>That drop you never got
What's her name?
>That drop you never got
What's her name?
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Invincible stopped caring after I got ashes.
clip[1] from that one fly enemy in Ragnarok Online
I'm still angry
Time-Lost Proto-Drake.
Ashes is fucking gay and half the playerbase has it
I ran this sometime in MoP cause I never did it in BC and the ashes dropped. I don't even like it so it's just rotting away in my mount list.
>got infinite timereaver on first timewalking ever (started during wod)
>got ashes on 2nd kill
>got invincible on 2nd as well
>found time lost randomly while cruising through zone
Trying to get the forgotten hippogryph but it kinda looks too shitty for me to really even try. Might as well get the achievement one instead
>doing BT on my 110 character
>first time
>get warglaive
>on my hunter
Mimiron's head
I literally have almost all of them.
but in TBC i tanked heroic mech like 40 fucking tiems and NEVER saw a sun eater
>>That drop you never got
Any precursor weapons in my 1200 hours of playing Guild Wars 2.
Fuck I hate this.
Astral Cloud Serpent. Unsubbed now though and don't see myself going back, so I guess NEVER EVER.
I got the Big Love Rocket a few years ago despite only doing the event on one character because I couldn't be bothered and thought it'd never drop. That was pretty sweet.
People only wanted ashes back when it was the only 310% mount in the game. It looks like shit and it lost whatever coolness factor it had when they made a reskin purchasable for dimes.
War Ensemble any color. Fuck this shit.
>40 times
Take that eyesore away from this thread. You might blind a few people.
The dark phoenix looks even shittier though.
Alice Card
Ice Pick [1]
Ghostring Card
Got that legendary bow off sunwell after a metric shit ton of attempt
on my paladin though :(
baron mount in vanilla
i got that on like the second try
>it was the only 310% mount in the game
>not having the season 1 arena mount
yeah but nobody got that
literally guilds broke up over it dropping, it got ninja'd and their reputation was RUINED to the point they became legend
in vanilla I believe only 2 people ever had it, that's how fucking rare it was. and people ran it every day.
>Have Ashes of Al'ar
>Have Invincible
>Have Onyxian Drake
>Have Raven Lord
>Have Phosphorescent Stone Drake
>Have Thunderfury on my Warrior
>Have Eye of Sulfuras on my fucking Rogue
>Have Warglaives on my Rogue
>Have Thori'dal on my fucking Mage and Priest
Neltharion's tear
>played vanilla and tbc
>Mounts were difficult to get.
>Most people only had a few.
>You had to really go out of your way to get something that resembled a dragon mount.
>There are hundreds of flying mounts, many of them dragons, but they all share the same 5 skeletons so even if they look different, it's just a lazy reskin.
karazhan bow from the prince, some shitter hunter got it and stopped playing like a week later I basically had to stick with a shitty bow still the badge crossbow on the isle.
Don't see this ridden much anymore.
I got Ashes my first time lol
I got it like at the seventh try lmao
I think they costed 1000 gold, I made it to 850ish (gold was redunkulously hard to get in those first 3-4 months) before it got removed from the game and replaced with these armoured abortions
never forget, ivory raptor
Was it that rare? I thought it was a 1% drop? Because late vanilla dungeons took so long even with a geared group, people just didn't bother farming it.
because nobody is from when zg was still a raid is playing
They had till the end of wrath to get it still.
I know that well and point still stands anyone that played vanilla/tbc/wotlk isn't playing the current garbage
iirc, it was kind of a pain in the ass to farm in Wrath if you were anything but a DK. I know I had to do some bullshit with my pet to skip straight to the tiger phase on my warlock.
Related, I never got the raptor to drop :
Across all of my characters I have about 6 offhand glaives, and only one on a character that can use it and zero main hand ones.
I had shit luck with Rathalos and Rathian Plates in the original Monster Hunter.
One of my biggest regrets is being such a shitter at that game. I should have tried harder; those were the best years of my life.
the feeling of true resolution
Any mount you can currently obtain is shit.
Swift Zulian Raptor with first day feat of strength proving you weren't a farming shitter or bust, cunts.
haha no I believe it was more like 000000.1%
not even exaggerating
>Still don't have that Ravenlord fuck
They were very easy to get. I farmed it and got it on so many characters. A real waste now that they're account bound.
Did it on my paladin. Friends did it on shaman and rogues and mages.
Playing the original monster hunter must have been a huge pain in the ass
I had to mod my psp and get a rom because noone within a 100 mile radius knew what "monster hunter" was
>doing Polar bear daily in Storm Peaks
>day after day of not getting it, despite everyone else getting it in no time
>out there doing the whipping slave quest in the cave
>exit cave and SilverDragon addon pops
>Time Lost Proto Drake
>"Pffft, it's probably already de-"
>it's in the sky above me
>shoot it down
>get mount
>celebrate and piss off guildmates
>go turn in the daily
>Polar Bear mount rewarded finally
>0 shits given
>Do you have O-Kote?
>No sorry
>You have been added to blacklist