So I just got this for $12 (ps4) on Amazon. What am I in for? Any tips? General Wasteland 2 thread I guess

So I just got this for $12 (ps4) on Amazon. What am I in for? Any tips? General Wasteland 2 thread I guess.

ARs a best
Shotguns a shit
Explosives are dump stat, give them to the talky guy with no skills
Angela Deth is a crutch, don't rely too heavily on her
Remember that you can type shit into the dialogue boxes, this will come in handy on some quests

A disappointing mess of a game that doesn't get decent until about 20 hours in.

At least the game doesn't look as ass as it used to though.

Shit, forgot we were talking about the PS4 version, guess you can't type things in.

Also remembered that you will need energy weapon proficiency for late game.

>What am I in for?
A pretty disappointing game. Starts out ok, but by the end you can tell they rushed it out the door.

>Any tips?
Game is easy enough on normal that you don't need to min/max.

This is surprising, I thought it might be decent since none of the reviews are that negative. But shills exist for a reason I guess.

ARs it is then, thanks for the help. Are any of the companions memorable?


Make sure you have at least a few points in medic and surgeon for more than one character. And yes, they are both important.

There's a silver-tongue Benny from New Vegas-looking guy who's pretty funny, some native american sniper woman who's alright, and some guy who looks like a Brotherhood of Steel reject with a mechanical arm, and the aforementioned Angela Deth, but otherwise I guess the companions you find in the game are pretty bland.

The alcoholic hobo you pick up is funny as fuck.

He's kind of a dick though, since he randomly steals shit.

So are they copying NV's aesthetic? Not that I would have a problem with that, NV is my favorite Fallout title

The game is a direct sequel to Wasteland, which the game that Fallout is derived from. If anything, NV copied Wasteland's general aesthetic.

But yes, it's going to feel a little New Vegas-ish.

Ah I see. Am I going to miss out on anything since I haven't played the first wasteland?

A lot of fun, really. If you played original Wasteland - prepare for some cozy ride.


Shotguns are great once you reach California. ESPECIALLY in DC version, since you have a perk destroying all sorts of obstacles. Combine it with Jackhammer, and suddenly the entire weapon class is worth it.

Depending who you are going to rescue (either Highpool or Ag Center), you have an unique NPC from each of those sites. It's either Rose (Ag Center, great all-around combat medic, with decent skills and stats) OR Vulture Cry (Highpool, a crack sniper/survivalist). They are both highly memorable, both have their unique interactions with the world and both are also highly useful. Unfortunately, you can only have one of them.

There is Ralphy, Chisel and Scotchmo from Nomad Camp. Out of the three, Ralphy is the only really useful one (and it takes a bit of knowledge how to make use of NPCs), BUT still all three have a LOT of special interactions in lots of locations.

And there is Pizepi Joren, who is useful, but not exactly easy to get AND she is useful, not memorable.

>Implying this hard
Especially since the cult has literally nothing to do with Christianity, but keep trying

What he said. If you have Rose, you got that covered. If not, it's a priority to get those skills.

Well, depends. All the important elements are put into the game in a way to be understandable for newcomers. Think The Witcher 3 and it's relation to the book series - you can get into it with ease, but some details might get by, especially jokes and such.

Other than that - nope, the game is perfectly playable for people new to the series. Friend of mine never played Wasteland (or Fallout, for that matter) and still get into Wasteland 2.

Not to much. First Wasteland is pretty fun if you can get used to the interface, but it's not entirely necessary to enjoy WL2.

Difficulty options are complete bullshit and do nothing but severely buff damage/health with no changes to AI, and New-game-plus meaning you can import characters at any time means it is nigh-impossible to play the higher difficulties without starting a new game with a stupidly overleveled party.

Continuing with advices

Remember - skills operate separately from stats.
Higher SEQUENCE is more important than more Action Points - you move more often per turn, rather than having more action points when it's finally your move (you might be dead by that point)
Heavy armour is not worth it
Melee weapons are much better than they appear to be, trust me, but it takes a while to learn how absolutely great they are
DO NOT make an "everyone is AR user" squad. You will be competing for ammo and that's not a good thing.
Said that, pistols are last resort weapon and shouldn't be taken at all.
SMGs and shotguns start powerful, then quickly drop into bottom tier, then by the end game are absolutely devastating.
Invest into Weaponsmith skill. It starts slow, but believe me - you want get that
Spread your skills over entire party.
DO NOT make characters below 4 Intellect, unless you are familiar with the game already, understand mechanics and played it for few times. On the other hand, it's rarely worth it to take more than 4.
Dialogue is party based, so you don't need to have a single "Face" with all talking skills, you can spread those over people
Leadership skill can be used on NPCs, and it will work just as well as if picked by your own Rangers.
Luck is a dump stat, IGNORE IT
So is Charisma, if you plan to not use NPCs/give Leadership to NPC character

Also - visit official forum, there is fuckload of very good guides about the game mechanics there, and very helpful community

And remember:
Making your move faster than enemy is more important than having a single Action Point more.

Good party should have at least one sniper, at least 2 AR users and at least one dedicated energy weapons expert. Anything else is personal choice.

Oh, and one last thing - this is a game that favours save-scumming. If you don't like what you get from specific container - reload. This makes often a difference between utter vendor trash or getting a new, highly useful weapon or other gear.

Also, keep items gained from toasters. Those are all quest related things that will be useful later. Some of them can be exchanged for unique weapons that are top tier or even the best of their class.

Differen user, but while this list is valid, it forgots to mention one important game mechanics.

Books are one-use only, one-of-their-kind items. That means it's more useful to keep the book until you have skill 9/10 and thus save a LOT of skillpoints for the final improvement rather than using it early on, when skills are very cheap to rise.

Remember about weapons AP cost. It's more than woth it to first reach how much each gun uses to be shot than later have not enough AP to fire it or being 1 AP short from making burst/2nd shot. Since fixing that during the game is very hard, you are almost forced to check it before you play. After all, the game is heavily referencing the style of original Wasteland, where you either read a 80 page manual before playing, or were screwed.

> It's either Rose OR Vulture Cry

Vulture's Cry is obviously the superior choice because she's hot and won't turn on you in the final battle.

But the Highpool route is kinda shit compared to Ag Center.

Does the Director's Cut re-release fix the bug where enemies had unlimited movement if they started the battle in fog of war?

If you do things right, neither will Rose.
I really, really wish you could have them both. They are literally the best NPCs in the entire game. Especially if you manage to convince Vulture's Cry to drop the "mystical native" act

Yes, this and a shitload of other things

Skill-wise, Rose is superior choice. You gain already a skillmonkey covering few important bases with high skills AND even higher Int, so she swims in skill points, making her much more versalite. In fact, I usually train her to be a 2nd sniper.

Said that, Vulture's Cry is better choice for the game if you are replaying for the n-th time, since you already know how to properly build your own Rangers and she has much better lines and better combat optimalisation than Rose. And of course remains loyal till the bitter end

How do you fix Rose besides just making her stay back and skip the battle?

Also I reloaded a save after convincing Vulture's Cry to stop pretending because I find her bullshit amusing and don't really care for character development in this game.

I feel you, bro.
Isn't there a way to edit file, adding one or another to your party, regardless of which place was saved?
OR can you go to Highpool first (it's on the way to Ag Center), recruit Vulture's Cry and then head directly to Ag Center?

Her bullshit is amusing, but her real personality is even better.

And no, it boils down to telling her to skip the battle. Same with Lexicanum, if you were of course stupid enough to bring that useless piece of junk with yourself all the way till this point.

As soon as you enter Highpool, Ag Center is fucked and you'll only find ruins and a couple angry NPCs there, and vice versa.

This game was such a disappointment. Mediocre at best in every aspect. Hopefully they'll manage to improve all aspects for the next game.

I'll be honest, the promise of multiplayer for WL3 has me excited. It's been a long time since I've played an isometric RPG in multiplayer (BG2, to be precise), and the concept of operating across a tundra wasteland sounds great.

You are forgetting that Vulture's Cry has Intelligence 8, making her almost as good as Rose when it comes to skill-points. And what's probably the most ironic, Rose is BETTER optimalised for combat, since she has better Initiative

>if you were of course stupid enough to bring that useless piece of junk with yourself all the way

This is what annoys me the most in W2. Some of the characters/items/skills are OP, some are junk, and some are junk unless used in a very specific way which makes them OP - and you never fucking know which is which unless you replay the game 20 times in absolute misery or spend 2 hours reading the wiki about every location you visit.

I'm always a fan of using arctic themes and environments. I hope making the game multiplayer isn't going to hurt the development on other areas of the game. Just have to wait and see for now.

You should have just bought Wasteland 1, it's much much better game.

>Budget game made by old dads finally getting a chance to realise their 20 year old project
>Expecting anything else than low key indie game
Why people are doing this? They delivered exactly what they were marketing, I still don't understand why people are disappointed. I mean I get the disappointment about buggy release, that was atrocious, but once fixed, the game is fun, and DC made it really fucking good.
Definitely top tier game from all those "Kickstarter nostalgia" projects.

I never had this problem on my first gameplay. Then again, I know original Wasteland by heart, so I knew that if given NPC is shit, it will STAY shit and you should drop them. I've quickly worked out that aside your "starter" (Vulture's Cry or Rose), Ralphy and MAYBE Pipezi (especially in base game, since Energy Weapons get nerfed in Director's Cut), everyone else will be useless. That's just how it was in the original Wasteland - there was a handful of sami-useful people and a fuckload of crap NPCs.

True, but for me Wasteland 2 was exactly what they've promised, even if it took them 2 years longer than promised. Definitely doesn't live up to the original (which is impossible by default), but it's still a solid game.

But Ralphy is shit

its v they like nothing except waifu games and dark souls

WL2 is an amazing game

Let me guess - you don't play with melee characters, do you?
He is very easy to turn into very good melee fighter, especially with bladed weapons. And his stats are good enough to make him into just another AR user if you don't mind.

What really makes him useful is toaster repair 5. At level 10 you can boost his Int, so he gains twice as much skill points. And he one of the least problematic NPCs, since he doesn't require any Leadership. Or was it a single point?
Either way, he's elastic enough to use, comes with skill that you don't want to bother yourself, can be easily turned into Riddick Jr with a good knife and doesn't bother you with his crap.
Compared with everyone else, he's a fucking godsend.

Any tips?
Only a fedora user.

The original Wasteland was like a Ford T, incredibly clunky but still amazing for its early era. But while hand-cranking the motor and crawling under the car with a grease gun every Sunday was acceptable in 1917, it sure as hell sounds like bullshit for a 2017 car.

Only that original Wasteland was Ford Taurus, 1st generation. Amazingly flashy and futuristic upon release.
And Wasteland 2 is Ford Taurus, 4th generation. Not the newest car around, but still perfectly funtional.

>Implying this hard.
Out of curiosity - you were born after '90, right? I don't need your specific age, just a confirmation

It's incredible how fast these threads die.

W2 is legitimately good in my book. Not groundbreaking, but a solid game for what they tried to do.

Also I'm kind of impressed that they managed to make the models look worse despite the much higher polycount in the director's cut.

>Said that, pistols are last resort weapon and shouldn't be taken at all.
Disagree. Having one character with a pistol can be extremely effective. My commander used pistols, and she had the highest killcount by far because the low AP cost means she's perfect for picking off wounded enemies, usually several per turn.

Pick only half related this was my first attempt and not the much better build I gave her later.

This user gets it. In DC Ralphy also starts with perk that makes early game MUCH easier, since you get shitload of vendor trash, and that means more cash, which means more ammo.

Son, pistols have absolutely subpar range and stopping power. If something managed to close in their range, you did something very, very wrong.
Also, aside from very early game AND very, VERY late game, where you gain M1911, pistols as a weapon class are literally shit. And M1911 is only good for that - killing things that somehow, miraclously managed to close in and you for whatever reason trained anyone in Pistols, because probably you maxed out everything useful already.

SMGs look shit, but aren't. Pistols look shit and they are.

I finished it when the director's cut came out, wasn't that bad but I kinda forced myself to finish it

So you didn't play it with director's cut or played director's cut straight from release?

No I started it when the director's cut had come out

Nah, pistols are great. You don't always one-shot enemies on your bigger guns: a highly mobile pistol user is absolutely killer to pick up that slack and denying those wounded enemies a turn to shoot at you. And if they're close to an enemy with full health, they'll have a high hit chance and enough turns to shoot them 3 or so times, practically guaranteeing a kill too. I say it again, my pistol had about twice as many kills as everyone else and made many fights a breeze.
Plus they use next to no ammo so they're enormously economical.

Have you played vanilla before that?
I'm asking, because a lot of non-vanilla players complain how bland DC is, while all vanilla players squeel how good DC is.

So let me get this straight.
In early game, where every point counts, every skill matters and gear is generally crap, you prefer to take chances with pistol, rather than making enemies extra-dead with assault rifles?
Also, explain me - if you are going to CLOSE IN to enemy, why the fuck you are using a gun in the first place, and not, you know, much better for this melee weapon, that has better stopping power, better armour penetration, better AP-to-damage ratio, doesn't cost bullet...

Pistols literally exist for the same reason why they've existed in original game - to make you sink points in utterly useless skill. And don't even try to give me "it's a great secondary weapon for a sniper/rifleman", because if something closed to your rifleman, not to mention sniper, you fucked up big time.

And DC's perks aren't helping this weapon class either.

>rather than making enemies extra-dead with assault rifles?
Because having 2 assault rifles drains valuable ammo too much as is, much less having more.
>Also, explain me - if you are going to CLOSE IN to enemy
Because unlike melee weapons, pistols can shoot without being right next to them, meaning you don't need to walk while you shoot at 2 or 3 wounded enemies near you, killing every one. With a melee weapon, I'd have to walk up to each one, which is much more draining on AP than moving to a central location and firing from there.
I won't claim they're the best weapon or anything, but I'll stand by the fact that they were an essential asset to my team's fights.

>And don't even try to give me "it's a great secondary weapon
No, secondary weapons are a stupid waste of points.

>And DC's perks aren't helping this weapon class either.
I didn't play DC.

>Pistol apologetist
I hope you are just trolling.

And not counting low-tier guns, you can't fire them more than twice per turn. Just like AR or certain sniper rifles. Blunt weapons are twice as good as pistols in close quarters, since they don't have problems with armor, provide serious punch and can be used in much bigger variety of situations. Plus they cost no ammo at all, so you can barter handguns and bullets for them for something that is useful instead.

My pistol's role isn't to be a primary damage dealer, it's to pick off enemies wounded by the big guns. At that she was extremely effective. And yeah, I used less powerful guns that could fire 3 times for that, because they didn't need to do huge damage or save ammo. They were there to finish people off, and they were fantastic at it.

My average Ranger party has AT LEAST 3 riflemen, what the fuck are you even talking about?

Pistol range is up to 10 meters. Melee weapons - up to 2 meters. Since we are talking purely self-defense, you are waiting for enemy to close in ANYWAY.
Single pistol is also useless for that, because in late game, you bring shotgun for such situations. They have better range than pistols, they deal roughtly 5 times as much damage and they literally sweep entire street out of melee enemies, since it's multi-target weapon.

Pistols are shit, deal with it
- secondary weapons are useless
- not enough stopping power throughout 90% of the game
- extremely low armor piercing
- never get better, only get worse from Midnight Special
- unique guns are so late in the game, there is no justification to get the skill before that at all
- low damage
- in case of revolvers - low ammo count
- useless against grouped enemies
If you want a close quarters gun, you pick shotguns. If you want close-quarters weapon in general, you go for blunt.
SMGs at least have very good AP-to-damage ratio, their armor piercing is higher, their range better etc. In short - they are what you want to use your handgun bullets for.

>Secondary weapons are stupid waste of points
>That's why I have a secondary weapon!
You are not the brightest bulb

Shotguns, you dense motherfucker, are the weapons for what you are using pistols. Because they are simply much more efficient at that, not to mention killing up to fucking 10 guys with single shot. Show me a pistol that can do that.

i played it on pc when it first came out, i dumbed hours into it. it's a good game.

I somehow never beat it though, I got to cali and never finished it. I was burnt out by the time I got there, and that was at least 40+ hours in. I was playing offline so not even sure howmany hours. plenty tho.

play the game and form your own opinion. it's a good rpg

Speaking of melee weapons - does anyone know if Dundee's Knife can cut diagonally? You know, the one you get for bringing Pocket Knife to Cali?

>My average Ranger party has AT LEAST 3 riflemen, what the fuck are you even talking about?
Sounds boring user.
>Pistols are shit, deal with it
And yet they were the biggest killer on my team by a long shot. I'm sorry you couldn't use them effectively.
>If you want a close quarters gun, you pick shotguns.
Large AP cost makes them useless for my pistol's role.

I did not have a secondary weapon. I had a pistol for a primary weapon.

>Shotguns, you dense motherfucker, are the weapons for what you are using pistols.
Shotguns have a large AP cost and overkill for wounded enemies, buddy. Show me a shotgun that can kill 3 wounded guys that are not clustered together in one turn.

Sounds efficient. When I'm dragging 7 people with myself, riflemen are the most reliable source of engaging morons rushing toward my position.

Also, explain us all this "logic"
>Shot once to bring down everything within the con of shotgun
>Kill everything
>Still have enough AP for 2nd shot just in case
>Shoot three times with pistol
>Pray you kill them all
You were saying something about efficient killing? Because you sound like a faggot that doesn't even know what efficiency means. Let me guess - you had only single sniper in your team, because who needs more, right? Better just arm people with pistols, surely a great idea.
That totally helps against robots that blow in your fucking face upon death and have armor rating of 8 and higher, while your best pistol is 6.

>Pistols as primary weapon
Sounds like one useless Ranger that never has anything to do for the entire combat, because every target is out of range.

Seriously, this ought to be some elaborate trolling.
Primary pistols...

>Show me a shotgun that can kill 3 wounded guys that are not clustered together in one turn.
>Not knowing how to use shotgun
>Not setting up a killing ground for shotgun
>Allowing enemies to spread
>Giving enemies reason to spread in the first place
No wonder you are claiming pistols are good, especially outside DC, which at least rebalanced them a bit.

Oh, and there are THREE guns in the game you can fire three times per round. Tier 2 and 3 repsectively, meaning they are absolutely obsolete before you even hit Damonta.

>Also, explain us all this "logic"
Simple, shotguns are effective when enemies are clustered and within range.

My pistol allowed me enormous flexibility none of my other fighters could match. 10m isn't a lot, but you don't need a lot because you can easily shoot 2 or 3 people at that range by walking a few steps. So while the shotgun is only rarely hitting more than one person per turn, my gun is killing 2 or 3 enemies per turn, who are already softened by my other guns.

So yes, it's extremely efficient and that's why my pistol got double the kills of my rifles.

>Having to do all that shit when I can just soften my enemies at a distance and shoot them all in the face in one turn with my pistol
I'm sorry you couldn't make them work for you user, but you seem strangely offended that I did just great with them.

Why are Heavy Weapons so shit? Why even put huge ass guns in the game if they weren't going to do anything with them?

Remember, you don't need many 10-int people in your party. At 4 int, you can cover 3 maxed skill and one skill to about half of the way. Since not all skills are worth maxing, with a little care you can cover 1 weapon skill and the large majority of auxiliary skills with 1 person at 10 int and the rest at 4.

Also, don't get 8 int. on your smart characters, it's inefficient. 10 is a whole extra point per level for only 2 extra ATT points of starting investment, and you can make up for those 2 points by level 20.

I'm offended, because you are literally lying. There is not a single handgun between hitting Canyon till the very end of Cali that is combat-worthy. They are all simply so underpowered and so lacking in armor piercing, it's impossible to use them in reliable way.
That's what offends me - that you are lying. Either about finishing the game or about making pistols useful without save-editing to start with tier 6 handgun, but still not telling the truth.

Also, since the word was already said:
It's impossible to survive through Cali AT ALL if you by this point of the game can't control the battlefield. The enemies will simply tear you to shreds, unless you know how to control their movement. And that means being able to use shotguns efficiently.

In short - you are a lying piece of shit that confabulates a story about pistol efficiency. I could give you a grain of doubt if you were talking DC, because the perk for handguns, as much as barely triggering for first 2/3 of the game, gives pistols extra kick they need so bad in the end game. But you made it explicit about playing vanilla. You also dismissed use of assault rifles, which are well-known as the most reliable weapons in entire game and ammo issues for those exist only for first 30 minutes or so.

So like I was saying, you're a lying piece of shit.

They are good in mid game, where your rifles are already outclassed, but still no replacement comes for them, and energy weapons are still a joke.
DC made Heavy Weapons worth it by sheer virtue of all those perks, especially shreding armor rating for rest of the team.

In fact, in vanilla game the only thing that prevents Heavy Weapons from being good is the fact they can't be modified, so you end up stuck with that annoying X% chance of jamming. Nothing piss me off more than jammed gun, and Heavies cost a fuckload AP to unjam.

I beat the whole first game with my handgun user, user, and got almost twice as much kills with them than with the next highest scorer. I didn't even use 2 assault rifles most of the time.

I'm sorry you're bad, but that's not a lie.

Handguns are underpowered as main damage dealers, I won't deny that. But they're incredibly useful for mopping up since the other weapons will often not one-shot kill their enemies, but leave them with low enough health that they can be picked off with handguns.

ARs and snipers rule supreme even after the nerf. Pistols and shotguns are both shit in comparison.

Why ever making a character with more than 4 Int?
You literally don't need that at all, and going for 10 is just wasteful. 80% of gameplay is combat. You want to make good killing machines and spread all the non-combat skills all over the party, not just make a single skill-monkey that has abysmal combat statistics, because all spare points were put into Int.
Combat Initiative is by far the most important statistic, which means Awarness and Speed are the stats you want to look at. If it's going to be a melee, then Strenght helps too.

I don't feel like explaining it in 2k signs, since it's impossible, but go visit official Wasteland 2 forum run by inExile. There is a in-depth explaination how each point not put into increasing your Combat Initiative decreases your overall combat efficiency by roughtly 8.2%.
So at putting 6 points at Int you are 49.2% worse at combat, for literally no real gain, as by hitting Cali you will have all the important bases covered, especially with DC, as perks allow to save a LOT on Ass skills

>Still trying to convince anyone
Name me a gun you were using in Damonta.
Go on, entertain us.

>mfw my pistol user would steal 80% of the sniper's kills and just wreak havoc on the battlefield finishing people off.
Hey sniper rounds are expensive.

>S-stop it!
>Y-you are just bad
And you are a lying piece of shit, so? You literally can't use shotguns, but try to preach about pistols being useful. You scoff off AR, but try to claim handgun gave you most kills - by putting down people that miraculously survived a burst mode from assault rifle, I guess. You are trying to pretend handguns have any use at all in California, where basic enemy has higher armor than the best gun has armor penetration.

>You literally don't need that at all
Maybe not, but it's a great help for buffing up your auxiliary repertoire without having to depend too much on hired companions, which gives you more freedom. And yeah, 80% of the game is combat, but you don't need 5 superwarriors to beat them.

>Sniper took 95% of HP in single shot
>Pistol guy literally performed coup de grace with Mozambique drill
You are retarded on purpose?

Or just misrepresenting basic facts to try a story about superior handguns?

Ok, I agree. If you are not planning to hire NPCs, then 8 Int makes much more sense.

And it does make a difference, because certain parts of the game are frustrating when you suddenly realise your party is shit at fighting. Not unbeatable, but frustrating. With "superwarriors" they don't loose the challenge, but are no longer pain in the ass combined with constant reloading.

>Sniper rounds are expensive

That's literally NEVER an issue how much shit costs, because the moment you finally can buy things, you are hauling so much scrap and vendor trash with yourself, it's irrevelant. Upon hitting Citadel shop, you can equip entire party with M16 and buy enough bullets to all your weapons for the rest of Arizona.

I love when people tell you how you HAVE TO play in a roleplaying game


Why would you use burst mode? Incredibly wasteful the vast majority of the time and terrible at medium/long range. One AR round + 1 handgun round was all you need most encounters.

For someone calling others "retarded" you sure don't seem to be able to read.
I never claimed Handguns are the BEST weapon. I simply said they have a role they can be incredibly useful with. So yeah, instead of having to wait an extra turn and waste and expensive bullet to finish off what my sniper barely didn't, I can just walk up with my gunman and kill the leftovers from my sniper and ARs.

>>That's literally NEVER an issue how much shit costs
You are kind of a dumbass, you know that? I was not referring to sales price but scarcity and speed.
Instead of waiting for the enemy turns to pass, I have a character specialized in cleaning up what survives the big guns, not giving them that chance.

You should try it sometime, it was pretty great for me.

Yeah that entire part for your character bio to be filled out by yourself sure made a heck of an puzzle game out of WL2

Boy you do know that you come across like a huge autist don't you?

Arizona shotguns are shit. Once in California, you get access to shotguns capable of wiping entire group of enemies in single shot and you are at a stage of the game where you can spare points on secondary weapons without much fuss, so suddenly your melee guy can out of the blue pick up a Pancorn and turn few guys into mince.

Still, shotguns as anything else than mid-to-late game secondary weapons are shit. Unless Rose's Thorn counts as shotgun, then it's amusing early on. Shame it loses the use pretty quick, but at least you can get rid of it in Canyon.

>If there are skills and sheet to fill, then it's RPG
Let me guess - Diablo is an RPG, right? Because it has levels and shit.

Really good quirk but so fucking annoying to use.

Shame that serves absolutely no purpose in the game.
Just like literally everything else about your characters, aside their skills and stats.

Calling this game anything else than tactical shooter with RPG elements is a lie and you know about it. It's literally modern-day Jagged Alliance.

Almost all quirks are useless. This one included.

It's great if you wait for 2 levels worth of level ups, but since all characters level up at different rates and you can only level them up at once, it's an enormous annoyance to maintain.

Arisona is full of 8-10 armor enemies. Honestly, I never found a use for shotguns.

Never mentioned skills. Only mentioned the possibility to give your characters costum background made by yourself, if that's not roleplaying in your book then that's fine but please, don't parrot arguments that are 10+ years old.

It takes some planning but it definitely pays off.

California of course.

It does, and I won't deny those higher numbers give me a boner, but at the same time I felt like I was making the game noticeably less fun for myself.

Useful perks and for who:
Ascetic for anyone
Brittle Bones for sniper
Heavy Handed for melee guys
Psychopath for everyone and their dog
Twitchy for melee guys

Rest is completely useless or outright harmful. If you are a person that uses shotgun as primary weapons, then you can add Opportunist to the list, but it's so highly situational, it's useless 2/3 of the time, plus requires shotgun as primary weapon, making it shit by default.

I think you mean California.
And shotguns work just like I've described them - as secondary weapon you give to people who already leveled up the important things and now have spare points. Suddenly you gain a massive, extra punch for emergencies.

>on PS4
Lmao my dude.

Ascetic cuts a lot of helpful trinkets out. Sure, the gain from it is very, very good, but some trinkets are helpful to carry around for those special occassions when you need that extra +1 to important skill check and then instantly remove them, since the downside is even worse than the bonus.

Backup your saves.

ps4 versions has lots of crashes