What chat service do you shitters use nowadays? Is discord the big thing now?

What chat service do you shitters use nowadays? Is discord the big thing now?

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None of them. I stopped playing multiplayer games.

Discord is the newest cancer, yes. Discordfags inbound to vehemently deny this trufact.

I just use it with a few friends, so besides that I have no idea how cancer it is.

Discord has all the plebs since it's just a less shit skype

Teamspeak is still best

teamspeak, poorfags

Discord is cancer, I only use it to discuss degenerate fetishes with other degenerates.

I have no idea why it would be better for gaming than Mumble.


Sure thing, videogames and stuff are played here. Give it a shit.

Why is discord cancer? As unbelievable as it is, it seems to me that it's the only fucking thing that lets you VOIP p2p to somebody without having to buy a server or suffering from horrid lag and distortion a la skype. So why exactly is it cancer?

Pretty much, though I'm a Mumble person myself.

>buy a server
get mumble, faggot

>ever relevant


I still use ICQ and IRC, but people have been trying to get me into discord so I'll probably get there eventually.

it's good

It's a while since I used mumble, but I'm pretty fucking sure you use servers to talk to people with it.

Place full of gays and then people who plays games, just like Sup Forums

I was happy with Skype for text chat, then my friends moved to slack, and for awhile it was good.

Now we all moved to discord because one friend wanted to.

It's fine... it seems to work. I dont utilize the features. I'm also not apart of any of the other channels, just my group of friends

Because normies use it

Surprise surprise, no reasonable answers. I'd really wanna hear your alternative to discord for VOIP.

Because discord uses memes while loading

I haven't used Discord, but I like TS.

After showing Discord to my friends nobody uses skype or teamspeak anymore

I can't think of a single bad thing about it except le epik maymays while launching

What the fuck is that gay shit, i joined and theres just loads of faggots with anime profile pictures.

I'd like discord more if it didn't have persistent chat channels, desu. I don't need every friend group trying to become Sup Forums with voice chat.

General trend is that nothing can be left alone, it always has to be some all encompassing beast that never goes away. Hit X to minimize, hit a DIFFERENT button to get rid of it, but we'll be here and we'll even email you if you miss some chat messages. Fuck off already, I just occasionally want voice chat to coordinate in game.

How is Discord bad, exactly? It's just a fancy looking IRC. I don't even use the voip on it.

Just for the record, I do exclusively use Discord though, the pros outweigh the cons, i just find it annoying.

>central server
>snoops on running programs
>logs everything
>sells your information

Discord because all my friends don't want to use another alternative. Webm support fucking when?

Requires somebody to buy a server

Indeed, it's pretty good and it does everything. Another downside would be that it sends all your data to NSA but I never speak anything valuable on discord so it's not a huge problem

Basically this. I've always used teamspeak. I updated recently and there's some weird option to make a teamspeak account? I'm guessing it's their attempt to modernise and offer some of Discord's features.

Source me my man

Any sources to back up any of those claims?

>buy a server

You can just host it on your own PC or ( if you're like me ) use a spare PC/parts to build a rig specifically to host the TS and nothing else.

This doesn't help if you have shit tier internet, but you don't have to buy a server or server space.

You're not required to buy a teamspeak server. You can host one off your PC, did it for 3 years no problem.

their privacy policy

>snoops on running programs
only if you're using a locally installed version, the webapp can't snoop shit
>logs everything
so don't go talking about your plans to murder people or commit crimes?
>sells your information
just like 90% of free software

If you're using it purely to VOIP for vidya, there's nothing wrong with it. If you're looking for muh sekrit klub IRC is still perfectly fine.

That's nice, but I don't keep my machine on all the time. So why go through the hassle?

>NSA fags ITT

>implying intel cpus don't start snooping your shit when you hit the power button

I guess I'm not autistic enough to know why I shouldn't use it. That, and I'm not going to force everyone else to use something different.

>Knowledge is now autism
god damnit Sup Forums

The CEO of Discord also created OpenFeint.

In 2011, OpenFeint was party to a class action suit with allegations including computer fraud, invasion of privacy, breach of contract, bad faith and seven other statutory violations. According to a news report "OpenFeint's business plan included accessing and disclosing personal information without authorization to mobile-device application developers, advertising networks and web-analytic vendors that market mobile applications".

You don't have to. That's why having choices is so nice.

I definitely would leave my shitbox TS rig running 24/7, but I understand why some people can't/don't want to.

I'm not trying to hate on Discord. I'm just saying there are good alternatives. I love PC for how much freedom you have to do your own thing.

And which part specifically, you seem to know your way around it.

So it's full of actual 4channers? Maybe you should find a reddit discord channel?

Tell me why I shouldn't use it then, I've yet to see a solid reason.

>sells your info
oh no, they're going to sell my fake name and email to china.


There are thousands of empty public Teamspeak servers. I've been using the same one for years.

Well, you're not the kind of person I'd even wanna argue about this with, your opinions are reasonable unlike some people's ITT.

Remember when you were dumb
You worshipped Barney like a chud
Die, you goddamn Barneyfag
Now there’s just retardation in your eyes
Like the downie that won’t die
Die, you goddamn Barneyfag

You were caught in the crossfire of Leach and Parker
Clutched in their tight grasp
Piss off, you faggot with retarded laughter
Piss off you manchild, you retard, you downie and die

I hope you die in a dune
I hope you drown in a lagoon
I hope you die real soon
Die, you goddamn Barneyfag
Taught by those who aren’t right
His purpleness filled your sight
Die, you goddamn Barneyfag

You found your own way to ignore smart decisions
Clutched in his tight grasp
Piss off, you dumbass, you failed emission
Piss off, you sperg, you asshole, you degenerate and die!


>Information we collect may include but not be limited to username, email address, and any messages, images or other content you send via the chat feature.

>As we develop our business, we might sell or buy businesses or assets. In the event of a corporate sale, merger, reorganization, dissolution or similar event, your information may be part of the transferred assets.


>Baby Bop

Skype is takes forever to load earlier messages while it's near instant with discord sure there's a lot of mentally retarded people talking about their mentally retarded fetishes but you think that didn't happen on Skype? or Steam? or fucking MSN? It's just quick and handy to get in touch with your group of online friends and maybe in like a year or sooner it will be something else again the cycle never ends with utility platforms.

I like to be a positive poster. I'm not saying I don't get into petty arguments, but I think this place would be better if we were at least trying to be constructive, informative and willing to learn.

Standard M.O. since facebook

Is Tox any better? Holding out hope. GL converting normies tho, guess it's cool if you're true nolife.


Who cares nowadays with all the privacy shit you can put up and mainstream adblockers like what the fuck let them try

Teamspeak until an alternative for TFAR/ACRE is released for Mumble.

>complaining about this on Sup Forums, where hiroshimoot is known for doing the same thing
so basically just idiots and hypocrites dislike discord by this point.

Mumble and IRC

Hey, as long as it works

Why isn't discord banned yet?

I came here to look at conan nudes but had to stop by to shit on cuckord before I left.
>4cucks in 2017


so you admit you're a newfag?

Me and my friends used Skype, recently we switched to Discord and I lost most contact with them because I can't install Discord at my work PC, whereas Skype has legitimate uses.

Of course the NEET neckbeard among my friends who convinced us to switch to Discord didn't think of that, after all he never leaves the house.

Wow, it takes information like any other site associated by google, meaning you've been on the grid since the moment you clicked on a cat video?

What are you talking about? Fucking retard.
Discord is literally plebbit by the way.


just use the webclient dipshit

>implying our office isn't some open space with people watching our screens

They save chatlogs and sells them to "their partners".
Closed source.
Shady fucks in charge.

They're not going to get a single cent from me.

>They sell my bimboification commission chats, light flirting to cute girls, and critiques about Disney movies

Ehh, people who care about privacy probably have legitimate grievances with Discord. That said, I don't really give a shit. If I need to privately communicate with somebody, there are ways to do that.

As far as their specific privacy policy is concerned:

>Info through other Services
>Third Party Services
all seem to be optional or web-based. Mostly fine.

>Aggregated Information
Because it is aggregated, the actual cost to any individual user isn't very high. That said, it's still somewhat invasive.

>Data We Collect Automatically
At first glance, this seems fine. Basic user information and statistics. However, the wording seems a little slippery.
>...store certain information such as... your activities within the Services.
>...may use such information and pool it with other information to track, for example...
It is unclear what the limits of using this information are. However, only aggregated data is shared with "our affiliates, agents and business partners". So,
>They save chatlogs and sells them to "their partners"
seems inaccurate.

All things considered... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>I bend over for everyone like a good goy
If this wasn't Sup Forums I'd be sure you were a shill

discord's UI is great.

Discord is free because you're the product. It's full of telemetry AND Tencent (yes, the chinese overlords) are behind it.

Avoid like the plague.

Mumble or bust.

Honestly I only use Sup Forums Discords for image dumping because typing in the Captcha is a pain in the ass.

Kill yourself

Can we get Barneyfag to start shitposting Fallout threads to death? There's a Fallout and pony crossover after all.

I used to despise Discord becauase the UI looked kind of jarring at first, but eventually I just got used to it because it's easier than having to set up 15 different skype calls and you can add a lot of customisation to you server.


Discord is Skype without ads and without the annoying RAM usage

>not using ancient meme arts to conceal yourself

And dedicated servers

That's the biggest difference to me and my friends.

invite link?

I use discord because it's like a shitty social network for you and your friends.
I've met a lot of new people from posting hte link here and some randoms will play games with us and stuff. Plus you can shitpost on your phone.
>tfw you start a server where people come to daily
>tfw usually always someone on to talk to
>tfw it's made me less lonely because i have no friends in the state i recently moved to

Sure I'll give it a shit but it it's shit im calling it horrifying

>instant horrification

None. I don't bother chatting with autists

This legit for vidya or not?


>hey dud get teamspeak
>we changed to vent, get it
>we changed to skype, get it
>we changed to mumble, get it
>we changed to discord, get it

and then I went back to TS as it's still working

>itt people who hate popular things
jesus christ, fuck Sup Forums

It's not really I don't think. But other than that it's way too horrifying to join, so don't.

This except for the TS part

Discord is a bit better than Skype, that's the only positive.

This. All my friends wanna do is use the newest shiniest text and speech stuff regardless of how useful it actually is. Mumble was fine but suddenly it had so many problems when discord released.

You're bending over to Hiroshimoot right now.

You using Chrome? You're bending over to Google.
On Facebook? They own you.
Use Google? Google.

Unless you are the owner of a small ISP, use a web browser you yourself developed on a Linux distro, and never go on social media, Youtube, use Google, Email or any news website, you are constantly being bent over and used for ad money.

Why do you think these websites are free? Hint: The answer is "I am numbers"

Hiroshi was selling 2ch data because it had actual data there that is valuable to ad firms, here just an IP address doesn't do shit, especially the dynamic one. He actually removed the google tracker from here.