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I like to give every game a chance but this game gets worse the more I see.
The power of the ps4 is quite incredible, but these skyrim tier facial animations have nothing to do with the strength of the console or the game for that matter.
>from the developers of Killzone
Is this a cut Fresh Prince skit? Why were the laugh tracks cut?
I will, I'll kill myself! I'll kill myself before I hurt her!
>Horizonfags on literal suicide watch
It looks like the black chick is struggling to hold back a shit at the end
I wish this game had no narrative and was literally just hunting monsters
And my interest in this game just went to 0. Tired of "diversity" (niggers) being pushed on everything. Fuck off and die you degenerate faggots.
>x-ray vision is not casual enough
Who the fuck works on these games and doesn't commit suicide? Is this why sheeplike SJW retards are running the gaming industry now?
You're mad about black people and not how shitty it looks?
>I'm going to kill myself!
>The only voice that matters is mine, so no you don't
>Ok then.
Depictions of black people are literally destroying his culture.
You do realize black people actually exist right
just like leeches
I'm not mad there there is black people im mad that they are voiced by white people, that shit just looks lazy. If you're gonna be SJW friendly at least don't half ass it.
These character animations are worse than the tortanic. Even casuals are going to look at this and cringe.
This, I'm not one of those right wing autists that get pissy because there are non straight white males as characters in a game but for fucks sake it looks so cheap to see the black guy with awkward animations and a white accent
Dang sons, aren't you the ones with stereotypes now? Das racis'
Its a fantasy word, they could sound like donald duck and it would be entirely legitimate. Face it, you're homophobes.
Why are niggers so ugly goddamn.
Who wrote this shit
>Zelda killer, they said
Not only is the dialogue awful, but the voice acting is some of the worst I've ever listened to.
>this is the engine death stranding is meant to be on
J-japs will save us, r-right?
I'm still laughing at retards expecting something good for Guerrilla.
What does a game mechanic you don't like have to do with SJW retards? btw it's not x ray vision lol.
Yes, all the great reviews really upset me so.
Not even close No man's sky killer
this game is the battleborn of 2017
I think it's only bad because there was no mo-cap. Since they're mocapping Death Stranding it'll hopefully look fine.
please god
I'd rather play that Panther game over this shit
Damn I was so hyped for Horizon and I wanted to give the guys a chance. This is atrocious. I don't even care about the bad animation at this point, the script is so unbelievably bad. Who can seriously enjoy this dialogue and character interaction? I don't think this is even for the younger audience as when I was young I still cared about the story. It either had to be simple like Duke Nukem 3D or great like Metal Gear Solid. What is this shit?
Also why is she black when her brother is not? Are they not blood related?
No, it's the watchdogs of 2017
Jeez... not even our animation is that bad...
I-I mean- these guys are pretty lame. Fallout 4 looks amazing compared to this!
>People being euphoric when a game turns out to be bad.
You are awesome, Sup Forums, don't change, faggots retards.
You only hate it because you want to hate it.
Olaras face does look like she has few extra cromosomes, either that or she is missing couple.
>People shitting on horizon right now
How insecure can you be?
So what if the facial animation and the narrative seems meh as fuck.
Remember these are all automated facial animations. They aren't even cutscenes, they are just standard dialogue animations.
The rest looks top notch. Even The Witcher 3 on PC is nothing compared to the graphics of Horizon.
Totally feeling you. That one clip ruined it for me after all the hype I had. That was horrendous all around, nothing worked, not a single frame in that scene. It's mind boggling anyone would let that out.
holy shit is this Witcher 3?
um racist and sexist much?
Why are you hyped? It looked ok from the first trailer, but then right after they said it's an "RPG" game with crafting, pointless ubisoft tier open world and lots of "side activities".
Worst thing I saw was today, when they released 20 minute gameplay. Awful dialogues and animations, they opened the map and it was full, literally completely full of fucking item markers. Then they had a quest designer with them, and the fucking quest was to liberate a fucking zone of evil dinos. Then you had to kill them in another zone. Genius quest design!
Holy shit this looks like fucking ass
>"Damn, our characters aren't doing any facial expressions, I know! make their eyebrows spaz out to simulate what happens in real conversation! t-that is what happens, right?"
What a fucking floppy willy.
Indeed, right down to the UI
>implying SJW's "assistance" toward minorities isn't always half-assed
SJWS just tell other people they're being "mean' and go home.
It's okay, Todd, for once, you're actually right.
Still didn't play it.
13% of the American population are black. But if something isn't half black, half white and other than white cast they throw a fucking chimp fit.
Except this is just one random clip and isn't indicative of the entire game
And sonyggers think this will win against Zelda, ahahahahahahahaha. Poor bastards.
Why does everyone look so jerky? Like they all have low-key parkinsons and can't keep their fucking heads still?
This is a side quest tier part of the game. It says nothing about the games storyline or anything. Regardless the game itself wouldn't suffer even if the dialogue is bad.
The gameplay and the RPG elements are a lot more interesting to me. The presentation is also top fucking notch.
>they actually hyped this game on Sup Forums for months
>Being this insecure
Ah ah ah. Not so fast.
Thats some of the worst voice acting/scripting ive heard in a while.
Its like early 2000's jrpg english dub bad
>I'l follow you!
>Don't follow me!
>Ok then.
I think it'll be a decent game, but fucking hell... that voice acting. Christ.
This is RE1 tier voice acting. PS1, not REmake.
>I think it'll be a decent game
I'm curious to know what head trauma you've suffered to think this could ever be considered 'decent'. Are you by any chance a Ubisoft fan?
Just think it'll be fun. Nothing groundbreaking. I'll get it some time in the future, BotW is my priority
he's going to post the 9s and 10s this game will get, because of shitty vidyajournalism
>Its like early 2000's jrpg english dub bad
Is it worst then those dubs that one guy made using his family?
I can't tell what's worse, the voices, the writing, or the animations that go with them.
wait so did the guy jump?
im so confused
Holy shit those last seconds, I thought the game would go full Gary's Mod
that's an edit, right?
>Even The Witcher 3 on PC is nothing compared to the graphics of Horizon.
>Why are you hyped?
For some reason I can't post the webm so pic related. It just felt awesome and the gameplay mechanics during combat still looks promising.
>Except this is just one random clip and isn't indicative of the entire game
>This is a side quest tier part of the game. It says nothing about the games storyline or anything.
What are you talking about, the writing in this scene is so horrible it throws you out of the game. Yes the gameplay may be great (we still don't know if it's going to be repetitive) but this is just unacceptable for my standards. If they don't care THIS much I can't even imagine the main story having a good writing.
Just put 1+1 together my dude. John Gonzalez, the guy behind the stories of New Vegas and Shadow of Mordor is the lead writer for this. Coupled with this atrocity, do you think the script is going to be good?
Also I find a delightful irony in the fact Ashly Burch is VA for Aloy.
I can't really hold awkward dialog animations against them since plenty of other big name developers are failing at that same category.
What I don't get is why does this character's expression keep trying to reset to baffled disgust throughout the conversation.
I know this is a bait but I am a Sony fan and I don't want this game to win anything. I want to play quality games and if this game ends up being bad while still having awards the only people who'll suffer are players like me.
>it throws you out of the game
Okay time traveler.
Everytime someone says to put 1 and 1 together and then dictate that its shit because of very irrelevant game elements, puppies should be slow tortured to death.
But the black people told me race didn't matter as long as you got the best actor for the role.
Yeah I care about immersion and good writing. Just because those elements are not important to you doesn't mean they are irrelevant game elements. Not everyone is like you.
>dat fog
Is this Limbo?
>No, don't!
10/10, best dialogue, deep morals and choices
So The Last of Us must be your favourite game then?
It has weather. So sometimes limbo other times not so much.
It looks like a poor mans Witcher 3. Shit dialogue, shit animation, shit voice acting. Shit.
wat about the gaemplay tho?
this is forgivable,
Without giving it much thought I'd say my favourite games are Metal Gear Solid and the Burning Crusade expansion to WoW. One had great story and the other great gameplay back then. I could ignore the bad writing of WoW because I was focused on the online aspect and leading my guild in raids. However in a single player story driven game as Horizon I find the story a very important part of it.
Without memeing I think The Last of Us is one of the best single player games on the market so far, yes. The animations and attention to detail in character development is superb.
Sometimes, I remember how fucked up you Sup Forums shits are. Would you please go back there, and stop ruining this board?
Also MGS has not only great story but gameplay as well. It's a timeless classic imo.
literally historically accurate you mongloid
>Kojima is using this engine
Yeah I am sure that axe on his shoulder and all that armor along with the bear and the length of his sword that is missing a second one is accurate as well.
But the problem is you are not really shitting on the story, only the narrative.
Who knows maybe the story is awesome but all we have seen are half cringy animations and dialogues.
and that's why he can't be black?
I can accept that as a possibility since I don't really know if the story is good or not yet. Still doesn't make me any less disappointed after seeing this. I'll patiently wait for certain opinions before giving them my money.
how is this Sup Forums related? the animations look like dogshit
Those movement animations are fine. Did they outsource the cutscenes or something?
show your work
Have you really seen Witcher 3 on PC before saying such bullshit?
Yes i have. I haven't seen it on anything else as a matter of fact.
Not him but Witcher 3 doesn't look that good
the vegetation has like no shadows/ambient occlusion in it, looks fucking terrible
Wait does he actually kill himself in the end?
This is now a Fire Emblem thread
what a gay ass name
you probably get fucked in the anus