Open Wold Meh

>Good graphics
>"Far Cry Primal meets Batman Arkham" gameplay
>Inevitably shitty story/voice-acting

>Terrible graphics
>Repetitive shrines and horse-chasing gameplay
>Probably passable story and voice-acting

Both of these are going to be 7.5 to 8.0 games.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Far Cry Primal meets Batman Arkham

Every time far cry was mentioned it was 3 for positive things might i add.

Where did you get this meme from?

You get dungeons in Zelda though, along with larger bosses which shake up the gameplay

Do you want me to post the interview?
I think I'll pass on Horizon

Zelda BOTW has MGSV gameplay

>will never be released on pc

>in 6 months we'll be playing it in 4K/60fps

>list graphics first

I see you're retarded.

Zelda will get 9.2 based on the name, and people will ignore the open world repetitiveness that has plagued it since AC1.

WHOA I went to this goblin camp and like totally dropped a boulder on them! After scouting and lurking I was rewarded with a wooden spear that breaks in 6 hits!!

I think they need another big trailer to show off the towns, shops, things to do besides main quest and shrines.

Dialogue wheels always suck, and the original video has another "cutscene" shortly following that one which is nowhere near the shit levels of quality. Hopefully the one in your vid is an egregious outlier rather than the norm.

Gameplay and world still look fun, though. Might still buy.

They did show off towns in the recent trailer. Two, along with one getting destroyed

Its a Nintendo title so it will fly off the shelves regardless of its actual quality

>Dialogue wheels always suck

There are also 76 sidequests.

And I don't see how the main quest even becomes repititive, since you would have to hunt down the mechanical monsters and deactivate them, along with conquering the dungeons.

Also there are larger bosses. So far we have seen the stone golem, the cyclops, and the sandworm

*Just like star fox zero, Paper Mario and Federation Force right?

>So guys now that Halo's destroyed us for basically a decade what do we do

I was never truly let down by a Zelda game, and judging from what we've seen (and especially what we haven't seen), there purposefully holding back a great deal of content.

Now I'm not saying this is a definite example of them withholding content from us, but there was a snippet of footage that I've seen around with Link in new gear and hairstyle. It gave me heavy Witcher 3 vibes.

Just wait for reviews to come out a week after release and make your decision.

To each his own. I can't stand Fallout. No idea why. I tried 3, NV and less than two hours of 4. The closest I came to enjoying any of them was New Vegas.

fuck off Todd


You get dungeons and boss fights in horizon too.

I was obviously joking, Fallout 4 is an abomination.

Literally JUST: The Video Game.

All of Sup Forums is so deeply entrenched in post-ironic meta ironies that I can no longer tell what to believe.

Sorry, user.

Don't worry I just felt it was obvious, even Todd admitted that it was a mistake. Out of all the baffling ideas in Fallout 4, that's the one that gets me the most.

who the fuck thought this was ok

holy shit

>mfw Horizon got exposed 6 hours ago

>suddenly shilling threads out of nowhere

>mfw I'm not buying Horizon

horizon dev hasnt made a single good game. no, that shitty fps with the fucking jinroh knockoff nazis is not a fucking good game. it was a constant 6/10 game until they paid for reviews for the last couple games. its dog shit franchise. why would you expect a dev with 0 credibility to suddenly make a good game after 20 fucking years?


Horizon looks like it plays more like Rise of the Tomb Raider and Witcher 3.

when will reviews for BOTW start coming out? day of release, or will there be some before then?

Lol, the games don't even seem comparable.

Horizon is just the classic Sony title, shiny visuals but everything else is shit.

Zelda might look like ass, but the game itself will probably be amazing. It looks like it allows you to do so much more in the over world (not just more than horizon, but most other open world games) and actually gives me some hope for the future of open world game design.


>tfw when you don't even give a shit about Horizon, but still groan at the realization that this video will now be posted in every fucking thread that mentions it

Yeah you can use environment more like boulders for PHYSICS! and trees to make bridges. Fire to make wind to rise up, all the minor things that people will find really cool

but for what purpose? Killing random ass camps of goblins for rewards being low tier weapons and arrows?


There's been several examples of use in gameplay. People cut trees to make bridges over water a chasms or burn grass to be able to glide higher to reach higher places.

Combat seems like a very small part of it.

I wouldn't underestimate the sheika abilities like magnesis etc. in combination with the physics. I mean, we saw people creating catapults and stuff to get to higher places etc.

Looks cool.

>Farcry cave cuck and bamham hybrid
Wtf I hate horizon now

>The only voice that matters is mine

Literally SJWs: The Video Game

Your opinion is garbage and so are you

God this is fucking terrible

So Zelda's better?

God, this is awful as the Bioware dialogue