Do you seriously find remaking FFVII into an action game acceptable...

Do you seriously find remaking FFVII into an action game acceptable? Are they going to make an Advent Children episode for it too?
Final Fantasy was great when it was slower paced and focused on character development and journeying, not this hyperactive bullshit.

>focused on character development and journeying
Which turned based combat has nothing to do with this

I understand why people don't like turn-based and want it phased out. I disagree, but I understand

i'll be honest i made my peace already. if i want to play FF7 i can play FF7, and if the remake turns out to be shit i can not play it. i don't like straight up "HD remasters" anyway because they usually turn out to be third-party garbage. making it into essentially a whole new game is probably better imo. maybe it'll be a good game in its own right, maybe not, but at least it wont tarnish the original this way.

action combat is often a hilarious meme though, people actually convince themselves that GW2 controls really any different GW1 because of dumb particle effects and animation overload. "hotkey tab target MMO is dead!" they rejoice, whilst they play the same thing with tab targeting just removed for auto proximity targeting. or holding an attack button in FFXV is waaaay more exciting than pressing 'attack' on a menu amrite.

The way the combat works really has nothing to do with what you're complaining about.
My gripe with fully real time combat is that you'll most likely only control one character.

Atb has always been a bad system

Ff7 was always pretty much an action game anyway

>Which turned based combat has nothing to do with this
>The way the combat works really has nothing to do with what you're complaining about.
It has everything to do with the pace of the game.

Pacing and how the combat works really are two separate things. Regardless of how the combat works you could either make the battles occasional or constant between story segments.

I haven't played a Final Fantasy game since X.

Sequels and action RPG's aren't what I played this series for.

If they go back to the standard game formula, I'd be more than happy to resuming buying their games again. But, the franchise has been dead to me for the past 15 years.

>Pacing and how the combat works really are two separate things.
well no shit, but the latter affects the former.

>Final Fantasy was great when it was slower paced
That worked well when we had limitations to hardware. 20 years later games should be be able to do a lot more if they're going to attract the 10 million+ crowd that they want.

Which I'm glad Square see's. They really just need to do a little bit better job presentation. Big areas they need to improve on is writing and open world development sense they're going in that direction.

>20 years later games should be be able to do a lot more
They're not doing 'more', they're doing it differently which appeals to a different crowd.

>20 years later games should be be able to do a lot more
no modern game in any genre except possibly 4x/RTS "do more" than old games

name one fucking franchise that had deeper gameplay as the series progressed to modern day rather than shallow bullshit

I won't hold my breath.

How? It wouldn't seem very critical here.

There were plenty of fast paced games 20 years ago. Heck, majority of them were faster than what we have now thanks to the arcades. Square could very well have made FFVII into a hack and slash brawler utilizing the technology they had available to them but didn't because they were building on the legacy of the previous six Final Fantasies. The only reason that's changed with the remake is because they want the Kingdom Hearts/nuFinal Fantasy audience for a sure thing when it comes to sales.

20 years ago they pretty much put a lot of effort to presentation.
Still the gameplay was fun. The materia system is fun to mess with and the enemies not being too easy incentivizes using it which is also much better alternative to grinding to acquire power.

No, it's because they wanted to achieve a level of graphical fidelity that was only possible with turn based at the time. Do some research.

Back then we didn't have loads of retards who considered turn based combat somehow bad compared to running up to enemies and tapping A just because one was real time and the other was not.

This, but it won't change because we original fans aren't the target audience anymore. It's Kingdom Hearts autists and casuals they're targeting.

GW2 is entirely different. GW1 had body blocking, manageable aggro and defined roles within a team. All GW2 is is a DPS spamfest with dodging thrown in for good measure.

As long as they don't touch the masterpiece that is VIII, I don't give a fuck.

Don't get me wrong I love turn based games above everything but how FF games handled it is just awful.

Waiting for a bar to fill to be allowed to navigate a menu isn't realy entertaining.

Dunno how the combat in the remake will be because I grew out of JRPGs after FF8

They should embrace wait mode and build off of that so you can switch characters etc. I think FFXV has the groundwork for really interesting combat; they just didn't execute on it very well.

Sweet, a FF7 thread. I am playing through the original for the first time and just got Vincent on my team, is he worth using as a spell caster over Cait Sith? I'm having trouble deciding who to keep in my party.

>wanted to achieve a level of graphical fidelity
this was true
>that was only possible with turn based at the time
but this isn't exactly
the game isn't turn based because they wanted good graphics, the game was able to have good graphics because they wanted turn based combat.
Not only they never considered fully real time combat nor was there ever any sort of sacrifices made because of it, but they actually put quite a lot of thought and planning into the turn(or rather, time)-based combat.
It was the most complex combat system in a Final Fantasy game at the time and is still often considered the best one even from the gameplay perspective alone.

>I'm having trouble deciding who to keep in my party.
Ultimately it doesn't matter, the game is too easy for party composition choices to really affect anything. But to answer your question, yes.

There's no real waiting in FF7 because at highest speed setting the bars literally fill up in one second. At most you're waiting for the animations to play out but there was never a real problem of "Waiting for a bar to fill to be allowed to navigate a menu" in FF7. The problem you're talking about applies to FF8 and especially FF9.

I quite like the idea of an action game with cloud. I loved dissidia and if this has potential for crazy shenanigans then I'm all for it.

He's a good caster and his ranged attack means there's no reach disadvantage.
Caith Sith's skills are meh but having a walking toy fighting with you is kinda funny.

Cool, I'll probably switch them out. Though I agree that Cait Sith is pretty amusing to have around and I actually like his limit (the dice roll) but I can definitely see it falling off late game.

Wat? FF7 has on of the easiest and most exploitable combat systems, and that's saying something considering this is FF. Don't confuse lots of moves with complexity, they're all junk compared to the few that dominate like KotR.

Don't confuse effective to bad. A JRPG where you get powerful without having to periodically stop to grind is fun. Just keep playing the old ones if you disagree. KotR is endgame/guidereader stuff anyways where the power is not problem.

>Logically build upon the systems of previous games in the series
>All the while strewing little mini game arcade experiences around the game world for fun and variety
>"We only went with turn based because of graphical fidelity. And we continued to do so in the next couple of titles for some reason"

I only buy this as a contemporary excuse why they've latched onto a rule 34 Donald Duck masturbating female (male) audience in favor of their original fans.

The audience is still there, it's not as it went away. It's just publishers tend to think that when a new thing sells, the old thing wont sell anymore.