Hand over the controller, geekboy.
Dead or Alive - DoA
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come take it from me you fat sluts
I'm not handing over anything, cunts.
I'd let Ayane bully me. Nyo can fuck off tho
Why you gotta be so rude to Nyohime?
That's not nice
I don't like how she plays or how she looks. She's still better than Marie and Honoka but I don't like her much
>not liking the looks of Nyo
Ayane is best, all others don't compare
>or how she looks
What's wrong with her looks?
HONK HONK! This thread is going places!
Someone say my name?
The mole just kind of kills it for me.
i want noytengue to be my wfiue
ill trondue ther to me parents!
Eh, I can see why, but it doesn't really ruin it for me. It's just there.
It's a mole my friend
t. phoneposter
>letting Ayane tan
y tho
I swear I heard someone call my name
I usually don't let her tan too much
I want Ayane to call me a useless piece of trash as she gazes at me with cold, disinterested eyes!
Only for them to flicker with mischief, a devilish smirk to break her uncaring facade, and for her to start to bully and tease me!
And then for her to make me please her butt with my tongue.
Marieposting is inevitable.
Are you sure? You know the only way these threads last is if I'M the focus.
Go fuck your Ayane daki you creep.
post rachel please my dick requires it right now
I love the idea of them bullying and molesting the other DOA girls. It's hawt.
>No liking Nyo, Honoka and Marie
I would but my Rachel folder is full of naughty stuff I saved from the /e/ Rachel thread
Uh, my daki is purely for cuddling, thanks.
I like the idea of those two spitroasting other DoA girls. Especially Kasumi.
>ywn taste ayane's butthole
ill take em , discord ? skype ? Rachel#9572
Ayane will never look at you, and declare, "lay down, I need your face as my seat, boy."
Marie can't compete with a real schoolgirl
Yeah I don't buy that for a second. Do you also give your mousepad paizuri?
Ayane pls stop bullying that user
>ayane will never be your incest fuckbuddy sister
I don't own an Ayane boobpad. Sorry.
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
At least I don't look like someone who dropped out to go get a boob job
What, don't tell me you actually feel sorry for that sad sack. He's fucking pathetic.
You're a joke.
I want to make Momi-nee a mom
So how's that grind coming along with the current boost, boys?
>almost done getting everyone to 75+ excitement
shit takes forever but it's nice getting 800-900k per vacation just from quitting every volleyball session.
Thread'll get pruned before much longer anyway.
if you were dead, you couldn't enjoy looking at Ayane's tits, could you?
I am not a joke! I only use my pillow to drift off to sleep easier!
That's a very valid point.
Although I enjoy looking at her eyes just as well.
anyone wanna jack it to doa's on discord?
At least Ayane doesn't look like a 12 year old
Nice pic btw
Got Ayane to 100 yesterday, now starting on Marie. Nyo and Koko are already at 100 thanks to their birthday bonuses earlier. Everyone else is at 70 (Miji at 71)
Has Marie been forced to swallow something?
im fairly tdrunk forgive me senpai
It's easier to just masturbate, instead you threw away $100 on a fucking daki like the swine you are.
I'll fill out one day. Miss Helena only feeds me scraps. Maybe I'll try an American diet.
She's puffing her cheeks because she's sulking
meee! whats your discord
>A-Ayane, what are you doing
I do not sulk!
From flat to fat lmoa
oh damn. i hadnt played since september and everyone's excitement was only 30-40 so i had a lot of ground to cover.
so many missed catalog sets too. do they just have a few from each set rotate now?
Saying hello
nobody is on ;-;
They're still rotating full sets, and have just started doing the 'Top 3' from other sets again as well.
See?! How can anyone consider that to be normal? All you eat is dumplings and miso soup!
Guys I seriously love DOAX3 even though it's shit
The atmosphere is so comfy and the girls are so fucking hot
It's a sin that the game is effectively unfinished. It could have been so much more.
>marie as the channel icon
I've never clicked no thanks faster in my life.
Technically it was more like $140, after shipping and taxes.
It's a really comfortable daki! I just wish it had the more DoA art style so it looked as cute as Ayane does! But, I imagine that art style doesn't translate to pillows well.
:( were fapping to rachel
>threw away $100 on a fucking daki
Dakis are magical, if you've never slept with one then you just don't know
What would you do with adorable little Kokoro?
Oh, there's only one thing to do
>'Top 3' from other sets
aww fuck. then it could be quite some time before i can buy the other norimaki/peace/etc that im missing. i was trying to avoid gifting hated suits for now.
and how much USD did you spend on hongbucks for the SK suits?
Wow, you're such a fucking loser. Especially with all these mental gymnastics that you're doing to try and justify your stupid little cover.
Does anyone else get off on the clearly unintentional mind control aspects of DOAX3?
Like, when you control a girl, you can make her wear anything she has, even if she hates it. Or even just from the owners perspective, if you get her excitement up, or buy the gold wrapping, you can make her wear anything you like. She'll unwrap what's clearly fetish bondage gear, say "What a beautiful swimsuit!" then walk around the island in front of her peers wearing it like nothing is out of the ordinary.
Then in the owner paradise you can make them pose in any way you like just for you. And I haven't even mentioned the tickets.
I don't recall what the exchange was. It's $137HK dollaridos, whatever that is in USD.
I won't be giving them much more money if they're thinking of just releasing Last Round DLC for X3 for cash. The SK swimsuits I might get, given that they should have a destruction, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we might just yet get pasties or band-aids.
I want those fucking Arabian outfits from LR and I want them now and I will pay good money.
It's time for "Up and Down on the Big Man Crayon" for little Kokoro.
What, it's comfortable! My own little slice of heaven for my bed. The real hard part was finding a pillow that fit inside properly. They're a proper pain in the ass to find in Canada.
Speaking of my own slice of heaven for bed, I need to head there and sleep.
Good night, fellow DoA fans, and Ayanefags.
Don't encourage them to start charging for X3 stuff.
If that's what it takes then so be it
Also, the rest of the girls
Yeah, that's right. Go there and fuck your sweet little pillow like you always do, maybe even give it a few smooches too.
More girls I would be ok paying for, if they bundled 2 or 3 together at a time. Suits and costumes should be free.
Bully me more next thread!
You're making me jealous of him, user.
Fucking DOA has single handedly raised raven haired girls up in my preferences over blondes.
Kokoro is kind of homely-cute in an average girl next store way
Kokoro is the purest beauty among the cast, dude.
Ew no.
Yeah whatever.
Time for me to head to bed too, Sup Forums. Marie and Ayane await.
Pure doesn't mean most fuckable, I find that's Momiji and birdgirl. But she looks cute with that haircut.
She's so pure and of heart, so naive and cute.
you could have her do anything you want
Just want to point out that Miji is pure AND extremely fuckable.