This is the best Ubisoft game since Ass Creed 2.
Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: you can't
This is the best Ubisoft game since Ass Creed 2.
Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: you can't
Best Ubisoft game since Ass Creed 2 was Brotherhood you fucking retard. Also hows WD2 haven't played it yet?
That's not Siege
Siege got really good. It's connection is trash right now though.
The For Honor beta was nice.
>best ubi game
>anything but siege
It was innocuous, but I wouldn't call it good.
I played through it and will never think of it again.
Ubisoft still seems to think that the way to make an open world is to sprinkle bullshit no one wants to do in a big empty world and call it content.
I don't want to drive RC cars or take selfies. I don't want to climb roof after roof to drive a drone at a junction box over and over. It's the same shit as AC tower syncing and Far Cry outpost clearing.
Siege is the best game Ubisoft has made in decades. WD2 doesn't even compare.
Play it retard
>Muuhh tactical shooter
>This is the best shit i took since i had a shit last month
>Prove me wrong
>Pro tip: you can't
Putting "muh" in front of a phrase isn't an argument, babygirl.
What's so good about Siege? Is it something like Payday?
>every mission feels like a side quest
>drones make everything too easy
>fucking Eagle Vision
>can only carry two lethal weapons at a time
>camera pulled back too far
>speedometers don't function
>nitro uses your phone's battery for some reason
>driving is still wonky, like the first game
>no Digital Trips or AR phone games
>no minigames like poker or chess
>instead, every "minigame" is some variation of racing
>Spider Tank returns as a small part of one mission INDOORS
>can fast travel anywhere from the beginning
>more effort put into clothing customization than characterization
>cheap "new character saves original protagonist" moment
>T-Bone riding backseat with a bunch of hipster fuckwads
>fucking San Francisco
>inconsistent as fuck - we're supposed to feel urgency or danger when the game keeps pushing this "lighthearted" tone and meme shit
more like cs, but with a tacticool twist
It's not like Payday at all. It's a slow paced multiplayer competitive tactical shooter where intel and communication is as important as being a good shot. It's remarkably well balanced and there's a lot of variety in maps and characters.
>implying anything matters more than being a good shot
Sorry, I like the game and all, but if you can consistently land headshots you can just run in like a tard and shit on people, no tactics required
A team that talks and lets their teammates know what to expect and where will beat a team that doesn't 10 times out of 10.
>>can only carry two lethal weapons at a time
>>can fast travel anywhere from the beginning
Neither of these are bad.
>can only carry two lethal weapons at a time
That's a good thing. Hell, get rid of lethal weapons altogether.
Watch Dogs should never have had them. Why even hack anything when you can just fucking shoot everyone no trouble.
The first game let you carry as many weapons as you could pick up/buy. The fast travel thing discourages actually exploring the map and makes grabbing collectibles the only reason to do so.
I've seen another user's post about this subject that made a lot of sense.
They should've had two playable characters - like that piece of shit known as AC: Syndicate. Wrench with full lethal weapons and Marcus with non-lethal.
Watch Dogs 1 and 2 are both pretty lousy games, but WD1 was at least infinitely better with tone, even if Aiden was generic revenge man. "Vigilante lunatic tearing Chicago's infrastructure apart and bashing skulls with a collapsible baton" is a lot more compelling than "teen hackers get a bunch of followers on their twitter and record CYBERBADASS ANONYMOUS videos for youtube."
Yeah, but it still doesn't make it good
I liked Steep.
I agree. Not to mention the focus on the story over side missions, as well as the interesting Digital Trips and minigames. Why they abandoned them for DUDE WEED LMAO and racing shit, I don't know.
WD2 is just Ubisoft's attempt at ripping off GTA V.
on console maybe
on pc you can drop one guy at best if the other team cooperate and just shoot at your body because you cant react to shit in that game.
> Aiden was generic revenge man
I kinda liked how boring he was.
Like he was just a sort of pudgy man with a baton and a silly trench coat. Felt kinda nice seeing as how most protagonist are special snowflakes most of the time.
Steep got way more flack than it deserved. It's easy to max out your level, but it's perfect to just log in for an hour and ride some nice lines.
>set in cuck central san francisco with a agenda behind it
No. R6 Siege is by far the best recent ubi game. Somehow they've supported it very well with free maps, the ability to buy all the dlc operators for free with ingame money, and it's hade steady balance updates. Very unlike ubisoft.
i feel like that's not saying much. but ok
>prone instead of crouch
are ya winning son
Finished this today and I agree with most of what you said. The bay area is fine but limited, and all side activities being racing was dull.
Hacking is more streamlined but also hilariously easy.
user I think you accidentally posted a picture of watch dogs instead of siege
the game was also short as shit, and for a game so short the fucking tagging missions were a travesty especially the golden gate bridge where you spend more time moving lifts up and down then you do actually playing the mission.
They fucked up the multiplayer.
>no good hiding spots
>that red line connecting you to your drone
>no jam comms
WD Online Hacking is like a great game of hide-and-seek. WD2's "hiding in crowds and causing constant distractions while hoping the hackee's drone doesn't spot you" ruins that.
Couldn't agree more. That lift shit was ridiculous.