
Do you seriously expect me to click on a video with such a sensationalist title?

Other urls found in this thread:


did you actually watch the video tho?

It's a fucking nigger. Fuck off to reddit.

Wii U has no gamez.

>shilling your channel

please go away

That intro was about eight seconds too long. No thanks.


Didn't even have to click the link and waste my time. Thank you.

No problem.
Hopefully I'll have saved everyone a click.

>ITT: Booty Blasted Nintoddlers

I don't trust black people when it comes to information.

>Already sold 2M units

Just shows what normalfags know which is nothing

Am I supposed to care about some no name channel with poorly photoshopped thumbnails?

>Is it going to flop?
If you have to ask this question at all, what do you think the answer is?

>with the games that you actually get - you only get to keep them for one month

Isn't the current Xbox live system the same?


>Beginning in July 2015, Microsoft announced the expansion of the Games With Gold program to officially offer two games each month for the Xbox One, just like with the Xbox 360. Each game will be offered for a full month, with one game being available from the 1st of the month until the last day of the month and the second game being available from the 16th of the month until the 15th of the following month.

Your shitty video was you being buttblasted for all the wrong reasons. Fuck nintendo but fuck you

>Sup Forums complains graphics standards are ruining gaming
>nintendo doesnt give a fuck about graphics and focuses on gameplay and story

wtf i love nintendo now


saved me time and a click too, lads

>a nigger opinon

I don't know shit about Xbox Live, but I assumed that it was like PS Plus. Available to download for a limited time, but as long as you snag it, you can keep it forever (or until your sub expires, in PS Plus' case). The way everyone's saying the Switch works is that you literally can't access after the month is over, which is ridiculous and pathetic.

>or until your sub expires
So basically fucking nothing.

>Have to pay to play online
>always have the games anyways
so basically fucking nothing

Who gives a FUCK about what this Sony faggot has to say? He's just a talentless gaming news channel who gets his news off N4G

>That clickbait

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