

Absolutely heartbreaking for what looked to be the next big hit for Ubisoft. However, these simple things are unforgivable and gamebreaking.

There's an entire single player campaign, and you can play any game mode, with any number of bots, yet I can't play offline.

For anyone unfamiliar with for honor, it's a slower, more tactical version of chivalry, delivered in the third person perspective. The problem is that the game is decided entirely by your reactions and reads, but the game runs on P2P matchmaking. Resulting in rubber banding, unresponsive controls, and unfair latency advantages.

TL:DR : Stay away.

Other urls found in this thread:

Multiplayer game requires online connection


Stupid, dumb, pcuck scum.

Show proof, what makes you think anyone would take your word

>pc master reddtors race/ total colon cancer fanboys shitposting and being anti-consumer anti-gamer
>just repeatedly spamming a buzzword/ bulletpoint and pretending thats enough
>meanwhile support cancer that is steam
>meanwhile support cancer that is early access on steam

peer-to-peer is actually better for fighting games than dedicated servers.

and no shit it requires you to be online, it's a online multiplayer.

BREAKING NEWS, overwatch requires you to be always online to play!

where is the proofs

give me some legitimate sources and then maybe i'll get angry.

you must be intelligent
the game has a singleplayer campaign

Who doesn't have a fucking Internet connection in 2017 anyway. You probably just want to pirate it like the scum you are. BUY IT FAGGIT.

For Honor is primarily a multiplayer game, with a single play campaign tagged on so it hopefully doesn't go the way of titanfall.

What if ubisofts servers are down when I just want to play single player?

>giving a shit about single player in a fighting game


The singleplayer will hopefully provide 5 hours + of content for a single playthrough if we're lucky but that shouldn't be your reason for buying the game.

It is designed as multiplayer game, that's where you get your value and enjoyment. I just hope there are a couple more game modes than the 3 in the beta.

Another game that will be ruined for us Aussies due to bad net, won't bother with this.

The amount of anti-shill for this game. Holy fuck.

Its p2p IDIOT

I really like the game itself but today while playing the beta someone disconnected from the game and then the server went down from everyone. That happened yesterday too.

No way in hell I'm going to pay 60€ for this. Maybe 20€ someday in future, but I won't be sad if I'll never get it, there's always Chivalry. Hopefully they will somehow add dedicated servers into the game, but I doubt it.


you forgot a couple

>still no proof
These retards will eat anything up without any proof

Sorry op but gamers don't care anymore. The lack of outrage over The Division being always online was depressing.

>any year after 2005
>playing ubishit

Aussie here. Spent all weekend on the beta only about 1% of matched players were lagging.

If OP didn't enjoy it that's his deal, but if the connection was really that big of a deal to him I'd say it was likely on his end.

Also I wouldn't get too excited about the SP campaign from what's been shown, is likely just to be the multiplayer with bots and a short story attached. The multi is really good, though.

>being to stupid to use google

Here I will feed you:

Also I agree the P2P issue is definitely shitty. No argument there. But always online was pretty much a given, since the core of the gameplay experience is basically multiplayer. Things like rank progression, unlockable content, rewards/in-game currency, etc. rely heavily on server side data access.

Just from playing around in the closed beta I can tell you the level of customization offered in this game is going to be MASSIVE, and they're obviously going to want to keep their microtransactions under tight control. Putting all that stuff offline would mean players can hack client side data easily and just bypass microtransactions and customize their character however they want.

Want to know what's an even bigger problem? Unlockable armor/weapons pieces aren't purely cosmetic. I noticed that there were stat bars that would change certain characteristics (attack/defense/stamina/etc.) if I equipped a different helmet or breast plate or sword blade or whatever. This not only fucks with the balance of the game, but it also opens up opportunities for a pay-to-win structure, as people can buy loot crates with real money to get superior equipment etc.

That right there is not cool with me.

same for me.

>try 1v1
>opponent goes 2-0 down and quits, crashing my game
>try 2v2
>other team go 2-0 down so 1 quits, then the other, get replaced by bots, at least it didn't crash
>try 4v4
>every time someone quits or gets d/c, game freezes and has to resync
>sometimes it just kicks everyone from the match
>sometimes it just freezes and crashes

I like the combat and might still get it on sale if they fix this shit and introduce dedicated servers.

Can confirm, pelvic thrusted at irish players without lag

I like it, I played nothing but Peacekeeper.

I don't know why people get so angry at Peacekeeper, she doesn't win all the time.

>Stat change equipments
If their stuff is anything like RS6 siege, it'll probably be in-game money to unlock equipment and real game money/ingame to unlock the characters.
Assuming it'll be so due to how the season pass is like, its the exact same shit RS6S season pass gets you.

Siege hasn't had loot crates yet other than cosmetic skins that don't change guns, and it's been 3-4 major patches yet? So there's still hope.

Last night before the beta ended I played against a peacekeeper in 1v1 over 5 games, I won 3 (barely) and she won 2. Most of them went the full 5 rounds too. I find her a really fun enemy, as a kensei main, because she forced me to change up my ranged gameplay a lot. Got a lot better at my strafing quick attacks in those games.

God I miss it already. What am I meant to do with my life for two whole weeks?

>shit moba from Ubishit
>clunky as fuck
>tries to copy Dark Souls combat but its sucks complete because Ubishit cant into good game design
>le female warriors because muh diversityXD

shit game fuck off shilling this trash game

Peer2Peer should be improved

Always online literally does not fucking matter. The singleplayer is basically a tutorial for the multiplayer with some cosmetics locked into it.

Hope they don't do loot crates but FUN FACT about the cosmetic pieces having stats, you can change the cosmetic appearance of armor/weapon pieces to any style that you've ever unlocked, so if you get an ugly helmet with good stats you can just reskin it. Costs like 100 HonorBucks each time but that's peanuts.

I'll just buy the console version :).

wildlands beta this week and nioh next week

'tries to copy darksouls combat'
It's halfway to streetfighter and you were trying to play it like darksouls? No wonder you're bitter bro you must have gotten wrecked repeatedly in that beta.

>Enjoyed the previous alpha
>Enjoyed the beta

Game is fun.

But the division is an online game?

>Still threads about ubisoft games requiring a uPlay connection as if it's a new thing.

>It's halfway to streetfighter

What there are no combos nothing the game plays nothing like a arcade fighter you retarded shill.

fuck off, game is great. day 1 purchase

this isn't a fighting game though

>What there are no combos


Did you go in for the season pass though? If they really are going to do it like Siege then I feel like it's a waste of money. I never got the Siege season pass and I never had a problem unlocking the operators, and the week delay really wasn't a problem. I don't board any 'HYPE TRAIN's so I don't care if they run on time, you get me my man.

>mfw I don't care because I'm not a faggot BR with dial up

>if this game fails vivendi will buy ubishit
>shills are in full damage control

really makes you think.

Nice try. There aren't 15 months in a year.

The season pass' only value is the extra cosmetics. If you want to play Fashion Honor for a few extra dollars and can spare it with no issue, you may as well. If you don't give a shit, ignore it.

Good game but too pricey.

Waiting for a pricedrop for that one.

agreed. i would buy this day 1 without the shitty drm and p2p. not even worth a purchase when it goes on sale in 6 months.

>pre-order a ubisoft game

This is how fucking low nu-Sup Forums is.

Can you seriously imagine how much this guy got stomped? Running around using light attack heavy attack block block getting slaughtered by people whose fucking swords were catching fire for reasons he couldn't understand or replicate?

Enjoyed this game but not 60 dollars enjoyed it.

Was put off by the P2P bullshit in some instances like 90% sure I hit the opponent but the hit didn't register or rolled back.

Faction have a very stupid implementation. Give us benefits of sticking to one faction instead of hopping around.

Its ubisoft so it might be S6 Ubi or The Division Ubi. Who knows.

GMG has it for $40.

I don't see a problem. Game is really good, and Ubisoft had a solid track record as a developer. They earned my money.

S6 was Ubisoft Montreal.
Division was Ubisoft Sweden.
For Honor is Ubisoft Montreal again.
Wildlands will be Ubisoft Paris.
Ubisoft is a multinational games publisher, you've got to look at the branch responsible for development.

What do you mean 40?

Well if they support it was well as they have for S6 I will get it after a price drop

>and Ubisoft had a solid track record as a developer
like what?

Weird, my currency is worth the same yet you pay more.

I'm actually getting a better online experience with a smart P2P that picks people in my region than when joining servers hosted elsewhere with people from god knows where.

ass creed 2, brotherhood, 4 and rogue
far cry 3 & 4 & blood dragon
rayman origins & legends
rainbow six siege

90% sure GMG uses the same currency across the board.

It's a Ubigame, trust me. I aint touching none of that shit.

The drop outs were annoying, but if it's that or Rainbow Six Siege level hit detection I'll take the drop outs.

Only ass creed 2 was good for a nu-ubisoft game. You could actually listed Ghost Recon 1 or Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield but you never played those it seems.

>Wildlands is gonna be the Just Dance/Rabbids developers

So, it's doomed to be shit, huh?

If you think the only good ubisoft game in that lineup is fucking Assassin's creed then your subjectivity is objectively messed up.

>P2P servers

Well technically the player is the server. They receive and send everything happening in the match in relation to them.

Technically they aren't. It's literally impossible to be a peer and to be a server. Either the different computers are equal (peer to peer) or they aren't (client server).

Story time. I've noticed that Wildlands is doing the same tacticool squad co-ordination that the Division did in its trailers. I played the Division beta. I ran around shooting people like it was a third person MMO. My cousin invited me to squad with him and his clanmates. When we started a mission together, they started talking all squad tacticool like in the trailer, and moving in formation.

"Moving up!"
"Taking point!"
"Laying down suppressive fire!"
"Damn, gotta reload. Get him off my back!"

And it was the lamest shit I'd ever seen. I ran out ahead with a shotgun and started shooting enemies and clearing the building, running around spinning and shooting like it was a twin stick shooter. One of them literally shouted at me to be careful when I began. And then they all went quiet. Eventually they started playing like I was, and a few missions later we were all rushing around like it was an MMO.

I think they bought into the trailer's lie about the gameplay so hard that they accidentally roleplayed it into existence. And I think I ruined it for them.

I've got $20 that says Wildlands is doing the same shit, and there'll be people just like my cousin and his clanmates who roleplay the tactical element into existence, but in reality the gameplay is going to be dull as balls.

>people seriously defending always online

Even if it didn't have a single player, it should still have local/lan play.

>Even if it didn't have a single player, it should still have local/lan play.
I can't even remember the last game that had LAN. And local with graphics like these seems impossible.

>Complaining about "always online connetion" required

Like. I don't understand, do you guys live in some shithole where you have 2gb per month available or something?
I can't remember the last time my internet was disabled while my PC was turned on.

I don't understand, what is the problem ?

>And local with graphics like these seems impossible.
What does that have to do with anything?

That post brought up local play for this game (which has graphics like these).

I think it's a principled argument? Like it just shouldn't be a thing? I mean I'm in your boat so I don't really care either, but people DO have internet problems and that shouldn't stop them from being able to play. No child should have to shout 'Please sibling, stop watching Netflix! I'm trying to finish this Single Player campaign and it keeps disconnecting! I implore you!' because that just don't make sense.

I had some issues with my internet last weekend actually.

Why would a slow internet connection influence the singleplayer campaign, it's not like the NPC's will start lagging or something

Why would graphics make local play impossible?

Thanks adam orth

Hows unemployment treating you

Same exact impression. You'll be able to chew through 50 dudes and 4 helicopters easy in this game. No challenge, no skill or teamwork required. You'll just be able to casually blow up whatever you need to then go back to riding ATVs in the open world. I'm not even going to bother unless I can get it for $20.

Rendering literally twice as much isn't something you can just do mate. Maybe on a specific PC you'd be able to do it, but I don't think it's possible on any computer really.

>be student
>have job
>be able to afford decent internet

I'm not retarded enough to not pay for a decent internet connection and enjoy my games, thanks for asking

If your ISP has shit bandwidth or god forbid a cap it could cause connection problems. And ubisoft is shit in its own right. There like three consecutive days where ubisofts whole network infrastructure just took a shit and not even the forums worked.

Also, where was/is the outcry that every Souls game starts in online mode? Sure there is an offline mode, but please tell me how often you switched to the offline mode, because "your internet connection was shit"

>Three consecutive days last week

My bad.

Fighting games are 1v1. If one player dropped in a 1v1, it wouldn't matter if the game was p2p or hosted on a dedicated or listen server or whatever. The game would be over.

2 out of 3 of For Honor's game modes host 4 or more players. One player disconnecting means everyone else's gameplay is paused while their clients resync. A proper client/server setup would have less connection issues, and have also helped with player authentication and anti-cheat measures. Client/server setups are also easier to get functioning properly, both on the developer and consumer end of things, the only reason to use p2p over servers is to cut costs, provided the game lasts long enough.

Would it help get you angry if you knew that they had promised it wouldn't be always-online earlier in development but went back on that? As well as removing split-screen from their plans in the process?

This specifically annoys me as well. I lost a boss win because of a momentary connection loss, and it just straight up booted me back to the menu without retrying first. Fuck that shit.
People only bitch about it if they want to shit on a game.

>anything with swords and doge rolling is now dark souls combat

fuck off frogposter

Oh, you're talking about local split screen?
I thought you mean local network

it is. stop posting if you haven't played the game

You did post a pepe so maybe you legitimately think people born in other countries are retarded, but know that having the option to purchase decent internet in your country doesn't exactly make you a genius.

Obviously, why else would the distinction between local and LAN (local area network) be made? Learn to read mate.

Local play usually means lan, nobody plays split screen anymore, fuck off.

nice try Mordhaubro

Well seems like it makes me smarter than 80% of all those people in this thread

also, here have another funny alt right reaction pic my friend :^)

Why would you ever call split/shared screen "local"? Just call it splitscreen. All you're doing by calling it local is opening yourself up to miscommunication

By the way, did anyone else get into the 2v2 brawling during the beta? That shit was way more entertaining than I expected it to be.

Keep making up statistics and you won't need the reaction images, pal!

So when are they going to add that lefty warden using conquerors weapons and le ebin dual wileding samurai to the game?